![]() Author has written 5 stories for Fairy Tail, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Frozen, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hello everyone who bothered to click on my profile. My name is DystopiaEmpire. I wanted it to be just Empire but that was already taken, so DystopiaEmpire it is. If you don't know, dystopia is basically the word for an imagined place where everything is bad or negative. I'm kinda sadisitc at times (I love horror and giggle over a good tragedy) so I thought it would fit. I like TV shows, books and anime (sorta) mostly, but give me any clever storyline and the media doesn't matter. I know a lot of people have been asking me to continue my Fairy Tail stuff, but, I'm sorry to say, it probably won't happen. I left the fandom for more mature shows and I doubt I'll come back any time soon. If you'd like to adopt one of my Fairy Tail stories, all you need to do is ask. Obviously, I also write for Hetalia and Harry Potter. Of course, everyone's read Harry Potter but just so you know, I hate Hetalia. Despise it. This doesn't mean I have anything against those who do watch the show, I simply couldn't get past it. What I do love, however, is the idea behind it. Countries as people? Brilliant! I'm surprised no one's thought of it before. I just can't stand how to the creator presented it. Anyways, I just write. You can read it, but you don't have to like it. And if you don't like it, why the fuck are you here? |