He had spent a good bit of his time, waiting in this sorry excuse of an office for a better part of the morning now. He felt the sweat now seeping through his bottocks. It was an annoyance so vexing that he was starting to think spending more time in a cell would have been preferable.

The waiting man was terrible to look upon, the bones of his skull were visible under the folds of skin. It gave him the appearance of a talking skull.

It took a further good 15 minutes until someone finally came it. It was someone he didn't expect.

He came in with his round glasses, his face was rotund and he looked completely disarmingly normal. Yet one couldn't help but feel the sheer malevolence he gave out.

The man who entered the office he was chained to was one of the most powerful men within Germany.

"I didn't expect a man of your stature to be the one reviewing my case." The skull faced man asked. No standing, no salute. He continued sitting, not willing to accord him the respect expected of the man's station.

Though it seemed he didn't mind.

"Several accounts of sexual misconduct." The man reviewing his case said as he opened a vanilla folder, within were the various documents that described the seated man's infamous deeds.

"Statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl, stealing government property and the list goes on." He closed the folder just as quick as he opened it.

"Herr Berger speaks highly of you in light of your deviancy. Your war records in both the Great War and the Spanish Civil War almost match your criminal misdeeds in their scope." He clasped his hands together, staring at him with soulless eyes.

The skull faced man smiled. It was unpleasant to look at.

"So am I being reinstated to the Party?" He asked with curiosity more befitting a child than a grown man of his ghastly appearance.

"Yes, but you will be moved." The man with glasses said.

"Where to?" The man with glasses smiled. It matched the skull faced man's in terrible countenance.

"You will be assigned the 36th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS that will soon be stationed within the New World. Your purpose is to make the New World occupants understand the price of fighting the Reich." The skull faced man licked his lips in anticipation. After seeing the Reichstag broadcast he always wondered how Elven women were like in taste and touch.

"I'm honored that the Reich would grant me such a commission." The man with glasses slapped him, almost without warning. It surprised him.

"Know your place. You are an animal, a hound that kills at our command. You rape when we order it. You pillage when we demand it. If you do not use your degenerate predilections to our benefit than you will be put down like a rabid dog." The skull faced man rubbed his stinging cheek, very much amused by these chain of events.

"I understand." The man with glasses frowned.

"You better. You are not a soldier; you are a weapon. A weapon of terror and viciousness. A dog of war whose leash has been set cut. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear." The man with glasses said finally.

"Yes, Herr Himmler." The skull faced man said with a manic grin. The commander of the SS was rattling the chains binding him now.

"Oskar Dirlewanger. We are not giving you clemency because we believe you are a man of good moral standing. You are a devil. A demon. In the war that is fast approaching it will be your kind who will fight and die and give birth to dark legends." Heinrich Himmler said as he produced a stamp, slamming it down hard on a piece of paper.

Oskar Dirlewanger smiled his devilish smile.

He had been released from his iron chains.

Now the New World will know true fear.