Poll: Which story would you like to see a sequel to? Vote Now!
Author has written 12 stories for Drakan, Terminator, Warhammer, Breakdown, Dawn of the Dead, Fallout, Mass Effect, Pitch Black / Riddick, Elder Scroll series, Tomb Raider, Blade, Halo, Firefly, Far Cry, and Underworld. Per the results of the recent poll, I have begun work on Cry of the Tomb Raider. For those interested, I should have the first chapter posted by this time next month. I anticipate the story being around 5 chapters long at 10K words per chapter. Plans change though so don't hold me to that. As always, to my readers, I hope you continue to enjoy my works! Status Update: I have dropped the ball. Work and various other IRL inconveniences have conspired against me. Unfortunately, while I have the basic plot outline in my head, I have yet to type one letter of actual story. That changes this week. I feel the burn of fiery resolve within me and I'm going to start churning out material. Sorry for the wait and thanks for sticking with it! |
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