Author has written 12 stories for Doctor Who.
6th of February, 2016
Stories/profile usually updated: Sun 8pm PT - Mon 8pm PT* Check back weekly.
*(Profile also typically updated other random times a story is posted/updated)
I just learned there will be NO NEW Doctor Who until next Christmas! And then no new real episodes till sometime in 2017. In addition, those of us in the United States are losing out ability to stream the series on both Netflix and Hulu Plus, with only limited availability on Amazon.
So knowing we will all need our Doctor Who fix, I will try my best to get better at writing more regularly. This has to be done in the midst of full time work and family life, but I will re-adjust my leisure time accordingly.
I am starting on writing the next chapter this weekend!!! I am working much slower now, but slow and steady wins the race.
I am so anxious to return to this. I really miss this version of the Doctor, Rose, and Jack and I can't wait for others to learn more of their story. I will do that once I finish ATGB (or at least get another chapter done!)
Though I am dedicated to finishing my above works, now and then I need a little distraction. If you have a song title you would like me to use as the basis of a Nine/Rose or Team Tardis fic, send me a personal message with the song title and artist. I will listen and read the lyrics and see how it inspires me. It may be the title alone that I use, or I may use the entire song as inspiration. If I use your song, I will be sure to give you a shout-out. :)
Don't Forget:
Every time I post a new story or chapter I come back and update my profile. And if I am back actively writing I also try to do so weekly based on the schedule above. And this also includes editing and adding to the info below this top update
Shout-out to my BETA!
IdrisTheTARDIS314 is still on board to be my beta. Still hashing out those details.
I vow that unless I become physically or mentally incapable, no matter what obstacles get in my way (and I have had some rather serious ones in the past), to finish what I start. Sometimes I start a new project, detour with a one-shot, or take a hiatus, but I always come back to the others. I also vow to keep you updated with this profile roughly once a week (when not on hiatus).
Follow me on Twitter for other updates and fun: @BlueStoneWolf And try @PackOfGeeks for fandom fun with my family. (How's that for alliteration?).
I am always in need of random place and people names. So if you want yourself or a loved one (or a loved place) to be referenced, message me, and I will put you on a list to be used. Last names are especially useful or else my characters will start sounding like they came out of my high school yearbook!
NO guarantee HOW I will use your contribution. Your favorite town could end up a slimy bog, so keep that in mind. (Or else tell me NOT to use it as a slimy bog or aunt Ethel as an evil monster.)
I am also always in need of game ideas for Team Tardis Game Night. So if you have an idea for that or any other one-shot or short story, feel free to message me. I will even do one as a gift for you or a friend.
My name is Blue Stone Shining Wolf.
Though not on my birth certificate, it's part of me and I answer to it. Any fan references are a bonus! You can also call me BlueWolf if you want.
I have always been a writer, but I owe a lot to my friends.
In addition to writing my own stories, I had two friends with whom I would write collaborative stories and poems. We would also read and edit each other's works. While I stuck with original stories, my friends also wrote about Star Trek and other shows. Years later I learned that this was called fanfiction. While I still write original works, writing and reading fanfiction has become a rewarding pastime.
I write in memory of my sister-by-heart.
On the 21st of June, 2014, my best friend and sister-by-heart unexpectedly left life far too early. She was my muse, inspiration, and one of the two people who made me the writer I am today. So now I write in her honor. All my multi-chapter works and most of my smaller ones include an homage to her (including references to loved ones). Some of these are mentioned in author notes, others are between me and her memory.
Dearest "Captain Kate": Thank you for who you made me to be. I have been, and always shall be, your friend.
I have many fandoms.
Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Call the Midwife, Downton Abbey, Harry Potter, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Firefly, Star Trek, and Once Upon a Time just scratch the surface. I love sci-fi, fantasy, and superheroes (primarily Marvel) but also appreciate historical fiction, musicals, and classics like Shakespeare and Jane Austen. (The latter set is often alluded to in my stories.) I am a fan of YA literature, and my original works are YA (mostly fantasy/dystopian.) This is why I tend to write with ratings Teen or under.
I tend to use song titles as story titles.
My love for music crosses many genres. The song titles I chose (and sometimes the lyrics) will tie into the story, so I encourage you to look the songs up.
I research thoroughly for my stories.
I read a lot about the the history, science, culture, language, location, and other details I use in the stories. While I use some artistic license, I do my best to be accurate (or, since I deal in sci-fi/fantasy, at least plausible). I often put information about the things I have researched in the footnotes.
I am a perfectionist.
I proofread each chapter several times before posting, but often catch minor errors right after posting. So if you read my story within an hour of it being posted, know that I am still making revisions. I even catch and correct minuscule errors months later. If I make any significant changes I will mention it at the beginning of a new chapter.
I will finish every story I start.
I try to post updates between SUNDAY 8pm and MONDAY 8pm. (Pacifc time)
My goal is to not let more than two weeks elapse between posting something. Because I must balance writing with real life, the above may not always happen. Still, I will finish what I start.*
I alternate updates among my three ongoing stories (usually two chapters of a story in a row) and may sometimes throw in a one-shot or drabble if I need more time to work on a chapter. So if you follow me and not just the stories, you will catch the little stuff as well. I will keep you informed with my progress at the top of my profile.
*Calendar Girl will stay on the back-burner until I complete As Time Goes By.
Eventually I would like to write for a variety of fandoms, however...
Therefore, Doctor Who stories are what I have posted so far.
I am an all-eras fan, but I adore the Ninth Doctor. He was my first Doctor, is my favorite Doctor, and I wish we got to see more of him. Therefore my stories so far have been Nine. But I also love Ten, enjoy Eleven, and Twelve has moved up to very close second place for me. So I like to create scenarios that do not meddle with their story lines.
That doesn't mean that every story will be a romance. I also love adventures and Jack/Nine/Rose friendship stories. I may even dabble outside the Ninth Doctor from time to time.
Unless otherwise stated, my Ninth Doctor Stories fall within my personal Apocrypha Novem Whoniverse (see Rule Number Five below). Within that is the Team Tardis Game Night Series, short fun fics that can be read in any order.
I welcome suggestions and challenges, especially for one-shots and the Team Tardis Game Night Series. Feel free to PM me.
Completed Stories- Team Tardis Game Night Series:
The Game of Love Hearts - Holiday-themed one-shot. Posted on Valentine's Day 2014, this was my first Doctor Who story for fanfiction.net. Super Powers - 100 word drabble. Conversation between Jack and Rose Applejack - Autumn based fluffy one-shot from Jack's point of view Storyline - A two-chapter Valentine's themed competition. (For my one year anniversary) Play the Game Tonight - Introspective yet fun one shot from the Doctor's point of view Do You Want to Build a Snowman? - Winter fun on the Tardis from Rose's point of view Completed Stories - Other:
I Create Myself - One-shot focusing on a phrase from Parting of the Ways. A Christmas To Remember -Short romance story based on a Christmas song. Set in December 2014 with a human Nine . (Not within the Apocrypha Novem Universe) In-Progress stories:
The Way We Were - Started Feb 17, 2014 - Emotional A/U novel (see Rule Number Two below). Calendar Girl - Started Feb 23, 2014 - Series of holiday-themed adventures in a loose novel form. As Time Goes By - Started May 2, 2014 - Story based on a line from "The Long Game" but takes place in Series 4. In the works (in my head or partially written, but not uploaded):
Interludes - series of one shots that explore the growth of the Ninth Doctor through adventures and small moments that are mentioned in Season 1 but never seen. A place for the extras that do not fit any existing works. (Was called Starting Over) Better Than I Used to Be - season 1 from Jack's POV (and maybe season 2 appearances) and will contain original adventures from the other stories. Long Long Journey - Set between Boom Town and Bad Wolf. Team Tardis travels take a twist. Difference of Day and Night - first in a series for MetaTen(TenToo)/Rose in which TenToo is much like the Doctor Rose first remembered. Spin-off series with as much adventure as the original DW. (But how can you NOT do the romance too?) But I will not start that until one of my other novel length stories are nearing an end. NON Doctor Who Works in Progress:
If the Shoe Fits - Scarecrow and Mrs. King Fanfic that fits between the third and fourth season. Not online yet. I am waiting till one novel lengths is completed. MY DOCTOR WHO STORY RULES
Rule Number One
The Doctor Lies
No wait--wrong list! Let's try that again.
Rule Number One
The television series is canon and the basis of my fanfictions.
I honor the television episodes even when not completely fond of them. I use the TARDIS Data Core as an added reference and to help smooth out canon plot holes. I pick and choose from other media forms (novels, audio, etc.) and fanon at my discretion. (For example: I am not a fan of looming, there is NO WAY in my mind that the Tardis makes the sound "Vworp," and I have my own ideas on Time Lord sleep.) Sci-fi/adventure and humor is part of Doctor Who. This means danger, adventure, ridiculous-yet-still-awesome monsters, and a few laughs will usually be present in my stories, not just romance. I love using Classic Who elements to give depth to my stories. I also make in references to other NuWho episodes beyond the Doctor's era I am writing about. I honor canon "ships." So if you hate Nine/Rose or Ten/Rose, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This pair was endorsed by show runners and even Eccleston himself. However, unrequited shipping might be explored. Bottom Line - you should be able to fit most of my stories within the known Whoniverse without too much mind-bending. I love stories that explore other ideas, but that is not usually my focus. Rule Number Two
There are always exceptions to Rule Number One
Alternate Universes are part of Doctor Who canon, including includes parallel universes. All bets are off in alternate universes, but characters should stay true to their core nature. If the AU situation springs from a canon story, characters should be able to fit back in their proper places in the episodes - whether they ultimately do or not. Pete's World storylines start from where Davies left them. This includes the chunk of Tardis he says counts. I mostly follow the head canon laid out by Who-ligan as my basis. Challenges, drabbles, holiday stories, one-shots, etc. may be more fluff-based or AU. Rule Number Three
Maturity Ratings are similar to the television series.
Stories will be as "family appropriate" as the show in its most current season. Language, violence, and suggestions of adult content will match what is seen there. Most content will be either K plus or Teen. Warnings will be placed on chapters with adults being...adult, but details would primarily be in the lead-up. Captain Jack will continue to flirt, date, and "dance," but unless I write a Torchwood story, we will not see his "dancing." Rule Number Four
Since Doctor Who is a British series with a huge international audience, and because many fanfiction readers are American, I strive to make my stories feel British while still being understandable to Americans.
I am an American Anglophile and I make all attempts to be accurate with British culture, history, and word usage , but I will undoubtedly get some things wrong. So please be understanding. I write using mostly American grammar and spelling, but there are some words for which I favo(u)r a British spelling (e.g. theatre, parlour, dialogue, programme, and grey). Since the characters are basically British (even the Doctor, whether he admits it or not), I do my best to use British vocabulary in dialogue. This often carries over to the narration because it is often a description of a character's thoughts. I try to use British words that are well known to Americans or can be easily deciphered by context (e.g. flat, lift, trainers, chemist, and football). If not, I add a clarifying word or use a word used on both sides of the pond, even if it is less common in the UK. I write the Doctor's ship as "Tardis" because (like laser and scuba) it is an acronym that has become a word in its own right. Plus it's easer! There appears to be no standard consensus on this (http:///wiki/TARDIS), so let's share the Whovian love on this one. Rule Number Five
Unless otherwise stated, all Ninth Doctor era stories fit within my personal Apocrypha Novem Whoniverse. Anything outside canon stated about the characters would be true in all the stories, and there may be passing spoil-freee references.
Rule Number Six
I can break any rule I want at any time I want. "Good men[/women] don't need rules!"
TiaKisu's Bright are the Stars series - Meta!Nine in Pete's World. (Takes Tens's comment about the Meta Doctor being him when Rose met him, quite literally.)
Montana's Parallax series - Rose travels with Pete's World's version of Nine. She has stopped writing for now because of a busy schedule, but read what she has already anyway.
Chaosversestories - AU story about Ten/Rose. On livejournal. There is some MA content. If that bothers you, it is still worth skipping over the racy parts to read the story. (FYI - the link to Chaosverse starts at the last chapter, then you have to click back to the beginning.)
YoungWhovianGirl - This rec is pure nepotism. She is my daughter and her name is exactly what it says on the tin. She's still learning, but I want to encourage her potential. If you have time to read one of her short stores and leave a review, and even some gentle tips in the spirit of writers helping writers, it'd be great. Thanks a million.
I also manage a community called The Days of Nine and Roses with TiaKisu and Montana. So check that out as well.
Favorites - Since my favorite Nine/Rose fics are in the above community, my Favorites list consists mostly of stories that will not fit there. (Other Doctors, not Doctor Who, etc.) So the Nine/Rose fics in my Favorites list are the very favorites of those.
I hope you enjoy my stories. I enjoy writing them for you. I love reviews and will always try to respond back and read some of your stories as well.
And remember: "We're all stories in the end. Just...make it a good one."