Author has written 3 stories for Kingdom Hearts, and Fruits Basket. Quote of the Month/week : That turtle took no jiiive from him! Personal quote: 'let us all dances with bishies on this merry day' 'TIS I MY FRIENDS I FINALLY LIVE! AND i don't like my stories! THEY SUCK! aah well...maybe I suck. but now i am a staff member of THE C2 COMMUNITY FRUITS BASKET BASKET AND YUKI AND KYOU SHOUNEN AI FANFICTION MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And i have no talent! o Yet people seem to like me, odd, yes very odd indeed ponders And i get reviews from top authors, and i love them so - So to all my good reviewers big hugs so there ya go _ Fanki-Dateotoko Here is some stuff about ME! curently obsessed with: LOVELESS keeps listening to: DNAngel music Location: somewhere in England Nicknames: Sunie-chan (soo-nee!), Sunadokei, SuSu, Moosey, Squishums(don't ask) etc... Obsession(s): Yaoi, drawing, surfin' the 'net, anime/dog/wolfy/cat people, eating suger, BL, living inside my mind (YAY!), yaoi, complaining about how crap some things in the world are, BL,CHEESE! etc Eye colour:a sort of freaky blue it has an orange tint at the top!The orange is taking over!NOOOOOOO! Well, THAT just sounded stupid -.-; Gender: i be A GIRL BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... Likes: BL, Yaoi, cheese, suger, manga/anime, good authors/artists, . Hack! Naruto! Fruits Basket! Gravitatoin! Eerie Querie! Pita10! Demon Diary! DNAngel! i could go on but then i would be boring. Dislikes: Yaoi haters! when things i do go wrong! When i try really hard and no one likes my work! Being ill! People who are abusive to my friends, HOMOPHOBES, people who are genaraly jerks and should get a royal butt kickin'! When certain people who don't like Yaoi assume that those who do like it are stupid/evil and do not like HET pairings!WHAT ARE YA! STUPID! and again i could go on but then i'd be boring! My ultimate fave games are: FFvii, FFiii FFX FFX-2, KingdomHearts, Teken-Tag, DevilMayCry, Dead or Alive, SoulCalibur2 (go fighting games!) blah blah blah- ultimate fave pairings: RikuxSora(KH) YukixKyou HaruxKyou YukixHaru YukixKyoxHaru .~(FB) EirixShuichi(Gravitation)EclipsexRaenef (DemonDiary)DaisukexSatoshi DarkxKrad -(DNAngel)HasanumaxMitsuo (EerieQueerie)HedekixChi (chobits)TidusxYuna _(FFX-2), KazahayaxRikuo (LegalDrug) SoubixRitsuka (Loveless) YoruxRan SoraxSunao (Sukisyo) KaworuxShinji (Evangelion) YuurixWolfram (Kyo Kara Maoh)and more to come! Fave bands: i listen to the randomness things! whatever comes to mind O_O Anime/Manga:Dragonball, Tenchi, OutlawStar, GundamWing, Fruits Basket, Gravitation, Deamon Diary, .Hack, .Hack//Sign,Eerie Queerie, Chobits, Pita10, DNAngel, Angelic Layer, Tokyo Babylon, ComicParty, Legal drug, Naruto, Hyper Police, Lagoon Engine, FAKE, Fairies Landing, Rave Master , Chrono Cruisade, Vampire Game, NOIR, Gamerz Heaven, Only the Ring Finger Knows, Detective Loki, Loveless, Sukisyo, Kyo Kara Maoh, Evangelion, R.O.D, FMA ya know stuff like that Read ma friends fics pwease, they are BlueEyedDemon1 and PapouMonkey k? (does back flip)( fails)( breaks back) COMING SOON: SOMETHING I HAVN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT YET! I APOLOGISE FOR NEVER UPDATING PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I shall go explode for you i am in a permenant writers block soooooooo i suck . |