Power of a Baby

By Stephanie

A/n: 62 reviews! OMG! I still so love you guys! I've never in my whole life had that many reviews before!

I'm really sorry for not updating, but I kind of didn't have enough time because of my baby brother, other fics, life, and writers block. Damn writer's block to hell!

So I'm really sorry!

I hope all you guys like this chapter! PLEASE REVIEW! I hope none of you forgot this fic. Cries

And to say something in a few of you were right about the Tree. And I like NctrnlBst's idea.

And Juggernaut, I'm sorry you can't stand the Scogue pairing.

Crazy-beast-boy... damn you, you caught that! I thought I could surprise you guys in this chapter. Oh well... I know its kind of takes the fun out of it but theirs a reason I need Rogue with controlling her powers... you'll find out in Lady (the Sequel). :P

WRITE Scogue fics, PLEASE! (If you're a fan of course) I need something to read of X-men related. LOL ;)


Chapter 9; Miracles and Flashbacks

6 Years Later; June 2010

And Rachel ran into the garden, to the one tree she felt connected to and climbed it. She climbed to the highest branch there was on that tree and looked across the trees to see the sun up, and a gray cloud far away.

The tree always brought Rachel peace when ever she had nightmares, when she was angry, upset, etc. She didn't know why, but it did.

"Mère," she whispered unknown to her, besides she didn't know what it meant anyway.

5 Years Earlier; January 2nd 2005

Rogue woke up to a small little girl jumping up and down excitedly on her bed. Rogue smiled sleepily. "Mom! Wake up mom! MOM!"

A few months after Rogue and Scott found Rachel, Rachel started to refer to them as her mother and father. She had somehow forgotten about her real parents. Professor Xavier believed it had been blocked from her mind by Metis Fox, Rachel's real mother.

Rogue looked at the side of her bed, where Scott would usually be but he wasn't there. Rogue looked at her alarm clock and figured out why. He would be training in the danger room.

06:03 AM

Rogue groaned in sleepiness; and covered herself with her favorite winter blankets. The blankets were always so soft and fluffy.

"Mommy! Something really wonderful happened!!" Rachel exclaimed as she continued to jump up and down on Rogue's bed. Rogue sighed as she realized Rachel wouldn't let her go back to sleep. She sat up and caught Rachel when she jumped at her. Rogue as usual made sure Rachel didn't touch her face.

"YEAH!! MOMMY'S AWAKE!!" Rachel exclaimed to herself as she hugged Rogue tightly.

"Yes, yes... now Rachel, sweetie, what's wonderful that happened?" Rogue asked, looking down at the now almost calmed down girl.

"Mommy! Can't you feel it?" Rachel asked surprised. Rogue looked at her with confusion. Rachel climbed out of Rogue's arms and started to jump up and down again.

"Feel what?"

"Your power, duh mommy!" exclaimed Rachel as she laughed at Rogue's surprised expression.


"Try it mommy, and you'll see." Rachel said perfectly as a two year old can, sounding almost like an adult. She then ran out of Rogue's and Scott's room.

Rogue thought long and hard about what Rachel said. 'Should I?' Rogue asked herself as she studied her hands. She frowned.


After a couple of hours Scott walked into their room to find Rogue still thinking about what Rachel said.

"Hey," Scott started as he sat next to her. "What's the matter?"

Rogue looked up surprised, but relaxed. "Nothing... so where's Rachel now?"

Scott smiled, "She's with Kitty in the living room, who are currently bothering Logan."

Rogue laughed, with Scott joining her. After a few minutes they stopped and Rogue frowned.

"What's the matter Rogue?" Scott asked as he noticed her sad expression. Rogue looked down at her hands again.

"Rachel said something... and its true. I do feel a little different." She looked up to look in his eyes.

"What did she say?" Scott asked.

Instead of answering him, she asked him a question. "Scott? Can I please just touch you? Without my gloves?"

"Rogue-" Scott started but stopped as he saw her pleading face. Scott nodded.

"Thanks," Rogue whispered almost unheard as she took her right glove off and concentrated on her powers to try and turn them off, like Xavier taught her, before reaching out to touch Scott's cheek. Scott closed his eyes tightly waiting for the pain.


Kitty smiled as she watched Rachel bother Logan. He tried to be calm and nice to each of them so he wouldn't scare Rachel.

"Wovie! Where are you going?" Rachel complained while following Logan to the other room.

"To the bar," He mumbled and then left the room without another word. A few tears fell from Rachel's eyes. Kitty came up behind Rachel to try to stop the tears.

"Come here Rachel, we'll find someone else to bother." Kitty stated as she picked up Rachel and hugged her.

"Okay..." Rachel said in a small voice. Kitty smiled and went to find Lance.



October 15, 2002

Two women of the age twenty-eight and thirty looked down at a sleeping child of the age of one.

One woman had long wavy red hair and green eyes that was the mother of the girl and was the age twenty-eight.

The other woman had black hair that was always in a bun and brown eyes; she was a friend of the red hair woman and was thirty years old.

"Oh she's beautiful, Metis." Exclaimed the black haired woman, Yuk Lan Matsumoto.

Metis, the red haired woman smiled in agreement. "She is,"

"She reminds me of you so much." Yuk Lan smiled in content at Metis.

"Thank you Yuk Lan."

"She'll be powerful you know." Yuk Lan stated looking strait at the sleeping child.

"I know," Metis frowned... she had been doing a lot since she conceived the little baby girl.

"Then you know he'll be after Rachel when he finds out." Metis nodded, tears fell down her cheeks as she slowly kneeled down on the floor.

"He'll kill her... I know he will... I'll have to save or, but how Anne? He won't stop till every single mutant dies... including his own children... including me..." Metis held her hands over her face and cried. Yuk Lan kneeled beside her and tried to comfort her.

"I know a place, when it is time I will tell you."


Present Time

As soon as Rogue put her finger on Scott's cheek, nothing happened. Scott opened his eyes and looked at Rogue who was looking at him in surprise. After a few moments, Rogue touched Scott's cheek with her whole hand.

"She was right Scott! She was right!" Rogue exclaimed as she suddenly kissed Scott, he fell backwards in surprise.

The kiss was full of passion, love, and intensive because of not being able to kiss each other for years.

After a few long minutes, Scott stopped the kiss. "Well you're a hell of a kisser!"

Rogue blushed. She smacked his arm lightly in a playful way. "Oh Scott," she signed and kissed him again. He gladly and eagerly accepted it.


"Oh Lance, please oh please entertain us?" Kitty pleaded as she and Rachel gave Lance puppy dog eyes. Lance groaned and hit his head, Rachel giggled.

Lance knew Kitty knew that he could never say no to her puppy eyes. 'Damn love... can't I get anything of it?' Lance thought as he entertained Rachel for a few minutes. When Rachel was bored of him, she weaseled her way out of Kitty's room to go find Kurt.

Rachel loved Kurt for his blue fuzzy fur and for his funny side.

Kitty smiled as she followed Rachel with her eyes until she left the room, then turned to face Lance and smiled even brighter.

"Oh Lance..." Kitty mumbled before kissing him like there was no tomorrow. It had been a few hours since they last kissed, which really put the intensive manner in the kiss.

'I remember now,' thought Lance as he stumbled backwards on a chair, bringing Kitty on his lap. They made out for hours.



PS: Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter. Lady (the sequel) will be coming out in a few weeks I guess. I want to do a few chapters before I post it.

PS2: Do you know where I got the line "Mom! Wake up mom! MOM!" from? It's from Lion King.

Last thoughts: Thanks for whoever read this fic, it could not have been updated without you. And thanks to everyone who e-mailed me your characters and letting me use them. I will try VERY hard to do well of their characters, I didn't make sense there did I? shakes head Thought so. Anyway, I really love you guys.

PLEASE REVIEW! If I get 100 reviews for this fic (doesn't matter if it takes a WHOLE year for that to happen) I do something special. stares at readers intensely


Did you like the ending?


Have you realized Rachel's name was Jean's and Scott's daughter from another timeline?

I swear I didn't pick Rachel's name for that reason... I just couldn't find a name I liked until it was to late. And then I realized I picked that name, and all I wanted to do I hit myself... though I didn't. sighs


Was it long enough? The chapter I mean. It's about 6 pages in Word.