Author has written 10 stories for Mechwarrior/Battletech, Jericho, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Daria, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Cobra Kai, Game X-overs, and Rookie. I am a 45 year old Technical Writer who writes mostly as a hobby (though I would love to write for some steady profit someday, but an original idea I can get fired up about continues to evade me). Recently got remarried, and an avid fan of science fiction and military history, as well as an unrepentant wargamer and role player. I admit that I work on stories and then get back to them as the muse strikes me, though, I am seeking to update Clover Spear as often as possible, and I have an idea of where I am going with the stories. Please read and review my work. I want to improve, and I feel only through feedback that I can do so, or, at least hear what readers would like to see in a story. |