Author has written 3 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Hello all.It has come to my attention just how deeply the powers that be that run this website have injured several of my friends, in regards to their policy of fic deletion. You know what I'm talking about. Furthermore, I am hardly involved in writing fanfiction anymore, at least fanfiction of the sort that is accepted on this site. Sorry, but I've moved on to greener pastures. like smut. and RPS. So I won't be hanging around much anymore, if indeed I decide to stay at all. To everyone who's reviewed by work in the past, for good or ill, I thank you. You've helped me to grow as a writer and without comments and crit none of us would ever accomplish anything. So. Catch you on the flip side, kids. I'm still going to write more WFA. Just wait until I get back to campus. ^_^. ~August |