Author has written 2 stories for Halo, Young Justice, and RWBY. Name: Harold Nationality: British Age: 21 Job: Barman Favorate quotes "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Optimus Prime-Transformers "Stand fast, stand strong, stand together." Admiral Steven Hackett-Mass Effect 3 "Never in the corse of human history has so much been owed by so many, to so few" British PM Winston Churchill-WWII "You have one chance, just one chance, to tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never take OUR FREEDOM!!" William Wallace-Braveheart. "Come on you apes, you wanna live forever?!?!" Lt Johnny Rico- Starship troopers "Stand on the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matters." Commander Javik-Mass Effect 3 "What is better: to be born good, or to overcome your evil with great effort." Parthunaax-TES V Skyrim. Favorate Movies Action-Pacific Rim, Terminator II, Olympus has Fallen. The Avengers, Godzilla Comedy-The inbetweeners Movie, hotshots, Police academy I-V War- Full Metal Jacket, Heartbreak Ridge, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart Drama/Storytelling-The Railway Man, The Lovely Bones, The Shawshank redemption Sci-FI- Star Wars III-VI, Star Trek (2009 reboot), Halo Forward Unto Dawn, Starship Troopers, District 9 Horror- Ha! Not F*cking likely Movie I like that everyone else absolutely hates: Man Of Steel Movie I hate that everyone else absolutely adores: Batman Begins Top 5 film characters 5:The Joker (DK),4:Red (Shawshank), 3:Dom Torreto (F&F), 2:Gypsy Danger (PR), 1:GODZILLA! (Three guesses...) Favorate Games 1st Person: Halo series, CoD 1/2/4/5, TES V Skyrim, Half life (episodes included.), Portal 3rd person: Mass Effect series, GoW series (excluding Judgement), Arkham Asylum, Spiderman 2, Crash Bandicoot series, Spyro series, Tomb Raider(reboot) RTS: Halo wars, Civ 5 (G&K, BNW included) MMORPG: detest thier existance RPG:Dragon Age 1, Mass Effect 1 Horror:Silent Hill 2, Metro 2033, Slender Indie:Minecraft, Fez Game I like that everyone hates:Aliens Colonial Marines Game I hate that everyone adores:GTA V Top 5 video game characters: 5: Kenny (TWD), 4:Femshep (ME), 3:John-117 (Halo), 2:Garrus Vakarian (ME), 1:Ellie (TLoU) Favorate shows Documentary:Air Crash Investigations, Seconds From Disaster, Aftermath Drama:The Walking Dead, Sea Patrol, Game of thrones Crime:Hawaii Five-O (reboot), Bones, Law and Order SVU Sci-FI: Doctor Who (spinoffs included), Firefly, Star Trek TNG, Falling Skies Comedy:How I Met Your Mother, Blackadder, Two and a Half Men (Post Sheen) Anime/Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), Yu-gi-oh (Gx included), soul eater, SAO Web Shows:Red vs Blue, RWBY, Arby and the Chief, Sonic for Hire, MK legacy Show I like that everyone hates:Defiance Show I hate that every one adores: braking bad Favorate show characters: 5:Leo "Two Dads" Kosov-myier, (SP), 4:Arya Stark (GoT) ,3:Pvt. Caboose (RvB), 2:Yang Xiao Long (RWBY), 1:Ruby Rose (RWBY) Celebrities-Youtubers included Favorate Actors-Morgan Freeman, Jim Carey, Heath Leadger(RIP), Liam Neeson, Sean Connery Favorate Actress-Kira Nightly, Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johanson, Jen Taylor, Jennifer Hale Favorate singers(M): Bare Naked Ladies, Eminem, Elvis, Elton John, Queen, The Beatles Favorate singers(F):Casey Lee Williams, P!nk, Adele, Alicia Keyes. Favorate Youtubers(M): PEWDIEPIE, Total Biscuit, Yahtzee Crowshaw, Xbox Ahoy, Jesse Cox, Lalna,Sjin,Xephos & Honeydew, Tobuscus, Bob Chipman,ANGRY JOE,Slo mo guys, Buckley Favourite Youtubers(F)-Dodger,Lisa Foils,Falicia Day,Lomadia, Zoeyproasheck,Nanosounds,Lidsey Stirling,Cutiepie Martzia Favourate YouTube Groups:Yogscast, Polaris,Rooster teeth Youtuber I like that everyone hates:N/A youtuber I hate that everyone adores:SMOSH RANDOM TOP FIVES AIs: 5:T-100 (T2 JD),4:Data (ST:TNG),3:Hal 9000 (2001:SO),2:EDI (ME), 1:Cortana (Halo) Guns: 5:Springfield .30-06, 4:L85A2/SA80, 3:H&K MP5, 2:STG-44, 1:AK-47/74 swords: 5:Japanese Katana, 4:Chinese Dao, 3:French Rapier, 2: Turkish-Mongrel Sabre, 1: Scottish Claymore Whiskies: 5:Bruichladdie, 4:Jamesons, 3:White & Mackies, 2:Famous Grouse, 1:Isle of Jura Fictional places: 5:Rivendale (LotR), 4:Skyrim (TES:V), 3:Beacon Academy (RWBY),2:Citadel (ME), 1:Blood Gulch/Halo 04 (RvB/Halo) DC Characters: 5:Aquaman, 4:Green Arrow, 3:Batman, 2:Nightwing, 1:Deathstroke Marvel characters: 5:Deadpool, 4:Kitty Pryde, 3:Loki, 2:Iron Man, 1:Black Widow FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTH!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England) Anime895(USA), Starwatcher-shadow (Belgium), icyprincess1 (USA), Marshmellowtime (USA), Fury-Writer-17 (USA) Verdigurl ( New Zealand ) justiceintheworldofhp-yearight (USA), IronhideFan1993 (UK) Elhini Prime (USA), coppa-cola (USA), aspiringactor (Canada), BioshockerN7(USA), Anime PJ(UK), Firem78910(venezuela), Hazzamo (Scotland). I HOPE THAT THIS HAS PUT SOME INSIGHT INTO MY LIFE HAZZAMO OUT |