Authors Note
Hello readers! I sincerely apologize for the long while without any news or word from me. I typically like to keep people in the loop when things like this happen, but I just didn't get to it. I'm not going to make excuses and justify myself. I'm just going to come right out and apologize for that.
Next, I have news to deliver about the story. I hate to deliver bad news but I don't see myself completing it. There are a few reasons for this. I have been working full time and been going to university, so I don't have a lot of time to devote to a lengthy story. I burned myself out by trying to get a chapter out every week and in my opinion the quality suffered. This started as something that I enjoyed doing, but eventually it turned into a chore and something that I had to do instead of something that I wanted to do.
On top of that, I really fell out of My Hero Academia all together. It was never my favorite anime and to be honest I think that I just wanted to write something after watching the fourth season. As a protagonist, Deku isn't my favorite. I think he had great character development up until just after the tournament arc, then after that his character kind of stagnated. To the point where he was winning every fight with the power of friendship (looking at you Muscular). But I don't want to get into that debate because that will certainly get me flamed into oblivion.
Also, looking back, my story didn't exactly go where I wanted it to. At some point I lost sight of what I was trying to do with Deku's character and just went with the canon version of him, which isn't what I wanted. This didn't make it into my story, but originally, I wanted Izuku to have much more human emotions toward his bullying and mistreatment as a child. I wanted him to harbor some resentment and anger toward the world at his condition. I wanted to give him One for All and proceed to forcefully change the way the world works. Not to become the nice guy hero he is in canon. But literally none of this made it into the story because I thought it would be too much if I diverged the canon characters too much. But looking back I now realize that I should have just gone with what I wanted to in the first place, then maybe I would still be interested in continuing this.
So the story is discontinued now. But I think I'll keep it up as a monument to my first work. It was fun and I enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts and comments! I will likely be writing shorter stories when I'm feeling up to it. Thanks again for your support! I would never had made it even close to this far without you!