Author's Note: The last installment of our ficlet. Oh, and there is no battle of the five armies. It was just sometimes that didn', shall we say? So it's gone.

"Thorin, you're going to freeze out here. There's a storm approaching from what Gloin and Bofur said. It'd be best if you come inside," Bilbo said softly.

The dwarf king turned with a smile on his face, watching his One walk towards him, leaning on the crutch Bifur made him to get around while his feet healed from the wounds. It had taken him two weeks after Smaug was killed by Bard for his wounds to fully recover, and even then he had to walk delicately on his newly healed feet. He spent most of his time sitting in the common room of the Royal Chambers, reading through papers and treaties. It had taken them even longer to build up Bilbo's self respect once more. It would take more months, and possibly years for Bilbo to become the loudmouth, desperately respectable hobbit. Bilbo wouldn't look at any of the dwarves in the eyes for more than a few moments. His voice was quiet and frail, lacking any emotions except when he was talking to the Company. He would sometimes lose focus on the conversation, eyes glazed over with thoughts he shared to no one. Eventually, he would focus back and continue with the conversation as if nothing had happened.

The worst times were when he went to sleep. Some nights, nothing but Oin's sleeping drought could make Bilbo go to sleep. He would sometimes go days without sleep, only sleeping when Thorin held him, or he had at least two company members with him. There were nights when nothing could be heard but his screams and pleas. Fili and Kili had taken to talking with the hobbit until he fell asleep. Other nights, all Thorin could do was hold Bilbo against him as he pleaded with him not to hurt him further.



The dwarf turned his head downwards towards the hobbit. Bilbo's wide green eyes were full of understanding and sadness. Thorin knew that Bilbo felt bad about his emotional distress, and he quickly moved to quell his lover's feelings. Wrapping his arms around the hobbit, Thorin pressed his face into the ever soft curls. Realizing that what Bilbo was saying was being muffled by his coat, he reluctantly pulled away. "Yes?"

"I said we should get inside. The storm?"

"Are you happy?"

Bilbo stopped and sighed, looking away from Thorin over the fields that the terrace looked over. "I know, that things have been hard for me. Since Mirkwood...I haven't been the same. I can't look you in the eye most days and at night...I'm not stupid Thorin. But the dreams sometimes feel so real and I can see him and he's right there-"

"Bilbo, shush. He's not here, he's not here," Thorin whispered, taking the halfling back in his arms and calming him down.

"No, Thorin I need to say this." Bilbo took in a shaky breath as he took Thorin's face in his hands, staring into his deep eyes. "I will willingly go through all the pain that Thranduil gave me again if it meant that you and the company are safe. I would give my life for you Thorin. I almost did on occasion. I'm happy here more than I ever would be in the Shire. You make me happy beyond my wildest dreams. If I went back to the shire after what happened to me, let's just say I wouldn't have lasted long at all."

Hurling on before Thorin could speak, Bilbo said, "You know I'm right."

"Doesn't mean I won't now. You and the Company will definitely take care of me. I'm happy, right here and right now. With time, I'm going to get better."

"You will," Thorin vowed, brushing his lips across Bilbo's. "Come, let's get you inside before this storm hits. Bombur has probably made a feast for all of us."

Taking his halfling's hand, Thorin helped Bilbo along back into the mountain. Once inside, he lead Bilbo to where the others were gathered eating. The dwarf king knew that in the months ahead bilbo would slowly return to being the hobbit he once knew and continued to love. His pride would return to him, once Thorin got rid of some elvish pride on his own. Not that his One would know about it. No, Bilbo needed time to heal and recover and Thorin would give him the time he needed while he bides his time to take care of the elvish scum that dared laid it's hand on his hobbit.

"Thorin, stop plotting Thranduil's death and get over here."

As long as Bilbo didn't catch him. Which didn't appear to be going as well as the king planned from the glare sent his way.

If it was only a glare that Thorin got, a glare that reminded him his hobbit was coming back, then Thorin was going to plot some more.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the ending of this piece!