Reviews for Comfort
MaySprings chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
I don't know how you can write this filth, it's disgraceful, and wrong, and you're a terrible human being... ;P sorry, couldn't resist, the issue with putting a warning to flamers at the bottom is it's the last thing I read before I hit review :P. On a slightly less sarcastic note, that was fab, I'm not quite sure where my love for this pairing came from but it's now fully ingrained, and that was great, the emotions were so raw you had me on the verge of tears once or twice, and you kept Jack so wonderfully Jack, thank you, for making me smile :) x
Liveforthemoments chapter 1 . 10/31/2007
Like Jack referring to Norrington as 'love'

Love the interaction

Adore Norrington not knowing what to do afterwards and settling for holding out his hand

Very nice fic
Falcon's Jade chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
Wow, er...are you continuing this? Please do!
Seom chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
thinofsubstance chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
So I wasn't originally going to review-I like your story very much, it's pulled off extremely well, but I'm not a big PotC fan-but then I saw your author's note and couldn't resist.

I happen to be in Provincetown at the moment, and while I (obviously) have my computer with me, I am in the habit of watching Law & Order and reading slash fics.

Sorry, the coincidence amused me.

Loverly story!
AmeliaMC chapter 1 . 1/15/2006
I love it when they're desperate, the best snogging happens. Very good!
Q chapter 1 . 11/9/2005
I love this story and the mental picture of Norrington crying.

It's been ages since you first posted this up so I suppose it would be stupid of me to ask for a second chapter, but if you ever get the urge to write one, I wouldn't object.
A Very Annoyed Individual chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
Okay. I wasn't originally going to review this story, although it's quite good. I thought Norrington was slightly ooc, but it just made the story more plausable.

Anyway, I read your author's note about homophobes and wondered if any would actually have the courage to leave a review. I read the first page of reviews, and this one, by call-me-what-u-want, bothered me:

"Why haven’t you reviewed back yet? Sorry I forgot.

Well heres some things you should know.

reviews are too long; people aren’t going to bother to read them.

your spelling.

3.I’m not 2 or 12, I’m 13 and a half, I only said I was a child to see your reaction.

friends and myself are quite good at writing stories; one of our stories is already 500 pages and still counting.

5.I do try my best when I write this story and it means a lot to me.

6.I’m aloud to put up my story just like you can put up yours (This website is free).

one actually cares about grammar and neither do I.

, you should never ever use Jesus’ name in vain specially to a strong catholic, I believe its called blasphemes

You are extremely ignorant and selfloving. You have insulted many things and should apologize to me.

First of all, when I wrote stories, I enjoyed getting long reviews. Next, from #7, she (or he) has NO reason to complain about spelling. Third, well-who GIVES a damn about ages? And if one is trying to prove age, the whole half thing is annoying and childish. Also, the length of the story has nothing to do with how good it is. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. For 5 and 6-well, for starters, the aloud should have been allowed, and people are allowed to voice their own opinions about stories. This isn't one. This is a rant about hurt feelings. As for 7-oh boy. Whoever said this was DEAD WRONG. Bad grammer is a major turnoff. And 8? If you believe in your religon, good for you. Not everybody does. According to the constitution, this is not a religious country. According to everthing else-well, let's leave my political opinions out of this. Lastly, you (being Jehan's Muse) are not ignorant. Any self-love is justified. But I liked the last sentence. It amused the shit out of me.

Right. Your story. Like I said, amazing. Why even bother with het?
Chemistry chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
ARGH...i bloody luv this slash stuff..cant get enough of it! hehe...banging story there ya got
Nea Syzitisi chapter 1 . 9/9/2004
heh. stupid slash-haters. they say it makes them sick, but then they go on and read it anyway lol. good story.
Wynjara chapter 1 . 9/8/2004
Aw. I presume they eventually get out, of course- it *is* Jack, after all.
Anore of the Night Sky chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
I feel bad about having to say this. Hm... um well, I think you where a bit off of Norringtons character. From what I gather from the movie, he is the type who would die for his honor, and never break down untill he was compleatly alone. I say this becouse in the movie, he showed no hesitation about facing undead pirates, in fact he lead the charg. Dousnt that show a couragous person? So a little tourture wouldnt shake him all that much. Also it was alitle rushed. It seems, in the movie, that he was courting Elizabeth for quite some time before he actually made a move, so wouldnt it make sense that it would take more than a few kind words to invade his personal space? Besides that I believe it is a wonderfull piece of writing, oh and I am not Homophobic, I have always supported gay rights.

With respect...

Anore of the Night Sky
JabberW00kie chapter 1 . 7/16/2004
Very nice! I'm normally not a huge slash fan, I'm not a.. what was the phrase that you used...? "homophobic slash flamer," (That cracked me up, by the way. GAY RIGHTS! WOOT!) of course, but I normally don't read male/male stuff. And I've never seen this pair as even mildly plausible. However, you've done it in a way that actually seems to work. . Amazing! You did a very good job of having Norrington be 'needy' without twasting him into a total wuss. Very good! (By the way, I read a rather odd review for one of your fics. Sounded completely unrelated to your story. You can complain to , if they're harrasing you.) Thanks for writing!
pirategrrl chapter 1 . 5/22/2004
very cute, would like more of it :)
Mr. Cotton's Parrot chapter 1 . 5/3/2004
This is freaking awesome! They're both written in character to a T, which can't be said for almost every other fic on this site. And yes, homophobes suck. I love this story!
~Mr. Cotton's Parrot
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