![]() Author has written 36 stories for Ninja Turtles, Star Trek: 2009, and Hunger Games. Hey everyone! Thanks for looking at my profile! I am currently working on a few stories and I'm hard at work making them the best they can be. I love to write and I really hope it shows in my work :) Please PM me with questions, qualms or queries. I message back as soon as I can and I love talking with people about my stories (or their stories!) so don't hesitate! Check out my Tumblr (or speakingofalice on Tumblr if the link doesn't work because lord knows me and technology don't get along and I probably didn't do the link correctly) if you so desire but be warned - you would be entering the mind of a teenage fangirl. Now here are some things about me - because I know your just dying to know, right? (Sarcasm) - - My real name is Hannah, you can call me that or any variation. - I'm in college majoring in Education and History. - I have typed every single chapter of every single story that is on this site on my iPhone. In the notes app of my iPhone. I edit on my computer and all but the main portion of writing is done with my thumbs. It's weird, I'm weird, but I love it. I'm NEVER board because I'm constantly writing on my phone. My friends think I'm crazy but then I remind them that I've written over 200k words on my phone, and what have you done today? - The story How The Mighty Have Fallen was the first story I ever started writing and it was done by accident. I had been reading a different variation of a story that had a loose plot and wasn't finished and it made me angry because Leo didn't get his due! And everyone was mad at him and he was just taking it! It was so frustrating! So anyways, I sat down, opened the Notes app on my phone and just started typing what I thought Leo's reaction should've been. Then BAM! Out popped the fist chapter. With no real plot in mind I just kept writing until a story formed and from there I had nine chapters done in a couple days. Never had I expected to get the response that I did from it. People really like it and I feel a little pride when they tell me so. - My favorite book is Under a War-Torn Sky by L.M. Elliot. If you have never heard of it then you should! It's amazing! And I love it! (Obviously) - Chris Pine is my celebrity crush/ man-crush everyday/ husband in my mind. I swear I totally fangirl over him at least once a day. I mean come on, did you see him rip his shirt off in Into The Woods? Magical. - I am a very contradictory person whose views often sway unless I feel very strongly on a particular subject. If you can convince me you are right and that I am wrong then I respect your views and will keep my opinions to myself - unless you are an ignorant asshole, then take a step back honey, Hannah's about to educate ya! - I have bad spelling. Me no good at grammar. See something off in a fic let me know, I'll fix it up for you. I'm dyslexic. Its an unfortunate thing but oh well. - I won't apologize for my mouth and the bad words that occasionally leave it. I'll be the first to admit I've got a bit of a sailors mouth on me - but that's okay, right? To each their own. -Everything I write has some correlation to myself. I write what I want to read weather it be to help heal from something or something I want to get off my chest. It's alright to read what you write, you wrote it. You should be your biggest fan! If you're wondering what my favorite fic of mine is it's Say Something. Written during a very difficult time in my life and sometimes when reality rears it's ugly head I like to escape away and pretend that everything's true, anything can happen. No one is alone. - I love meeting and talking with new people so drop me a line sometime! We can be friends!!! But really though, you're already taking the time to read this! Why not be friends!? If you actually took the time to read this then thank you and god bless you because that's about ten minutes of your life you will never get back - haha :) Have a good day fellow readers :) |