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![]() Author has written 18 stories for Dark Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Generation X, A Cinderella Story, Stargate: SG-1, X-Men, Criminal Minds, Dead Like Me, Camp Rock, Heavy Rain, Women of the Otherworld, Hunger Games, Once Upon a Time, Crossing Jordan, and Warehouse 13. My age is irrelevant, but I'm a fan with many fandoms: HP/Angel/Buffy/Dr. Who/Twilight/Eureka/Dresden Files/Camp Rock/A Cinderella Story fan. Also big on X-men, the movies, cartoons, and the comics. I am a single mom with three kids. For readers of The Secret Life of Effie Trinket, the poll is open. Please vote! I have updated my Hunger Games story, The Secret Life of Effie Trinket, both on FFN and AO3. The Secret Life of Effie Trinket has a banner, I did not make it, but the link is If you want the explicit version of the third and tenth chapters, the link is If you have issues with the review I sent you, come and gripe about it http://www.fanfiction.ws/myforums/Wesfanemt333/421152/ Yes, I know have a blog. These are the guidelines, since a lot of people don't seem to understand them or respect them. Version: 11-20-2008 The chapter system is not to be used as placeholder for non-story content such as author notes. You can add short author notes to the beginning or at the end of stories but never as individual chapters. FanFiction is not an archive for non-fanfiction literary works. Please visit FictionPress.Com to publish your non-fanfiction literary works. Do not upload chapters, series, or segments of a story as separate entries. In order to submit a 5 chapter story, for example, use the 'Create Story' page to submit chapter 1, and then use the 'Edit/Upload chapter' feature in the left menu, after login, to submit chapters 2 through 5. Entries not allowed: Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc. One or two liners. MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story. Stories with non-historical and non-fictional characters: actors, musicians, and etc. (As In Real People Fanfics are not allowed!) Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, QAs, and etc. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries. Actions not allowed: Multiple entries of the same material. There can only be one copy of any unique story on the entire site. No exceptions. Rewriting names of characters/locations of one story in order to upload to multiple categories. Copying from a previously published work (including musical lyrics) not in the public domain. General rules: Entry title and summary must be rated G for all audience. No exceptions. Entry must be given the proper rating. No exceptions. Entry must be placed in proper category. No exceptions. Chapters of the same story are not allowed to be submitted as separate entries. All chapters/segments must be grouped together using the 'edit/upload chapter' feature in the left menu. Failure to comply with site rules will result in the removal of stories and/or removal of account. I don't know how the admins can make it clearer to people short of stamping it on their foreheads. If you'd like to join the protest against crappy, sappy romance fics in which little to no attention is paid to grammar/editing/etc., copy this into your profile and add your name to the list: anonymouse13, therealme1123, SilverScreech, Gun toten Girly, Yasona Black, Wesfanemt333 If you are one of the few that actually has any regard to the rules of FanFiction, copy and paste this into your profile. I have pride in my writing. This means that I will not use my age, disability, or lack of spell check as an excuse for poor writing. Even if English is not my first language, I will not use this fact as a shield against criticism. This also means that I take critique of all kinds and will always be looking for ways to improve my skills. If you have pride in your writing, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are sick of Real Person Fiction, copy and paste this into your profile If you realize that Jonas Brothers fanfiction is against the rules and will report stories featuring them, copy and paste this into your profile. Apparently there is a misconception. I do not hate the Jonas Brothers or their music. They have some good songs. But I don't want to see sued. That is why I report the stories. |