Title: The boys of '85
Chapter One: If you call, we'll answer
"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond."
-Ronald Reagan
August 13th, 1985, Montana
It was another peaceful day in western Montana, the sun hung low over the hills and a warm breeze blew through the countryside. Nestled between two hills stood an 1900s style homestead, white railing lined the wrap around porch and glass pane windows caught the afternoon sun casting a shimmering light. Several yards behind the homestead stood a two story barn painted red and white, right next to it, same in design, was a much smaller chicken coop. The scene was the embodiment of the old American west.
The homestead had been in the same family for generations and had seen several generations of warriors grow up within its walls. One generation fought in the trenches of the Argonne, another stormed the beaches of Iwo Jima and shivered in the cold of the Chosin, one was shamed for what it's participation in Vietnam, and the latest had stood watch on the German border. A veteran of Vietnam sat rocking in his chair with a cigar in hand as he remembered his days in the skies above Southern Vietnam. Over there in the asian skies every thing was clear, hunt down and kill those who dare oppose his brothers on the ground. His comrades in which he protected saw him as a guardian, the people he swore to protect back home saw him as murderer.
His country had changed since that war in Vietnam, a nation that had welcomed his father and grand father home as heroes had welcomed him back insults and threats. However that did not prevent him from telling his sons of the dogfights and anti-radar missions he had taken part in. In one of his sons he had unknowingly sent him down a path, a path that lead him into the arms of the United States Army. Dawson O'Hare watched as a figure of a man walked down the beaten dirt road towards the homestead.
Within a few minutes the figure was only feet from the front steps. The young man around the age of twenty, stood dressed in tri color BDUs and wearing a patrol cap in similar colors stood before him. The young man set down his duffle bag and saluted Dawson.
Dawson smirked as he looked at his eldest son. "You never change do you Allen?"
Allen O'Hare smiled. "At least I can do it right this time dad."
Dawson laughed and climbed down the steps to embrace his son. "You shoulda called, I would have come and pick you up."
"I felt like walkin' today. Besides I didn't want to put you out by having you come pick me up."
"So you decided to walk the thirty miles from town."
Dawson laughed again. "Well come on inside, you know both Anna and your mom missed you."
Allen slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and climbed the steps, he followed his father inside the homestead. He looked around the entrance way of the house, it looked like nothing had changed since he left the picture of his grandfather and great grandfather hanging near the staircase, the same small palm tree his mother had bought during a family vacation to Florida and his old track shoes lay by the door.
"Hey Maria guess who just appeared outta nowhere!" His father yelled.
His mother, Maria O'Hare, made her way out of the kitchen and into the entrance way. Her eyes went wide with shock when she saw her son standing in the doorway, she hadn't seen Allen since he had gone off to basic two years earlier. Maria approached her son and hugged him before speaking.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming home?"
Allen took off his cap and ran a hand through his blond hair. "Well I told Anna I was coming home on leave."
Allen didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before his mother started calling for his sister to come down from her room. He could hear footsteps on the floor above him and soon his sister, a young girl in her mid teens, ran down the stairs and stopped in front of her mother.
"Why didn't you tell us your brother was on his way home?" His mother asked placing her hands on her hips.
"He told me he wanted it to be a surprise." Anna answered.
"Way to throw me under the bus Anna."
Allen's mother shot him a glare before going back to talking to his sister.
"Go up and get your brother." His mother said, Anna scowled at the request.
"Do I have to? I mean will he even want to come down and talk to Al?"
"Anna just go up there and get him."
"Alright mom, don't say I didn't warn you." Anna replied before climbing back up the stairs. Allen looked over at his Father with a look of confusion.
"Uhh what's going on with Adam?"
His father groaned in annoyance. "That boy is knee deep in shit he doesn't understand."
"Dawson! Watch your language." Maria snapped.
"What I'm trying to say is Adam is wrapped up in all this anti war and anti military crap. He sees people like you and me as the enemy now."
Allen raised and eyebrow. "You're kidding?"
"I wish I was. Him taking part in those "Movements" has kinda driven a wedge between him and your sister." Dawson said before taking a drag on his cigar.
"I thought those two were close though?"
"Anna is well... she's on the opposite end of the scale. I can't count how many time I had to pick her up from school because she started a fight with someone who said something bad about the military." His mother sighed.
Allen burst out laughing at the thought. "Wait wait wait, you're telling me that tiny little Anna is going around kicking people's asses cause of what they say?"
"Yep, ever since you left she's become dead set on joining the military, swears to god she's gonna become the first women fighter pilot." Dawson replied.
Allen continued to laugh. "With her in the sky the Russian air force wouldn't stand a chance."
A few seconds later Anna came back down the stair with a look of annoyance on her face.
"He said he didn't want to talk to "That baby killer", I told this would happen."
"Baby killer? He does understand that my job was to stare at Russian in the Fulda Gap right?"
"He doesn't care, really Al he's become a real asshole this past year."
"It's true mom."
"You keep swearing and I'll take your radio away." Maria threatened, Anna immediately stepped down. "Now dinner will be done soon, go wait in the living room, ok?"
Allen, his father and sister moved into the adjacent room, Allen sat down on the sofa with his sister sitting right next to him while their father took his normal seat in an old padded chair. Dawson began to recount some of his favorite stories from when he was in the Navy, the first time he shot down a MiG-21 and when he and his wingman took out several SAM sights in their most successful "Wild Weasel" run. In return Allen told stories of his deployment in Germany and how his friend almost kicked off World War Three by flipping off a Russian commissar on the German-Czech border.
As the Veteran and young Soldier exchanged stories the news droned on in the background. The positive atmosphere changed when a news alert interrupted a weather forecast. Images from a news helicopter began to fill the screen with something they couldn't quite comprehend. A pile of dead in the streets of Tokyo, panicked civilians trying to flee the killing zone, and an army that seemed like it had come from the Classical Era struck down all in their path. It soon became clear that Japan was under attack. A reporter began yelling into a microphone as a news helicopter flew around the scene below.
"We don't know who is behind these attacks but the epicenter of it all seems to be coming for some unknown structure in downtown Ginza." The reporter said in an accented english.
The camera panned to reveal a white marble structure amongst the modern buildings of Japan. Over the microphone Allen could hear the voice of the pilot.
"The hell is that?" The camera panned once more a caught sight of a dragon heading straight for the helicopter. The pilot quickly dipped down under the dragon and took off full speed away from the beast and it's rider.
"What are you doing!? Bring us back over there!" The reporter yelled.
"Sorry can't do that sir." The pilot replied, by the reaction and calm demeanor of the pilot Allen assumed he was prior military. The camera panned again this time it caught sight of the American embassy.
"Jesus christ." Dawson muttered.
Atop the walls of the embassy compound the Marine guards stood their ground firing into the crowd of Roman looking soldiers and the strange beast that accompanied them. From the helicopter it seemed like a one sided fight as the Marine rifles cut down the soldiers by the dozens, on the ground however the embassy guard was in dire straights. It became obvious that if help didn't arrive soon the guard would be overwhelmed. But hope came in the sound of the thudding of multiple rotor blades.
Down the street two UH-1 Hueys touched down and dropped off a platoon of Marines. The two helicopters took and began to lay down fire with door mounted fifty caliber machine guns as the Marines closed in on the enemy with M-16s firing in bursts. All of this was caught on camera by the news helicopter. It didn't take long for the area around the embassy to be cleared and the evacuation of personnel began. The tide had quickly shifted in the favor of the Americans and the Japanese Defense Force as fighters wrestled control of the skies from the enemy and Helicopter and ground forces fought street to street, building to building to push back the invaders,
Dawson looked over at his son. "Allen, I have a feeling that this will be your war."
Ginza Japan, August 24 1985
"Condor Two-Four this is Three, damn the hell kind of shit storm did we walk into?"
Two AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters flew in a formation above Tokyo. Before them lay the very image of hell, buildings were on fire and smoke rose in columns into the sky. Countless helicopters dotted the city skyline and jets dove on unidentified hostiles. Most of the Cobras in the sky at the moment belonged to the United States Marine Corps, but Condor Four and Three were different. They belonged to the United States Army's First Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment.
The Cobra known as Two-Four was piloted by First Lieutenant Kyle Fletcher, only a few feet in front of him and separated by computers, flight systems, and steel was his Weapons Systems Operator Warrant Officer Chase Howle. The two had been working together for almost a year patrolling the DMZ on the Korean Peninsula, their unit had been rotating home with their equipment when a situation developed in Ginza. Two of the units helicopters had been scrambled to get eyes on the situation, they didn't expect to see some sort of Roman army running rampant throughout the city.
"Yo Howle, you got the gun?"
"My finger's been on the trigger sense we entered Tokyo airspace." Chase replied traversing the M197 back and forth as he searched for targets.
"Hey, uhh four, we're getting panicked chatter over here."
Kyle looked over to his right at the other AH-1.
"Yeah I hear it, can't make out a damn work of it." Kyle replied.
The situation seemed it couldn't get worse until the voice of a Japanese officer came over the radio.
"We're surrounded at the Imperial palace! God damn it, they've brought up siege equipment. If any American units can hear this we need air support now!" The officer yelled into the radio.
"Where's the Imperial palace?" Kyle quickly asked.
"Several miles from here, guns hot Sir we can be their less than ten minutes."
"What do you say Three? Want to get some work done."
"So much for sight seeing. Copy Four, let's go."
Kyle could hear his WSO pounding on the instrument panel over the radio.
"Finally I get to do what I fuckin' trained for!" Chase cheered as the helicopter swarmed off towards the Palace.
Fort Lewis Washington, August 24, 1985, 11:56
A week had passed since the event that became known as the Battle of Ginza, the repercussion could already be seen as the Japanese prepared for a counter attack. In America debates in congress went on without end whether or they should assist Japan of break the Mutual Defense Treaty and stay out of it. Though in the last few days the arguments seemed to favor intervention. For Allen he was back on duty at Fort Lewis, his three day leave had ended and he reported back to First Battalion, Eighth Cavalry Regiment. The Battalion, up until recently, had been garrisoned at Fort Hood as part of the United States Armored Third Corps. That changed when the army decided that First Corps needed a heavy combined arms battalion in the Pacific.
For O'Hare it was another day guarding the east gate. He watched as a 1967 Dodge Charger pull up to the guard shack, O'Hare shuffled forward and repeated the the same process he had performed all day. Check the ID, salute if it was an officer, send them on their way and wave the next car forward.
O'hare checked the soldiers ID, a second lieutenant only a year older than him. The Lieutenant, Nathaniel Wheeler took the card when O'Hare handed it back."
"Have a good day Sir." O'Hare said as he saluted the officer.
As the car pulled forward O'hare turned around and went back into the guard shack. He sat down and picked up a book he had been trying to read for the last few days, he had just started to get comfortable when he heard a knock on the door. Standing in the doorway was his squad leader Staff Sergeant James Smith. Smith a man of Norwegian descent stood just a foot shorter than O'Hare. O'Hare closed his book and set it back down on the desk,
"Hey S'arnt, whatcha need today?"
"Nothing, just heard you got put on gate duty again." James replied moving out of the way as Allen exited the shack.
Allen shrugged. "Yeah must of pissed of Spanky again." O'Hare pulled out a pack of cigarette from his BDU blouse and out on in his mouth. He patted his pockets trying to find his lighter, he looked over at James. "Can I bum a light off ya S'arnt?"
"No, you know I don't fuckin' smoke." James replied.
O'Hare took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it back in the pack.
"You know why the Captain is in a piss poor mood?"
Now it was Smith's turn to shrug.
"Beats me, you know he doesn't give two shits about the non-coms."
Captain William Swanky was the commanding officer of Charlie Company, more commonly known as Combat Company. Swanky, a son from a well off family and a graduate of West Point, had made it a habit to look down on the men appointed under him. Many of the men knew that to Swanky they were just another obstacle in his path to climbing the ranks. O'Hare leaned back against the wall of shack with his rifle hanging over his shoulder, he unwrapped a stick of chewing gum and popped it in his mouth. It would have to do until he could find his lighter.
The two men stood in silence until James spoke up.
"You hear the word around base O'Hare?"
"Apparently we're being deployed again."
"Really? Where to?"
O'Hare's eyes went wide with shock.
"Your kidding right!?"
James did not expect to hear excitement in the Specialist's voice, he had half expected O'Hare to complain about just getting back from Germany.
"No kidding, Sergeant Kaiser says that the Army is wanting to try out some new toys and there's a joint exercise between USFJ and the SDF coming up. BC wants Combat Company to represent First Corps."
"You think this had got anything to do with what happened in Tokyo last week?" O'Hare asked.
"Aight I'm gonna stop you right there, I know where you're going with this and it ain't happening. If any one goes through the Gate it's the Marines and not us."
"Come on Sergeant think about it, we're one of only two active Cavalry regiments in the Pacific theater and the Seventh and Second are tied up in Korea. We're goin' in."
"You're way too excited about this." Smith replied.
"I've been in the army for two years now Sergeant, two years of staring at Russians. It's about time I got to see some action."
"Hey don't be so gung ho, I was at Grenada. Shit ain't fun." Smith pulled out a can of dip and put some in his mouth. "Besides, we go back to Asia and the civies will be up in arms."
Another car pulled up to the guard shack, O'Hare checked the ID and sent the driver on his way.
"Tell me you ain't jumpin' at the thought of going to another world." O'Hare said. "To go where no man has gone before."
"Never was a fan of Star Trek." James replied before spitting tobacco on the ground next to him.
"Hey Star Trek is fuckin' awesome, don't you forget it."
"Now I know why Spanky put you on Gate duty."
First Corps Headquarters Fort Lewis, Washington
Nathaniel Wheeler parked his car in front of the First Corps headquarters, the old red brick build had been the home of I Corps for many years. I Corps or America's Corps and her subordinate units were tasked with the defense of the American assets and allies in the Pacific and as of last week the Corps was tasked with the exploration of the world beyond the Gate. The old building was also home to the command element of First Battalion of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment, that was until a new Battalion building was set up for them.
The young Lieutenant pulled the keys out of the ignition and shoved them into his BDU blouse. He jogged up the stairs to the headquarters skipping other every step. He pushed open the heavy oak door and entered the headquarters. Inside both officers and enlisted move about the building, with the Battalion deploying to Japan soon the command center seemed busier than ever. Nathaniel navigated the winding hallways passing op centers, logistics units, S shops, and countless superior officers. After several minutes he had finally made it to the Company commanders office. He pushed open the door and walked in and made his way to a desk in the back where a shorter man sat flipping through papers. Nathaniel saluted the officer and introduced himself.
"Second Lieutenant Nathaniel Wheeler."
The officer grunted as he pushed himself away from the table and stood up, he halfheartedly returned the salute and sat back down.
"Lieutenant Wheeler," The officer said extending the R in his last name. "You're late."
"Sorry sir, traffic on I-5 was backed up and."
"I don't want an excuse Lieutenant. I'm Captain William Swanky and as long as I am your commanding officer you will arrive on time no matter the circumstances. Am I clear."
"Yes sir." Wheeler replied.
"Good, report to Third platoon. Sergeant First Class Kaiser is your PSG"
Wheeler saluted once more before leaving the room, he sighed and shook his head.
"Got chewed out by Spanky on your first day, I'd say that's a new record."
Wheeler looked over at the young officer who had addressed him, a man of Asian descent who stood only a few inches short than Wheeler. He bore the same rank as him, the officer extended a hand to Wheeler.
"Names George Hyong, commander of First Platoon."
Nathaniel shook his hand.
"Well Wheeler, you'll learn fast that Spanky is a dick. Believe all that are below his are inferior just 'cause he went to West Point."
The two began walking down the hall towards the entrance.
"West point?"
"Yep, how he got there I don't know. Anyways I got here 'bout two weeks ago, some of the experienced officers are being reassigned to some of the reactivated regiments."
"Two weeks, so is it true that we're heading to Japan?" Wheeler asked.
George nodded his head. "Yeeup, now either we're going their to bolster the ranks of USFJ, or we're going through the gate as part of "Task Force Phoenix"."
Phoenix, the most popular rumor flying through the United States military. Apparently is was a multibranch and multinational task force whose mission was exploration of what the Japanese called the Special Region, along with supporting Japanese JSDF in their endeavour to hunt down the ones who attacked their capital.
"You really think they'll assign us to Phoenix."
"Hell yeah, 1-8 cav has got the experience. We got vets from Vietnam, Grenada hell even a few from Honduras and Nicaragua. That and we're the closest unit that ain't doin' shit."
"Just got here and I'm already deploying, anyways I'll check you later Hyung."
"Yeah later."
Nathaniel left the building and hopped into his car. He pulled out the parking lot and took off down the road, he drove down the road parallel to the airfield. He look to his left and saw countless UH-60A lined up on the runway. For the United States military, the '80s was a strange time as new equipment left the prototype stage and began to enter service into the military. The UH-60 began to replace the venerable UH-1 Huey, the M2 Bradley replaced the M113, and M151 Jeeps were replaced by the M998 Humvee. The new equipment and growing military strength was a sign that the United States was beginning to get over the Vietnam Syndrome.
It wasn't long until Nathaniel pulled into the barracks parking lot. He shut down his car and shuffled over towards the barracks. On the front deck several soldiers sat around an end table playing a game of poker. The men went around the table adding more to the pot which by now included many wadded up dollar bills and odds and ends such as packs of cigarettes, chew, gum, candy bars, and condoms. Nathaniel watches silently as round came to an end, two kings, a six, a four and an ace lay in the center of the table.
A black soldier showed his hand, a pair of twos. The other soldier smiled and put his hand on the table a pair of sixes.
"Full House, I win."
"You're robbing me blind Ray."
"You just need to learn when to give up." The soldier who won, Specialist Rayland Moore, said gathering his winnings while the one who lost Specialist Connor Mulligan shrugged.
"I had a chance."
"Not against me you don't." Rayland replied looking up.
Rayland quickly stood up and saluted when he saw Nathaniel watching them. The others around the table went to do the same but were stopped.
"Relax." Nathaniel started. "Continue playing but can one of you point me towards your platoon sergeant?"
The group looked around at each other before Mulligan replied.
"He's upstairs."
Rayland spoke up just before Nathaniel entered the building.
"Excuse me Sir, but is it true we're going to Japan."
Nathaniel looked over at him. "I don't know, but it's likely."
September 10, 1985, Mount Yonaha Training Grounds Okinawa, Japan, 14:23
"Mark Nineteen up!"
"Target front, 1,000 meters, mark 'em!"
Three thumps in rapid succession was heard as Allen fired the MK-19 sending three 40mm grenades down range. The launcher had been mounted on a Humvee giving the operator a semi elevated position to fire from. The Humvee was beginning to prove itself as a remarkable weapons platform being able to mount anything from an M-60 Machine gun to a TOW missile launcher. Compared with it high speed and mobility it soon became a favorite amongst the men of Combat company.
The three grenades that were fired impacted just short of their target kicking up a cloud of debris.
"Correction, bring the gun up five degrees." Rayland yelled.
"On it!" Allen leaned back a bit and pushed down on the MK-19 to bring the gun up. He fired another three grenades, this time they with with deadly accuracy as they landed amongst a legion of wooden cutouts.
This drill was nothing new to them, the lightly armored Humvee mounting either an M2 Browning or a MK-19 would drive up the berm, the section leader would call out the target, and the gunner would fire marking the target for the jets stacked up hundreds of feet above them.
"Target hit!" Rayland crowded.
Allen leaned back in the turret with a grin on his face. "Now the fun begins."
From behind came a dull roar, at first it sounded like waves crashing against rocks but as it got closer it turned into a terrifying wail as two Japanese F-1 armed with Mk-82 general purpose bombs soared overhead. The Japanese bombers zeroed in on the dust and smoke kicked up from the Mk-19 and released their bombs with pinpoint accuracy. The bombs tumbled from the wings and landed amidst the wooden legion, the resulting explosion sent clods of dirt, shrapnel and wood splinters in various directions.
As soon as the F-1s had bugged out a section of Marine F-4S Phantoms took their place. They flew in low and dropped their payload, the pilots jerked back on the control stick and began to climb as their eight Mk-84 bombs fell to earth. Several seconds later the bombs collided with the target and obliterated what remained of the wooden cut outs. From their position on the ridge the men of 1-8 cav and their Japanese counterparts cheered as the jets screeched overhead.
"Viper One hit confirmed, good run." A TAC operator said into his radio.
One of the F-4s rolled its wings back and forth in acknowledgment getting a few laughs from the men on the ground. Allen put an arm behind his head and stretched.
"Ya know, two weeks of this shit and it starts to get old." He said leaning forward on the Mk-19.
"Well it's better than guarding gates back at Lewis." Rayland replied as he lit a cigarette. "Don't know why we gotta do this in Japan though, like we've done the same shit at Yakima or hell we could've gone to the Mojave."
Allen shrugged. "Japan is gearing up for a major fight and wants to train domestically, we wanna scare the shit outta china? Don't know there is a fuck ton of shit it could be." Allen ducked down out of the turret and pushed open the passenger door of the Humvee. "But if I were a betting man, and I am a betting man, I'd say we're gonna be part of that task force going beyond the gate."
Rayland rolled his eyes.
"You keep saying that bro, it just ain't gonna happen."
"Why's that?"
Rayland sighed.
"Look we get into another armed conflict in Asia the civies back home are gonna throw a fit."
"They attacked our embassy, last time I checked that's an act of war. Besides don't we gotta uphold some sort of treaty?"
"The MDT?"
"Yeah that one." Allen said lighting up a cigarette of his own. "Anyways, Ronny Raygun is in office now, he's not going to let some shit kicking Romans push us around."
"Yo after what happened in Nam I'm surprised they still let us carry rifles. Shit I'm surprised they let Grenada happen!" Rayland took a drag on his cigarette and let out a cloud of smoke. He looked around at the Japanese soldiers milling about the area. "They look like they're lost."
"The Japs, they look like the don't belong."
"I don't blame them, this 'ill be their first war in like what? Thirty, forty years?"
Thirty yards away from the Americans stood the Japanese military spectators. Among them stood a 29 year Defense force Lieutenant. He watched the Americans every move, analyzing them so that he would understand every man's job. The lieutenant leaned against a Type-82 command vehicle with a Type-64 rifle slung over his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye he saw an SDF Lieutenant walk around aimlessly.
"You lost Lieutenant?" The lieutenant asked, the man turned to see who was asking.
"Umm, ahh, nope just looking for my platoon." The man replied. It was then that the lieutenant recognized the man, is face had been in the news since the attack on Ginza.
"You don't happen to be Lieutenant Itami Yōji by chance?"
"Yeah that's me." Itami replied.
The Lieutenant pulled his hand out of his pocket and extended it to Itami. "I thought so, First Lieutenant Daisuke Kita, First Helicopter Brigade. You did good last month, saved a lot of lives." Daisuke said shaking hands Itami.
"I was just in the wrong place at the right time I guess." Itami said with a shrug. "So umm, what do you think about these exercises? We've got a lot of firepower in one place."
"It's mutually beneficial, we get to live fire and the Americans can use their new toys." Daisuke said, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered them to Itami.
"No thanks, I don't smoke."
"Suit yourself." Daisuke said lighting a match. "Speaking of new toys, we've got some ourselves."
"Yeah I saw them on base, the High Mobility Vehicle looks a lot like those Humvees."
"No just the HMVs, our Type-74s are getting an overhaul and the ASDF just got several new F-15s and F-5s."
"Are we going to war?"
Daisuke was dumbfounded. "Lieutenant we've been at war. As a matter of fact you fought the first battle of it."
"You mean…"
"Yep, the Battle of Ginza." Daisuke replied as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
"And the Americans?"
"They're not sitting this one out. We've called for their help and well this is their answer." Daisuke motioned to the American Soldiers and Marines.
"Well it's not my fight."
"Don't think you're gonna sit this one out either, you've got role to play in this." Daisuke said, he stood up straight and turned to leave. "And just between you and me Lieutenant, advanced scouts are going through in the next few days or so. Get it into your head that we are going through."
Daisuke walked away from the command vehicle leaving Itami in a state of shock. The Captain walked across the training ground and over to an HMV. He climbed in the passenger seat and slammed the door behind him.
"You know who's going in first?" He asked the driver. The driver was 25 year old Ayaki Fujimoto, Ayaki started the vehicle and began driving down the hill.
"Yes sir, one Beret ODA and us."
"And the mission?"
"Watch, listen, report and if need be cripple." Ayaki replied.
Daisuke dropped what remained of his cigarette out the window.
"This is gonna be interesting.
September 13th, 1985, Ginza Tokyo, 07:35
Grey skies hung over Tokyo, a marine layer and heavy clouds rolled in overnight and the air was thick with moisture. In the center of an intersection was a large steel dome that housed the infamous Gate. Around it was a series of concrete blocks thrown together to form a wall. Every so often was a tower manned by SDF Military Police armed with Type-64s rifles and a Type-62 General Purpose Machine gun. Behind the wall American and Japanese Special Forces prepared for the "Jump" into the special region.
"All right boys, you know the mission. Once we clear the Gate we're in Indian country, our job isn't to engage the enemy only to observe and send what we see back home." An Irish American First Lieutenant said to his Platoon. Donavan Sinclair, a Green Beret standing at six feet tall.
At the age of 32 his red hair began to turn grey at the roots. The Berets wore woodland BDUs and patrol caps, all carried CAR-15 except for one who carried an M240. "Initial probes tell us that the Gate dumps us on a Hill, the terrain around Gate is more or less just hills and valleys. From an insertion on Hill 001 we are to move to Hill 003 and set up an OP."
"How long we gonna be in their sir?"
"A couple of weeks, we're bringing enough provisions to last us a month. We are the eyes and ears of the invasion people. Now mount up."
The Berets ran to their Humvees painted in woodland colors. Donavan glanced over at the JSDF Rangers. The Rangers climbed into their HMVs and began to start the engines. The quiet of the morning had been shattered by the roar of vehicle engines. He jumped into one of the Humvees and set his rifle between his legs.
"Do you really think the Japs can handle this?" A young black sergeant asked.
"Christ, I don't know Bowman. Apparently these guys are elite. As for combat experience they got none."
"So why fuck are they leadin' this fuckin' mission?"
"Because the higher ups want the Japanese to feel good about themselves." Donavan replied watching as the large steel doors opened giving way to the Gate inside. "Alright let's go."
"Yes sir." Bowman said.
The Humvee began to roll forward into the gate. They entered the tunnel and began picking up speed. The tunnel was illuminated by the headlights of Humvees and HMVs. The transit through the Gate was silent with the exception of the occasional radio check.
"Hey LT, we got light up ahead." Bowman said. Donavan looked up from the rough map that had been given to him.
"Alright turn the lights off."
Donavan reached for the radio transmitter mounted between the seats.
"Yōkai actual this is Alpha, we are closing in on the exit over."
In the HMV several vehicles back, Daisuke picked up the transmitter and replied.
"Copy that Alpha, proceed as planned out." He put down the transmitter. "Get the 62 up!"
There was a resounding clang as the gunner pulled the bolt back and let it loose. The gunner leaned in putting the stock of the MG against his shoulder. He watched as the American Humvees bolted through the exit and peeled off to the right making a beeline for Hill 003. Soon it was the Japanese vehicles leaving the Gate. The gunner shielded his eyes from the light with his hand, in a few seconds his eyes adjusted to the light. At the bottom of the hill where thousands of white and red tents dotted the field, enough to house several legions. He wondered if they could see him and the other men, he put the thought out of his mind and traversed the gun to aim at the Imperials below.
"God damn that's a lot of 'em!" The gunner said. "You think they're gonna try and pass through the Gate again?"
"No, I think they're digging in. Look to three o'clock, they got trenches, frisian horses, fuck they even got palisades." Daisuke said looking down on the imperial positions. "Sergeant, the moment we get up that hill I want you to designate several men to observe."
"Yes sir, you know if they did make another push."
"They wouldn't make it past the dome, that thing is a meter of reinforced steel." Daisuke said. "They can't break through even if they tried."
"But what if like you know, they use magic or some shit."
"Enough with the what ifs, alright we make our decisions off facts."
An Imperial guard watched the strange dust cloud travel between the two hills, to him it was unnatural. Many a strange beast lived in these hills, he would never know, he was just a farm boy who had been drafted.
"Auxiliary! What do you see?" A centurion called from the bottom of the watchtower.
"A dust storm sir, I can't tell what's causing it but it's not natural." The Auxiliary replied.
"What?" The centurion climbed to the top of the watch tower and grabbed a telescope off his belt. He tracked the dust storm, at the lead was a horseless wagon traveling faster than any horse in the imperial army.
"By gods, what are those things?" The centurion said.
"What do you see sir?"
"Wagons without horses. Stay here, I'll take my troop and capture the conjurer behind these tricks." The centurion said climbing down the ladder.
Two hours later, Hill 003
Sense they had passed through the gate the advanced scouts had made considerable progress in building an outpost. It was built on the slope opposite of Alnus, hiding the out post from prying eyes. HQ at the present time was no more than an OD green canvas tent with a couple of sandbags stacked around it. Several meters around it were small dugouts covered with canvas, these acted as makeshift living spaces for the Special Forces team. Scattered about in key locations were fox holes, fighting positions dug into the side of the hill gave the Berets and Rangers an excellent fields of fire.
On the slope facing Alnus, Bowman sat in a half dug observation post with a pair of binoculars while Donavan chopped foliage with his E-tool, the observation post was a hole dug into the slope concealing the bodies of the two Berets. Donavan worked on camouflaging the OP with brambles and bushes by placing them atop the structure. Nearby an American Humvee and a Japanese HMV provided security as the Op was set up.
"Yo sir, take a look at this." Bowman said handing the binoculars to Donavan. "Those guys have been riding around down there for around thirty minutes now."
"Scouts, must have seen us on our way in. I see 'bout a company worth down there." Donavan leaned back and grabbed the radio. "Yōkai actual, Alpha Actual we've got a company worth of Cavalry at the bottom of the hill, requesting permission to engage over."
The radio crackled with static. "Negative Lieutenant, do not fire unless fired upon."
"Fired upon? What the fuck is he talking about." Donavan thought, he had just met the SDF Lieutenant and he was already annoyed with him.
"Sir they're coming up the hill." Bowman said raising his rifle.
"Lieutenant those are enemy scouts, I advise we take them out before they report our position." Donavan replied, the enemy cavalry got closer.
"Fuck they're charging!" Bowman yelled.
"You will hold your fire Lieutenant!"
The Cavalry raised their lances and began picking up speed.
"Fuck it, Chalmers target 700 meters front, open fire!" Donavan yelled to the .50 cal gunner in the Humvee.
Gun fire erupted from the .50 cal sending hot lead down range. A round caught the first rider in the chest tearing apart his heart and lungs. Chalmers swept the gun across the charging enemy, dead men and horses fell to the ground fouling up the riders behind them. The riders attempted to continue their charge, but it was all in vain. The American Humvee cut down the enemy riders, even the Japanese with their Type-62 began to open fire. Soon the enemy was reduced to nothing more than a twisted pile of dead men and horses.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ." Bowman said. "You good Chalmers."
Chalmers replied with a thumbs up.
"Fuckin Caesar's boys, what else can I say?" Chalmers replied.
"When we get back I want you to tell Brown and Higgins to move the mark over here. I don't want you guys to unprepared if they make a charge like that again." Donavan ordered climbing out of the OP. The radio began to crackle with the angry voice of Daisuke on the other line.
"Damn it Lieutenant! I told you not to open fire!" Daisuke yelled.
"With all due respect sir, the enemy charged our position with the intent to kill. I believe that falls under ROE." Donavan replied into the receiver. He looked over at the two SDF rangers who were celebrating their small victory. Donavan flashed them a thumbs up, he could hear Daisuke sigh over the radio.
"All right Lieutenant, but next time I give you an order you'll follow it. Out."
"Fuckin Japs." Donavan muttered hanging the transmitter back on the radio.
September 20th, 1985, Camp Courtney, Okinawa Japan
Marines and Soldiers crowded around a TV set, they had come to see if their suspicions were true. On screen was the oval office of the white house, sitting behind the desk was the President of the United States Ronald Reagan. He sat there with his hand folded and a straight look on his face.
"My fellow Americans, as many of you know last month Japan was suddenly and viciously attacked by a force from another world." Reagan started. "Among the thousands of casualties were several marines. They gave their lives defending our embassy, the death of these men and the crimes committed against the Japanese people shall not go unpunished. The Japanese have called out for help and we have answered. We are deploying the 31st Marines Expeditionary Force and First Battalion of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment beyond the Gate to support our ally and bring these butchers to justice." Reagan said to the broadcasting crew. "They eyes of the world are upon you, good luck and God bless."
The men in the room began to cheer, the fight they had been waiting for had finally come.
"God damn, I told you we'd be going through." Allen cheered. "Y'all didn't believe me, but there is your proof."
"We all knew this would happen Al." Rayland replied.
"Really? Cause I specifically remember you sayin' something along the lines of Congress won't let us go to war."
"All right I get it, don't gotta be an asshole."
"Love you too man."
"Fuck off."
"So Lt, when we goin?" Allen asked.
"Best guess is sometime next month, most of the manpower and equipment is already in Japan. The rest of the Battalion will be crossing over a month after us." Nathaniel looked over at his two soldiers, the excitement that was in Allen's eyes earlier had quickly died. "What's wrong Specialist , you wanted go through sense we got here."
"It just dawned on me, because of this deployment I'm gonna miss Anna's birthday."
"Yo don't worry bout it, you can send her somethin' from the SR." Nathaniel replied.
October 10th, 1985, Air station Iwakuni, 08:54
The airfield was silent, only the sound of nervous chatter from remaining soldiers was heard. Early that morning, elements of the 31st MEU and 1st Squadron had been shuttled via aircraft to mainland Japan. A company of marine tanks was already in Tokyo being lead to the staging area. The American task force in comparison to the Japanese Special Task force was small, only two Battalions of Infantry, a company of tanks, and a logistics company would push through first. The plan was to bring in more manpower and equipment after a base of operations had been set up. But that was still up in the air, even after Reagan's declaration of war many back home were opposed to intervention.
In a hangar was the last of the men and equipment awaiting transport to the mainland. Allen leaned against his Rucksack, in his hands he held a relatively new Game and Watch handheld system simply known as Zelda. Members of his squad lingered over his shoulder watching him play.
"Where'd you get that, Specialist ?" James asked.
"Care package from home, Sergeant." Allen replied without looking up from the screen.
"You boys got your gear together?" A series of yes sergeant rang out. "Good." Allen looked up from the game and at his sergeant. Tucked in the band of his PASGT helmet was a condom and a playing card.
"You tryin to get some pussy, Sergeant?" Allen asked with a grin.
"Damn straight I am!"
"Even if it ain't human?"
"You tryin' to pull extra duty Specialist ? I know how much you enjoy that."
"No sergeant." Allen quickly replied. The rumbling of a heavy lift aircraft could be heard in the distance.
"That's our ride boys! Let's go!" James yelled over the roar of an engine, soldiers helped pull their comrades to their feet and put on packs before heading out of the hangar. On the runway a C-130 was being refueled and the ramp had been lowered. The remaining soldiers of the task force were loaded onto the transport bound for Yokosuka naval base and then to Ginza Tokyo, from there they would pass through the Gate in what would become the United States largest military operation in post-Vietnam era America. They were all part of that endeavor, the unproven warriors of a generation, spoiling for a fight and happy that their time had finally come.