Hobbit kink meme fill:

Bilbo is a middle-age accountant whose nephew Frodo just got seriously sick. In order to save young boy's life Bilbo borrows money from one of the mafia families.

Latter when he discovers that there is really no way for him to save enough money to pay his debt back he is kidnapped and turned into Thorin's personal accountant. And Bilbo is fine with that (at least he's not tortured) but is it really necessary for him to live in Thorin's estate? and look after his nephews?

Hope this is up to what you expected :D


That morning, Frodo was meant to begin school. Though most children his age were all but excited by the fact that they would be forced to be learn the entire day, Frodo was mostly gleeful about it. Bilbo had expected to see his nephew beaming and already eating his breakfast, but when he entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see it empty.

That morning, Frodo was meant to begin school, to be as happy as any child should be, but rather than that, he was confined to his bed, incredibly pale and sweaty, moaning in pain all the while clutching his stomach. It had happened so suddenly and reduced Bilbo to a panicky mess. He had quickly driven Frodo to the hospital as to deduce the gravity of his situation.

"I'm afraid your nephew has leukopenia." The doctor said gravely, glancing quickly through the window where Frodo laid on a blank hospital bed. "Judging by his previous history at this hospital, he's been given chemotherapy regularly and the last time we heard of him was four months ago."

"Yes," Bilbo said, dropping his gaze to his feet in despair, "He had leukemia. Four months ago, we were told he wouldn't have to come to the hospital anymore and that he was all cured. We came by to thank the doctors that worked with him."

"The most common causes for leukopenia are due to recent infections, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, etcetera." The doctor proceeded to explain, "Now the effects of leukopenia are similar to anemia and the possible enlargement of the spleen can increase the destruction of white blood cells. Unfortunately, he has that which means his situation is much more critical."

"Can you save him?" Bilbo asked, losing hope as the doctor continued to explain Frodo's situation.

"Yes, we can." The doctor confirmed, "I'll go through the details of that with you in a moment, first I'd like to talk to you about the costs. Treating his leukemia wasn't a cheap thing and what I want to know is how you're doing financially. From what information we have on you, you're his uncle and you're raising him on your sole income and—"

"Please," Bilbo interrupted with bitterness, "I don't need another lecture on how Frodo's living conditions aren't the best. I'm not the richest man but I can manage."

"I'm sorry mister Baggins," the doctor apologized, "I didn't mean to condescend you, I just wanted to refer you to our special aid program for people in your situation. Would you like more information on it?"

"Y…yes please." Bilbo accepted with a sigh.

The doctor continued to speak and explain in great detail who he would have to see to discuss the specifications of the financial program the hospital offered and then proceeded to mention what would need to be done for Frodo. And though Bilbo did listen and retained some degree of information, the doctor's voice was practically muffled as his eyes rested on Frodo, sleeping in the room just next to them, hooked to beeping machines, the image of which occupied a significant part of his mind. And as a frown made itself evident on his face, Bilbo wondered what Frodo had done to deserve such a harsh treatment of life at such a young age.

His parents had passed horribly in a car accident from which he had barely gotten out alive, he had been forsaken by his godparents and adopted at the last moment by Bilbo himself, and then been diagnosed with leukemia three years later, just when he had begun to smile again. Frodo was only eight years old and Bilbo was now poor.

He didn't want to abandon his nephew like the rest of his family had. Bilbo wanted to care for Frodo and be the one on who he could rely. Bilbo wanted to give whatever he could to Frodo because the young boy deserved so much more than what he had been given thus far. And yet, it was so difficult to do so in his situation. Unless…

"You called?" Asked a suspicious looking man as he barged into Bilbo's work office. His hair was fashioned peculiarly; star shaped with no small amount of braids mixing themselves within the mop. He wore a scar just above his left eye as proudly as his tattoos on his bare arms. Other than that he was clad in leather and black fabric giving him a thieving air. All in all, he wasn't the type of man meant to be present in an accountant's office.

"Yes, I did." Bilbo confirmed, turning grimly to face his guest, "Nori; Dori's brother correct?"

"Aye," he confirmed, dropping down on the chair facing Bilbo's desk, "What do you want?"

"You've gotten out a week ago, right?" Bilbo asked partially wanting to make small talk all the while getting to what he truly wanted to discuss. He closed the door and the blinds as to avoid curious gazes and obtain the maximum of privacy, "From, prison, I mean."

"Aye…" Nori answered slowly, immediately on his guard.

"A-and what did you do exactly?" Bilbo stuttered nervously, "I-if you don't mind my asking…"

"I do." Nori stated with a frown, "What do you want?"

Bilbo sighed and rubbed his temples as though it would help him calm his nerve, "I just need to know one thing before we get to that." Bilbo stated and paused for a moment, considering what he was about to do. "You are indeed a member of the notorious Sons of Durin organization…aren't you?"

"You're too nervous and lanky to be a pig…" Nori mumbled to himself more than Bilbo as he examined the latter, "How do I know I can trust you? What do you want?"

"I-I…" Bilbo breathed in deeply, "I need a…I need a loan…"

"A loan?" Nori repeated with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes." Bilbo confirmed, "A big one."

"What for?" Nori asked curiously.

"I need to pay medical bills." Bilbo admitted in the hopes of appealing to Nori's sympathy, "My nephew's sick and I need a lot of money to…"

"How noble." Nori chuckled. "Most people we get asking for loans just want it for drugs."

"W-will you lend me the money?" Bilbo asked.

"Before we get to that, I have questions of my own." Nori declared, leaning forward with intrigue. "Why haven't you asked the bank for one?"

"I've already asked them for a lot." Bilbo said, "I had a horrible time convincing them to give the money needed to help him with his leukemia and I'm still not done repaying them."

"And they would refuse if you asked them for more." Nori nodded, "What about insurances?"

"Have you seen the state of my workplace?" Bilbo asked, and though he was feeling rather grim, he couldn't help but laugh, "I can't afford decent insurances and I would pursue them in a court of law if I could afford a lawyer for refusing to pay what was promised in our contract, but I can't."

"I see," Nori smirked, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest, "I'd ask about the financial aid program of your hospital but I'm guessing you've reasoned that it was just easier for you to approach the matter in a… darker way. Fine, you've convinced me. You'll get the amount you want from the Sons of Durin but you need to sign this contract before anything is decided for sure."

Nori pulled out a folded document from his pocket and slapped it on Bilbo's desk with a cocky smile. Bilbo took it slowly, and unfolded it, revealing its content.

"You're lucky I always carry three of these with me." Nori stated as Bilbo read through the conditions of the deal. "Most members don't… then again, most members don't get asked about loans as frequently as me."

He looked at Bilbo quizzically, wondering why he was still reading the impositions and not signing. When he found that Bilbo was oddly concentrated in understanding what he was reading and would take up most of Nori's time in reading the contract, he lost patience.

"Are you signing it or not?" Nori hissed, "I have things to do."

Bilbo jolted and debated briefly on whether he would sign the contract or not. It was his last moment to forget about everything and stay on the legal side of things; if he signed the paper he would have officially committed his first illegal act. And so, for a second, he thought about Frodo and all the boy had endured in his eight years of living and it was enough for him to sign without a second thought. If Frodo had continued on with his life after nearing death thrice and was in the process of a fourth, then Bilbo could commit an illegal act if it meant the end of his suffering.

It was for Frodo and that was all the justification he needed.

"Well," Nori said with a devilish grin as he tucked the contract away in his coat, "The Sons of Durin thank you."

It was only as Nori left the room, shutting the door ever so quietly behind him, that Bilbo realized just how grave a mistake he had made in trusting a band of criminals.

Okay so I'm getting a bit drowsy here but THANKS FOR READING :DD

This is meant to be the first of many chapters of this story but it will remain as so if no interest is shown for it xP

So if you liked this and want more, I suggest you review ;P