Monitors were screeching and beepers were sirens all through the small hospital just outside Windrake Falls. Nurses swarmed and a doctor arrived in the cramped room where Lila Evans was beginning to feel the conclusion of having a small child grow within her for nine months. This wasn't the first time her legs had been dangling from the stirrups, exposing her to the doctor who was patiently waiting to bring her child into the world...but it was her first time alone.
As she screamed painfully she recalled her first son Wesley who was waiting outside her room. She could see through the window that separated them that his eyes were filling with worry for her, tears brimming against his crimson orbs. He didn't know what was happening to his mommy.
Her thoughts were pushed hastily aside as another wave of pain shot through her body.
Damn, she thought to herself, this kid is just hell bent on making this as painful as possible.
Lila looked back at her son and thought with a twinge in her heartstrings how much he looked like his father. She knew the child she was birthing at the moment was going to be a boy as well.
I hope he looks more like me. She thought fleetingly.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" her screams filled the air as yet another contraction shook her senses.
After hours of labor and unsuccessful pushing on Lila's part, her son finally decided to make his way into the world. She panted heavily for a few moments, attempting to recover from the hours of exertion. She smiled sweetly as her son began to cry for the first time. Her vision was hazy with fatigue as they cleaned her baby, but she could sense an uncomfortable silence that was being passed around the room.
She began to worry and strained to look up. The crying had stopped and the doctor was wearing a strange expression on his face.
"Doctor?" Her voice sounded muffled in her pounding ears, "Is there something wrong?"
The doctor quietly handed Lila her newborn son and she took him in her arms lovingly before drinking in his sweet appearance.
Huh, she thought, a full head of hair. How strange for a newborn. Her hopes from earlier faded as she looked upon him. Spitting image of his father, his blood red eyes and silver hair were enough to pull a single tear from her eye.
God I miss Charles so much.
She looked up when she heard the door opening and her small three year old Wesley cautiously poked his head into the room.
She wiped away the tear that had begun to run down her cheek before addressing her first-born.
"Come here Wesley! Look at your new baby brother!"
He smiled and made his way over to his mothers' bedside.
"Are you hurting momma?" his voice filled with concern.
"No sweetheart momma is just fine." she smiled sweetly in reassurance.
She felt her baby stir in her arms and turned her attention towards the gurgling infant.
"I think I'm going to call you Ethan." she proclaimed with a satisfied nod.
Really I don't know what these people are so worked up about. It's not uncommon for a baby to be born with a full head of hair. He's perfect.
She looked down and smiled at Ethan, and for a moment he attempted to mimic her expression. She laughed, watching baby Ethan try to smile. And after a few seconds of struggling, he did. She sucked in a short breath and her eyes grew wide when she saw the teeth. All fully formed...and razor sharp. A sinking feeling sat deep in her stomach
Oh god what is wrong with him? She thought with a shudder.
His grin was almost...maniacal.
He started to cry as he sensed her uncomfortable aura and instinctively felt the need to protect himself. She watched as his chubby arm transformed into a blade.
Lila let out a blood curdling scream before fainting dead away.