Reviews for Deny thy Father and Refuse thy Name
mfm2885 chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
Pregnant pause. And Pike and Spock owning the place were top sentences. I loved it! The idea of an AU star trek is really interesting! I like your story very much and I think you should right a sequel. Have you ever thought about that? :D
Zuvios Gemini chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
I like the mob boss theme. :) It fits somehow. Awesome work.
fallingfromelysium chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
Loved it! Even though we didn't see much of Spock, I really liked his character. I wonder what happens next? Sequel maybe?
thallissa chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
Excellent story! I absolutely love AUs and this one was just perfect. I am also a lover of MPregs so this was double the fun for me. Do you intend to continue this at some point? It would be fantastic to see how the truce works out and of course, how Jim's pregnancy progresses.

Brilliant! Thank you.
randomchibi23 chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
Wow this was really interesting! ;) I'm not normally an MPreg fan, but the title reference drew me in haha. And I'm glad it did! Thanks!
OceanTiger13 chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
:) Romeo and Juliet, Star Trek style. Without the depressing ending.

SilverArcana13 chapter 1 . 10/7/2010
Awwww, This is really cute! I can't wait for the next chapter.
xXFreedom-ReaderXx chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
I love it! PLEASE pleasse write a sequel. Great fic :D
Kei Luna Shoryu chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Kuso! I had a fun drawn out opener to this... but I forgot it. -_-' Gomen! And you! Where the *hell* were Sulu and Chekhov? Hm? HM! Oh well *sigh* you'll make it up to me. I think my legs gonna die. And as a side note: I kept expecting Sam to bitch-slap Pike and be all like "Pro-choice, jack-ass!" ... 'Cept y'know... not dealing with abortion... and in character...ish...ness. ._.?

I love that face over thar. -

Nice spin on the prompt, I so proud of you! And way to go Spock. He gave off approval, disapproval, and a general apathy that just makes his paradoxical character seem more important than it probably had any right to be. Chapel had bad timing though... shame on her. And I really did expect her to tell. So is Uhura in one of the 'lesser' houses or is she part of Kirk's house. I refuse to see her with Bones since Spock is with Kirk. Unless, of course, we're taking more measures to secure the bond and peace between the two houses. Maybe a few little first-meetings and get-togethers? Eh? Eh? (Those are some pretty discreet hints there, can ya find them?) Well, I'm done rambling. Latas.

Poppi Ren chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Let me be the first to say damn child, that. was. awesome. I loved the scene in McCoy's office. So cute! o3o And the Pike's over-protectiveness is just adorable. You kept them very in character considering how AU the story is. I lol'd at the food poisoning quip from Pike.

You definitely need to continue this story! I want it, nay, I demand it! *pose strike*