Chapter 6: Dead Ground

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 7th, 3051

Rasalhague loomed on the display in the cockpit of Ralik's Timber Wolf, fed by a link to the dropship's sensors. He clenched his teeth - and not just because he hated sitting in a mech bay, helpless, while outside the ship a battle was raging. Rasalhague. The Clan had lost two entire Clusters to nuclear attacks here. It had been the first time the Clan's warships had conducted orbital bombardments, in retaliation for the cowardly attacks by the freebirths. So many warriors had been killed here, in space - and, later, on the ground.

And then they had turned over the planet won at such a great cost to the bloody Nova Cats, who had surrendered it without a fight. Ralik balled his hands into fists. If he ever met any of those cowards, he'd beat them, no matter what the ilKhan had decreed about trials.

The dropship suddenly shook, jolting him inside his cockpit. That meant an enemy fighter had broken through the Clan's fighter screen. The Failing Lions had screwed up again! All they had had to do was to cover the invasion fleet for the two hours from the pirate point to the planet, and they did not succeed! Where one fighter could break through, others could - and it took only one carrying a nuclear missile to destroy a dropship.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then forced himself to stare at the display again. He was a warrior. A Star Commander. He would face his fate with resolve and dignity.

They entered the planet's orbit - he was feeling weightless for a moment. The view on his display tilted and quickly turned yellow-red as the dropship entered the planet's atmosphere at high speed. Was that the trail of an Aerospace fighter? A Wolf, or an enemy? He could not tell.

A bright flash briefly covered the display, then the atmosphere seemed to light up with a meteor shower. Ralik hissed. It was no meteor shower - that had been a dropship breaking up during atmospheric entry. How many had they lost? A Star? A Trinary? A Cluster? Those bloody freebirths would pay for this!

He forced himself to calm down as the ship slowed down even more and the display changed to a top-view of the landing zone.

"Landfall in two minutes."

"Understood," he mumbled, even though no one could hear him. He keyed his radio. "Be ready to disembark!" Tian would be ready, but this was something a Star Commander said.

He checked the time. One minute left.

Something shot past the dropship and Ralik was jolted again - another attacker had managed to get past the Failing Lions. He snorted. As if it could be any other way.

Then he was jolted in his seat again, harder - the dropship had touched down. A moment later, the clamps released his Timber Wolf, and the ramp started to lower. "Alpha Assault Star, move out and proceed to assigned sector!" he snapped as he started to move his OmniMech.

He was the first to leave the ship, of course - that was his duty and prerogative as the Star Commander. Even if it was a Star of two Points. His displays showed no enemy outside - not on the ground, at least.

Tian's Hellbringer passed him, sprinting ahead as usual. He followed her.

"No enemy contacts," she reported.

There were not supposed to be any - the landing zones were farther away than usual, deliberately chosen so to throw off enemy ambushes. Still, the landing zone had to be secured, and his Star was to cover a small gorge.

Another fighter passed overhead - a Jagatai - as they took up positions behind rocks. He quickly checked his displays, flipping through several feeds, then cursed. They had lost Binary Artillery - their dropship had been destroyed during atmospheric entry.

He snorted, even though he wanted to scream. Binary Artillery had been the only two Stars in the 328th Assault Cluster which had been at full strength and using their original OmniMechs. Another group of survivors, like himself.

And now they were gone.

He forced himself to focus on covering an empty gorge.

Terra, North America, Nevada Desert, August 7th, 3051

"No, no - you need to adjust this part with far more precision!" Technician Martina snapped at the ComStar Acolyte, then bit her lower lip with a sharp hiss - she had lost her temper again and snapped at a superior!

But Acolyte Perry - James, as he insisted she call him - did not lash out at her or even sneer. He smiled and nodded as he moved the PPC part in his hands some more. "Ah. Like this?"

Martina nodded. "Af… Exactly." She was no Clan member any more. Not since she had been captured after the loss of the Dire Wolf.

His smile grew a little. "You're adjusting well; don't feel pressured to overdo it. You're on Terra, not in the Republic. No one will harm you here."

She nodded. As long as she cooperated and did what she was told, of course - years as a Technician had taught her that. James might not be a warrior, but he was a high-ranking scientist. And in ComStar, scientists were the ruling caste.

"Remarkable. So this is how you manage to produce extended range particle projection cannons that weigh less than ours yet produce beams that are 50 per cent more powerful."

"I am just a technician, James," she said. "I can only repair, not research equipment."

"Oh, please, don't denigrate yourself." He chuckled. "As Blessed Blake said in his wisdom: 'Theory is nothing without practice, and a good researcher will heed this.' You might find out that 'tinkering' with parts is not too different from research. And I have yet to meet a technician who didn't tinker."

Martina had 'tested new configurations', once or twice. But to admit that to someone outside her caste? But lying was not an option either; ComStar might not treat her as another Clan would, but she knew her duties. She cleared her throat. "What exactly did Blessed Blake mean by that?" If there was one thing she had learned in her time with ComStar, then that everyone loved to talk about their Founder.

"Ah!" James's face lit up with a smile as he seemed to look at something on the wall behind her. "He said that after a group of Acolytes had come to him to tell them who was correct with regards to a problem with an HPG. Of course, he did not merely tell them the answer, but taught them how to come up with it themselves, teaching them wisdom, not rote learning, and, therefore ..."

Martina nodded with an appropriately attentive expression as James launched into another anecdote full of Blake's wisdom. As long as she kept her head down, listened to her superiors, and did what she was told, she would be fine. Just like in Clan Wolf.

'The Third Battle of Rasalhague was mainly fought on the ground as the Clan Wolf forces used a pirate jump point to cut down the transit time to the planet to a few hours. KungsArmé and Com Guards Aerospace forces intercepted the Clan's dropships but didn't manage to inflict significant losses on the transports before they reached the planet's surface. However, the Clan Aerospace fighters escorting the dropships suffered heavy casualties, which greatly reduced their use in the ground campaign. Unlike other invasions, the Clan forces set down in greater distance than usual to their objectives, although this, ultimately, didn't spare the battered population further destruction as the Clusters moved with their usual aggressivity and speed towards the planetary capital.'

- Excerpt from 'The Free Rasalhague Republic: A Brief History' by Dr Jane Farmer, Tharkad, 3099

'The enemy fought hard over every inch of ground they held. Their skill and bravery were unquestionable, and their 'Mechs technologically superior to ours. But all that didn't matter when we were fighting for our homes and the Dragon, and they were fighting for themselves and fleeting glory. While it was a costly battle and much samurai blood was spilt, the Smoke Jaguars perished like the barbarians they were - hunted down and killed by the righteous in defence of the Dragon.'

- Tai-sa Suzuki Jin, Second Sword of Light

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 8th, 3051

"Aerospace fighters approaching from the north. Identified as Hellcat IIs."

Ralik suppressed a curse at Tian's report. "Understood. Prepare for anti-air action." He moved his Timber Wolf south of a farm building and angled it so he could use the building as cover and be able to fire on the fighter once it passed overhead. On the other side of the road, Tian did the same with her Hellbringer A and a large rock - far enough from Ralik so the fighter would not be able to catch both of them in one strafing run.

If only they had been able to switch Tian's ultra autocannon for an LB-X model. But the few spare guns had gone to other units since the 328th Assault Cluster was supposed to have their own air cover. Only, the Failing Lions had failed for the last time - the two Jagatais which had survived the landing operation had been shot down a few hours earlier.

Ralik almost ducked inside his cockpit when the fighter swooped in, lasers blazing. They were spaced out, covering both Tian and himself. Stravags! His Timber Wolf could take a strafing run easily, but Tian's Hellbringer carried far less armour.

Ralik barely noticed the damage done to his 'Mech, focusing on returning fire with everything he had. Lasers and LRMs reached out for the fighter as it sped away, half of them hitting, but the fighter's armour shrugged the damage off and the pilot expertly kept control of the craft.

Tian had more luck - her autocannon volley caught the right wing of the fighter attacking her, causing her target to spin away. Its pilot failed to recover the craft, and the Hellcat II crashed into the forest nearby.

"Good work!" Ralik praised her. She had taken minor damage, but remained operational as well. "Is the other coming back?"

"It is circling around our position."

They might be trying to line up another strafing run. No. Ralik did not think so. Not after losing their wingman. "We are moving!" he ordered. "They will be calling in artillery." The Star was close to their objective, after all, and they knew the enemy had artillery there.

He led them down the road for a minute, enough time for the fighter to call in a strike, then they went off-road. A minute later, shells started hitting the road. Ralik smiled, briefly - the Com Guards were still a little too predictable.

Not that that being predictable meant they were easily beaten. Ralik and TIan had to spend the next fifteen minutes randomly changing course every minute to avoid several artillery barrages. And, of course, they had lost any element of surprise - the enemy knew they were coming and would be prepared for them.

But the other Stars of the Heart Stompers were converging on the town ahead of them as well. Some of them should have escaped notice - not even the Com Guards could be everywhere, and there was still dense forest covering large parts of the planet, even after the orbital bombardment last year.

They went around a hill, not over it - too exposed, in Ralik's opinion - and finally had a line of sight to their target. The small town straddling a river ahead of them was not particularly important, but it had not been touched during the first invasion of the planet, and its bridges were still intact. That would facilitate moving towards the capital.

And, even though it felt dezgra to think like that, once the Trinary held the town, they would be safe from nuclear attacks. The freebirths had not yet launched such weapons at them, but the risk remained. They would not nuke their own towns, though. At least not for a Trinary.

"I am detecting enemy BattleMechs in the outskirts of the town," Tian reported.

"Com Guards?"

"Neg. Older models," Tian replied. "Lance strength."

Ralik checked his display. DRG-1N, SHD-2K, PNT-9R and STG-3R. Almost certainly KungsArmé.

He grinned. He would enjoy killing the dezgra surats. "Primary target PNT-9R."


He broke out of the forest and started to charge over the open fields, Tian close on his heels. As soon as the PNT-9R was in range, he fired his lasers, followed a few seconds later by his LRMs. Tian added her own weapons. The light 'Mech staggered under the impact as the house it had been hiding in collapsed. Instead of seeking better cover, though, the enemy pilot returned fire with the 'Mech's PPC, joining their lance mates long-range fire.

Typical, Ralik thought with a sneer. Their hatred of the Clan ran so deep, it affected their effectiveness in battle - a cardinal sin for any warrior.

His and Tian's next salvo finished the 'Mech off, and Ralik switched targets to the SHD-2K. The enemy was focusing on him, but his Timber Wolf could take the paltry damage of their inferior weapons.

"Mines ahead!"

Ralik stopped at once, snarling. Those cowardly surats! They had been trying to lure them into a minefield! But Tian had foiled their plan. "Backtrack!" he ordered, putting his OmniMech in reverse as he kept firing at the SHD-2K.

"Aff!" Tian, too, kept her fire up. The freebirths were still focusing on Ralik, but with the SHD-2K missing as often as not, their fire was not very effective.

But it would add up over time. Ralik clenched his teeth and fired all his lasers once more, followed by the LRMs, ignoring the spiking heat in his Timber Wolf. That enemy had to die before their PPC breached his armour.

And die it did. One of the LRMs set off the ammunition in the enemy's torso, and the MechWarrior ejected moment before the resulting explosions ripped his machine apart.

Ralik snorted. The enemy machines did not even have their ammo bays protected by CASE - they were truly the dregs of the Inner Sphere. Brave, though, he had to admit when he spotted the STG-3R launching itself into the air in an attempt to get into his and Tian's backs. But she shot it out of the air before it could complete its plan, the light 'Mech blowing apart when its reactor caught the better part of Tian's volley.

That left the DRG-1N.

"Enemy Aerospace fighter approaching! Hellcat II!"

Ralik cursed again. He had forgotten about that enemy. But they could take the fighter and the DRG-1N at the same time. "Prepare for anti-air action!" he snapped.

"Aff." But a moment later, she added: "Enemy 'Mechs detected. Two lances, approaching through the town."

Ralik felt a cold shiver run down his sweating back. He and Tian could not take so many enemies. They could either die here or retreat - but they would be harried by the fighter and artillery fire, which would allow the enemy lances to catch up. And the rest of their Trinary was still held up ten kilometres away.

He took a deep breath and was about to order Tian to retreat while he covered her when Tian spoke up again. "Leopard-class dropship incoming. Identified as Lion's Pounce."

Lion's Pounce - carrying Binary Rogue! The Roaming Lions!

Ralik grinned as the dropship barrelled in, its cannons driving the Hellcat II off before hovering over the road and deploying its cargo. The Binary had only five BattleMechs left, but they would be more than enough to deal with two lances of the KungsArmé.

He chuckled as he fired his lasers and LRMs at the DRG-1N caught between his Star and the dropship.

Then artillery fire struck the dropship, sending it crashing into the ground. Ralik grit his teeth - that ship wouldn't fly any more. Not after such a fall. But the Roaming Lions had already been deployed.

"Infantry detected in the town," Tian reported.

Ralik snarled again. Of course!

The 328th would still win this fight. But it would cost them.

Free Rasalhague Republic, Trondheim System, August 8th, 3051

This was a disaster. Taral was well aware of it even as he rolled his Jengiz and evaded a barrage of laser fire from a Hellcat II then accelerated to gain some more distance before pulling up into an Immelman turn.

He caught the enemy before it could break off, and the enemy fighter disintegrated when he unleashed all weapons of the Jengiz. One more kill for his tally.

And yet, it would not be enough. There were too many of the enemy. Too many fighters, too many dropships, and too many warships. There was an entire fleet which shouldn't be present according to their information. The Com Guards warships should be headed to Rasalhague, to deal with the Wolves' attack, not massacring his own Clan's attack on Trondheim.

But it looked like the Watch had failed again, and Clan Ghost Bear would pay the price. He glanced at his display. No enemy in close range. He risked a glance on his long-range radar and hissed. The Ursa Minor was drifting, leaking atmosphere. The Shining Claw was accelerating directly towards the enemy squadron, buying time for the surviving dropships the two warships had carried to reach the transports at the jump point.

But they needed more time, even pushing their engines to the maximum. Physics was a harsh mistress, as Taral's old instructor used to say. And so it fell on Taral and his comrades to hold the Com Guards off a little longer, distract them a little more, until the remaining Cluster of the Golden Bears reached safety.

He ground his teeth and pushed his OmniFighter again, flying straight towards a Leopard-class dropship trying to catch the transports.

He would not survive this battle. But he would ensure that his Clan would not lose any more Clusters.

'With Clan Wolf's entire touman invading Rasalhague and the forces of Clan Nova Cat and Clan Ghost Bear launching their own attacks to exploit the situation, the Com Guards were in a difficult position. If not for the fact that both Independent Squadrons had already been deployed to the theatre, they would have had to pull back the frontline, possibly allowing the Wolves to link up with the other two Clans. As it was, though, the First Expeditionary Fleet repelled the Ghost Bears' attack, inflicting heavy losses on their forces, before moving to deal with the Nova Cats' invasion of Susquehanna while the Second Independent Squadron was moving to reinforce Rasalhague. This did, however, necessitate leaving the forces engaged on the ground on various planets without much support, and while the Com Guards performed valiantly, they suffered significant casualties as a result.'

- Excerpt from 'To Protect and Serve: ComStar's role during the Invasion of the Clans' by Kyle Winston, Terra, 3081

'Those damned Cats! They hammered us hard on Susquehanna, drove us out of the capital, but we held the line south of it, despite the cost. And then, when relief forces arrived, and we were about to turn the tables on them, the bastards managed to slip away by using a pirate point for their evacuation. Not exactly our Fleet's finest hour, if you get my drift.'

- Acolyte Jenny 'Sparky' Lindstrom, Com Guards, retired

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 9th, 3051

"You were ordered to repair our 'Mechs!" Ralik shoved the useless, snivelling technician against the wall and snarled at her. "They are not repaired, quineg?" His Timber Wolf was still missing the large laser in its right arm! And Tian's Hellbringer A had not had its autocannon replaced.

"Neg. But it is not our fault!" The woman shook her head wildly. "We do not have the parts needed to fully repair your OmniMechs!"

He grabbed her collar with both hands and twisted as he lifted her off her feet. "Do not lie to me! The Clan's entire touman is here! You did not even reload the LRM racks! You neglected your duty! And right when we needed you the most!"

The woman ineffectively clawed at his wrists and tried to say something, but Ralik was not in the mood to hear more excuses. He and Tian needed their 'Mechs repaired - they already had their orders for today! Repaired and reloaded!

"Star Commander."

He turned his head. Tian stood there, frowning. At him, he realised. "What?" Did she not realise what the technicians had done?

"The rest of the Trinary is in the same shape," she said. "It seems that there is a lack of spare parts."

He blinked. That could not be. He turned to Tian, letting the coughing, wheezing waste of space slide to the floor. "How are we supposed to beat the freebirths if we cannot even repair or reload our 'Mechs?" His Timber Wolf did not have many LRM volleys left, and Tian's OmniMech was in a similar state.

"We are expected to make do with what we have, I suspect."

He snorted, and Tian's lips twisted into a thin smile. "Like we have before, quiaff?" he said.


"We will have to conserve ammunition," Ralik said as they walked to their 'Mechs. "This will make achieving our next objective more difficult."

The stopped at the foot of her Hellbringer. The replaced armour patches stood out in dull grey next to the camouflage painting, Ralik noted. His own 'Mech looked the same.

"What is our objective?"

"We - the 328th - will be moving to encircle the Com Guards in their positions to the north," Ralik said. "Just as we destroyed the KungsArmé forces in this area."

Tian nodded. She must have expected that - with the last organised resistance by the KungsArmé dealt with, that left the ComGuards as the only remaining defenders of the planet. "Do we still expect nuclear weapons to be deployed against us?"

"Neg," Ralik said. "The Heart Eaters dropped on top of their nuclear arsenal and destroyed them." The Supernova Battle had paid a high price for that, but it was worth it. The freebirth scum had paid for their crimes, and the touman did not have to worry about weapons of mass destructions any more.

They still had to worry about ComStar reinforcements, of course, but so far there had been no reports of warships in the system - only stupid rumours among panicking technicians. And with the Nova Cats and Ghost Bears fighting the Com Guards as well, and the Smoke Jaguars holding out, the freebirth traitors would not be able to spare the warships. Rasalhague would fall.

He nodded at Tian and turned to walk towards his own 'Mech when he froze. "What is this?" He stared at a trolley loaded down with spare parts that two technicians were pushing over the gravel road. If the stravag technician had lied to him...

"Isorla," Tian said. "Taken from KungsArmé depots."

Ralik shook his head. "Charlie Assault Star could have used them." But Charlie Assault Star had been destroyed yesterday. And Bravo Assault Star had been reduced to three 'Mechs.

The Trinary had been reduced to a single Star. The Roaming Lions who had saved him and Tian had lost half their remaining forces in the battle. And now inferior machines would be completely repaired while his Star's OmniMechs had to go into battle with missing weapons.

Somehow, this travesty fit this entire war.

Free Rasalhague Republic, Dawn, August 9th, 3051

Ellen 'Ripper' Kern wasn't the first prisoner in the camp who heard the noise, but she was the first who recognised it. They had cost her so much sleep when she had been quartered in a barrack next to the main airfield of a base on Terra while waiting for the field kit for her 'Mech, but now it was the sweetest sound she could imagine.

"Cobras!" she yelled as she stood and left her tent, craning her neck to scan the sky.

Yes! There came Cobra Transport VTOLs. A whole squadron, as far as she could tell. Com Guards. She had been waiting for them ever since she had seen the fusion plumes in the sky last night.

The prison guards - older Clanners - had noticed them as well. One guard tower's machine gun opened up at the approaching birds, despite the distance.

In response, the lasers on the first transport reduced the tower to kindling and scorched meat. Ellen grinned even as she dropped to the ground and took cover so she wouldn't catch a stray round as the other guards started to shoot. Dumb Clanners never knew when to give up.

It didn't take the Com Guards long to deal with the handful of guards left at the camp. By the time the infantry disembarked, the VTOL's lasers had done most of the work. Ellen, like everyone else in the camp, cheered as the last VTOL reduced the main gate to slag before setting down.

They were free. Finally.

But she started to cry as she saw a MASH transport touch down and medics spill out. If only they had arrived a week ago. It wouldn't have saved Harald - he had died in the cockpit of his Rifleman two weeks ago, when their company had been massacred by the fucking Wolves - but Archie… The Leftenant had lingered for a week after they had been captured, despite not receiving any help other than what Ellen and others could give in the camp, before dying from the wounds he had taken in his Wolverine. And he hadn't been the only wounded to suffer and die in the camp while the Clanners watched and did nothing.

She clenched her teeth, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Bastards claimed they had no supplies to spare. If any of the scum who had let Archie die had survived the Com Guards' invasion, she would show them that she had a bullet to spare for them!

She wanted to pay back the Wolves for everything they had done to her even more than she wanted her Phoenix Hawk back. Dear Lord, she wanted to make them pay!

"Ma'am? Do you need any help?"

Ellen blinked at the Com Guards medic in front of her, then shook her head. "No," she said. "No, I'm fine."

Unlike so many others.

'Most mercenary units active in the second phase of the Clan Invasion either served with the AFFC during Operation Hammerstrike or as garrisons behind the Com Guards lines in the Free Rasalhague Republic. Both kind of contracts generally had generous terms for the mercenaries - both with regards to payment and to being supplied with advanced technology. However, salvage rights were severely limited as both the Federated Suns as well as ComStar were almost desperate for Clan technology. This didn't stop all mercenaries from salvaging Clan weapons, but overall, the vast majority of the salvaged war material went straight to the NAIS and Terra. This led to many dispossessed mercenaries finishing their contracts with brand new Star League level 'Mechs. For those units which suffered heavy casualties during the battles, this was at least of some small comfort.'

- Excerpt from 'Mercenaries during the Clan Invasion' by Gabriel Mannhart, New Avalon, 3072

'The Clanners love to go on about their so-called honour - but they only care about it as long as it benefits them. The treated their mercenary prisoners barely better than the Dracs used to. The things we saw when liberated their prison camps… They claimed it was all the fault of the prisoners, who didn't embrace being slaves of the Clans and refused to work hard for their new 'owners' like they should have and had to be kept in camps as a result. That excuse didn't help the scum, of course, when they finally faced military courts.'

- Lt. Trevor McMillan, 71st Light Horse Regiment, Eridani Light Horse

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 10th, 3051

"Trinary Assault, engage the enemy!"

"Aff!" Ralik replied to Star Captain Shaw and pushed his Timber Wolf forward. He switched channels. "Alpha Assault Star, follow me!"


'Alpha Assault Star' - it was just him and Tian. And the rest of Trinary Assault were the three OmniMechs in Bravo Assault Star, including the Star Captain. But they had their orders and would obey. It was not as if the entire Cluster was in better shape. Supernova Battle had been gutted destroying the freebirths' nuclear arsenal. Binary Rogue had been reduced to a single 'Mech while saving Ralik and Tian two days ago. Binary Artillery and the Failing Lions had not survived the drop. All that was left were the Cluster's Command Nova and Charlie Battle Nova. And both were short on Elementals. About a Trinary in total, with the Heart Stompers.

But the Com Guards had been suffering as well. Two ragged companies were all that stood between the 328th and control over the last town blocking the Clan's advance. Ralik shook his head and focused on the fight ahead. He could not afford to be woolgathering.

He left the dubious cover of a light forest and piloted his OmniMech over a field covered with mud - the rain had not let up since this morning, and the Com Guards had gone through the field while retreating from the 328th.

He took an angled path to the town, changing direction every minute. Artillery started to hit the field but did not come close enough to him or Tian to damage their 'Mechs. And, for a change, no Aerospace fighters were circling overhead. Almost ideal conditions for a battle.

Snorting, he changed direction again. He could see Bravo Assault Star advancing now as well - they would converge on the same position in the town. Tian's computer started to list the enemies facing them. HGN-732, KTO-19b, BL-6b-KNT, STN-3L, FLS-8K and a MON-66.

A demi-company, with a number of heavy 'Mechs and even an assault 'Mech. Ralik pressed his lips together - this would be a hard fight. "Primary target KTO-19b. Kill the MON-66 if it engages us!" he ordered. That might be a command 'Mech.


Another change of course and they were in range. He fired his remaining laser at the KTO-19b, melting some armour. A few seconds later, A PPC bolt missed his Timber Wolf, followed by a gauss slug. These were not veteran troops. He might be able to hold his LRMs back... No. His 'Mech was missing one large laser already. He fired his LRMs, followed by Tian's LRMs and her lasers. The KTO-19b toppled over, disappearing behind the ruins the enemy was using as cover. Damaged, but not destroyed according to Tian's sensors.

Ralik switched to the STN-3L, not bothering to announce it as he hit it with laser and LRM fire. Tian would focus on it as well. And she did. He changed direction again - it would not do to enter close range against that demi-company. A gauss slug hitting his left side sent his Timber Wolf reeling for a moment, but he easily kept control of it even when twenty missiles followed the slug. The FLS-8K and the BL-6b-KNT had left the ruins to close the range, but Bravo Assault was engaging them.

His Timber Wolf took more damage, but only missiles - the HGN-732 kept missing with its gauss rifle. He could handle that. Another volley of his breached the STN-3L's armour and Tian's lasers torched off ammunition in the enemy's side. The 'Mech fell down with most of its left torso blown off.

But the KTO-19b had managed to stand up in the meantime - the Com Guard pilot was even trying to charge at Ralik so they could bring their missiles to bear. The medium 'Mech collapsed, though, its torso shot out by Tian's Hellbringer A, before it managed to clear the rubble serving as cover.

That left… Another gauss slug smashed into Ralik's 'Mech, tearing off its already damaged right arm. Ralik cursed, barely managing to keep the machine upright until the gyroscope compensated. He returned fire, running his LRMs dry in a quick exchange that left the HGN-732's armour pockmarked and smoking and his own breached.

Tian moved her Hellbringer between the enemy and Ralik, firing all her weapons at the charging assault 'Mech.

"Fall back!" Ralik ordered. "We need to widen the distance!"

To his relief, Tian obeyed. But that left him exposed again. He clenched his teeth. So be it. He fired all weapons he had left, breaching the enemy's leg armour. But that didn't stop the HGN-732 either. And Ralik's 'Mech would not withstand a full salvo.

But the assault 'Mech did not fire on Ralik - they twisted their torso and unloaded everything into the side of Shaw's Mad Dog! Already battered by the two heavies her Star had been fighting, Shaw's 'Mech collapsed as ammunition explosions tore its engine apart. Ralik did not see her eject.

And there was the MON-66, trying to flank the rest of Bravo Assault Star still fighting the BL-6b-KNT! And the STN-3L was getting up!

Ralik focused on the HGN-732, firing his lasers as fast as he could, but the assault 'Mech ignored him, methodically wrecking the battered Nova facing him while the BL-6b-KNT was engaged by the Star's Stormcrow.

By the time Ralik and Tian, who had destroyed the Mon-66, finally managed to bring the HGN-732 down, the damaged Stormcrow was all that was left of Bravo Assault Star.

The Heart Stompers had been reduced to three 'Mechs. But they had taken the town and won the day.

Draconis Combine, Clan Diamond Shark Occupation Zone, Teniente, August 10th, 3051

"We are abandoning the planet?" Star Colonel Kana Arbott did not quite manage to sound as composed as her position and rank demanded. "We have just repelled another invasion by the enemy!" And at great cost - she had about half of her Cluster left.

SaKhan Sennet nodded on the screen in Kana's office. "Aff. You fought well and earned honour for the Clan."

She knew that tone and pressed her lips together for a moment. There had been rumours, of course. Especially after all nonessential civilians had left the Inner Sphere. "But it is not enough. We are retreating to the homeworlds, quiaff?"

"Aff. The numbers do not lie - we cannot win this war. We cannot sustain the casualties we are taking in every battle." Sennet sighed. "According to my information, Clan Nova Cat has come to the same conclusion. They are evacuating their entire occupation zone."

"What is left of it," Kana said, scoffing.

Sennet chuckled. "Indeed. The Ghost Bears are, as expected, more stubborn, but they cannot hold out against the forces arrayed against them - even if the AFFC should stay put. So, even if we were to defeat the Combine's forces, we would be overwhelmed before more Clans could arrive to reinforce us."

Kana nodded. The numbers did not lie. There were only so many JumpShips and supplies available - the Diamond Sharks knew this better than any other Clan thanks to their merchants. Still… "What about the Wolves?"

Sennet sneered. "Forget them. Even if they chose to retreat now, they would not be able to save a single Galaxy."

Kana blinked. "They have fallen that far?" The Founder's Clan?

"Aff. They gambled and lost."

That meant four Clans had been effectively destroyed in the Inner Sphere - more than half the forces assigned. Their remains would be absorbed, as was the Clan way. But… "Can we afford to abandon worlds we have taken without a fight?" To lose so much face…

"Neg." Sennet sighed. "Not even with the absence of an ilKhan as an excuse. We will have to leave forces to defend the worlds. To the last."

Kana nodded. Solahma. And perhaps some second line units. She did not like to do this, but they had to be sacrificed to save Clan Diamond Shark from being absorbed as well.

That was the Clan way.

'The treatment of the prisoners taken during the invasion by the forces of the Inner Sphere varied greatly. Those captured by the Free Rasalhague Republic generally faced the harshest fate. Even the captured civilians were blamed for the Clans' atrocities. Fortunately, the Com Guards handled the vast majority of the prisoners taken in that theatre and even pressured the KungsArmé to hand over their prisoners, mostly interning the civilians. The AFFC treated their prisoners similarly, though with more reservations. In both cases, the civilians quickly adjusted to their new circumstances due to their indoctrination in the Clans.

In the Draconis Combine, though, things were handled differently. The disdain shown by the Clans towards the realm they blamed for starting the Succession Wars was returned on their prisoners - the Combine considered them barbarians and treated them accordingly. The civilians fared best, being pressed into service not unlike their prior status, but the warriors were sent to forced labour camps - or executed in some cases, when the DCMS took prisoners at all.'

- Excerpt from the term paper 'Prisoners of War and the Clan Invasion' by Acolyte Jan Kowalski, Sandhurst, Terra, 3062

'From a certain point of view, the Clans acted more like Periphery pirate bands than regular forces. They dropped their 'honourable ways' as soon as it was convenient, they ruled the conquered planets through naked force and they enslaved their captives and forced them to work for them - most pirates would have behaved exactly the same.'

- Professor Allison McNeal, New Avalon Institute of Science

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 11th, 3051

Looking at his rank insignias, Ralik scoffed and shook his head. He was a Star Captain now. Field promotion. Two years ago, he would have been proud. But now? It was meaningless. He had not earned it - he had merely been lucky enough to survive while almost everyone else was killed in the invasion. The failed invasion.

He suddenly chuckled - so many warriors had died, Ralik doubted that there were enough trueborn warriors left to fill all the vacant bloodnames. The greatest honour for a warrior, reduced to a joke.

He leaned back against the wall of the half-destroyed warehouse in which his Trinary had been set up. So many warriors had been killed, and it had been all for nothing. The Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks were fleeing. The Ghost Bears would not be far behind. And his own Clan?

Com Guards warships had jumped into the Rasalhague System yesterday, using a pirate point. The planet was blockaded - they were trapped on the planet. Rasalhague would be the touman's grave. He looked at the rain falling down in front of him, turning whatever part of the ground wasn't covered by the broken roof into mud.

"The technicians have finished the repairs, Star Captain."

He opened his eyes and looked at Tian, then chuckled again.

"Star Captain?" She looked confused and concerned.

Ralik shook his head. "It is nothing. Thank you." At least the technicians had managed to scrounge up enough ammunition and spare parts from the remains of Bravo Assault Star to cobble together some field repairs for the three 'Mechs remaining in the Trinary. His Timber Wolf had the missing arm replaced, and he had about four volleys for the LRM racks.

"They worked through the night," Tian added.

Ralik nodded. Nothing less could be expected, of course - and yet, did it matter any more?

Once more, Tian looked slightly concerned - or annoyed - for a moment, before she went on: "The Khan will address the touman in a few minutes. I have prepared a radio."

"Good," Ralik said, if only because Tian deserved recognition. What could Khan Radick say now that would matter?

"...and the enemy failed to stop our JumpShips, which are now beyond their reach and will serve the Clan well in the future! The enemy might have the advantage for now, but Clan Wolf will return - stronger than ever! Our deeds will serve as an example for the next generation of warriors and inspire them to reach heights undreamed! Our enemies think they have trapped us! Beaten us! But in reality, they have trapped themselves! We will make them bleed so much, the survivors will cower at the very thought of facing our Clan again! Warriors! Every enemy you slay is one who will not live to fight again! Warriors! We are about to ear the ultimate glory! Warriors! We are…"

Ralik flicked the radio's power off. Tian looked at him but did not say anything. And neither did Glen, the last survivor of Bravo Assault Star. Ralik chuckled again.

Garth Radick was a bloody idiot. The touman's death would not matter. Not for the homeworlds. Not for the Inner Sphere. Like Beta Galaxy's death had not mattered in the end. They would all die for nothing.

But what else could they do? They were warriors of Clan Wolf.

Terra, North America, Hilton's Head Island, August 11th, 3051

Bert Miller rubbed the bridge of his nose when Kelly entered with another stack of data discs. "More family pictures?"

She nodded with a wry grin. "Indeed. From Clan Wolf's lower castes this time."

Bert closed his eyes. "I've finished analysing dozens of pictures, and I've done the spectral analysis for every star we found on the pictures."

"Well, perhaps there'll be a new one in this batch," she said.

"Perhaps?" He frowned - he knew what that meant: the pictures must have been gathered from wrecks and ruins, their owners dead already, or they would have been questioned about their pictures' origins. He would have to spend more days looking at the family pictures of dead people.

Kelly grimaced. "Sorry."

"It's not your fault." She was his direct superior in ROM's analysis section, but she wasn't the one assigning the tasks. Not that going over JumpShip maintenance logs and reports to find out how far they had jumped in the past was any more exciting than doing spectral analyses of stars. Or sifting through communication logs between JumpShips and orbital stations to find the lag to determine how far a planet was from its star.

But the work was necessary to find the Clans' homeworlds. The barbarians had purged their navigation computers but hadn't realised that there was enough data left in their ships to find where they had come from anyway.

Even though it would take time and a lot of effort. A lot of boring effort. But Bert and his colleagues had all the time they needed - they would have results far before the Com Guards were able to even start planning an invasion of the Clan homeworlds, given the casualty numbers Bert had seen so far.

"Well, 'it's in the small and boring details that a man's work shines'," he quoted Blessed Blake.

"Indeed," Kelly said. "Oh, are you doing lunch with the rest of us?"

"Of course," Bert said. "Unless we're going to the 'Bar and Grill' again."

Kelly laughed. "Oh, no. I put my foot down - no more TexMex this week. I was thinking Chinese."

"Chinese sounds good," Bert agreed.

Well, his day was looking up already!

'All forces involved in the Clan Invasion suffered heavy casualties in both in men and material. Both the DCMS and the AFFC lost the equal of about thirty BattleMech regiments, the Free Rasalhague Republic lost their entire forces together with several mercenary outfits, about twenty regiments in total, and the Com Guards lost about twenty regiments as well. In addition to that, armour and infantry units suffered worse casualties and the Com Guards lost six warships as well.

While the killed and wounded were easily replaced through increased recruiting and training efforts, the numbers of lost BattleMechs and Aerospace fighters were only partially made good by salvage operations. The militaries affected were also faced with the decision whether or not to ramp up production of existing models to rebuild their units as quickly as possible, or use the opportunity to switch to more advanced designs. With the amount of captured Clan technology available, it was not surprising that all three involved powers - the Draconis Combine, the Federated Commonwealth and ComStar - decided to focus on reverse-engineering captured technology before developing new designs and keep production of existing models up until then. The Free Worlds League, predictably, followed suit after making a deal with ComStar, trading production capacity for technological know-how. With the St. Ives Compact closely allied with the Federated Commonwealth and the Free Rasalhague Republic becoming a ComStar protectorate in all but name, that would have left the Capellan Confederation as the only Inner Sphere realm without access to Clan technology. In hindsight, Chancellor Romano Liao, faced with the danger of the St Ives Compact using this opportunity to reunite the two realms under one banner, deciding to join forces with another pariah of the Inner Sphere and hiring the Wolf's Dragoons shouldn't have been a surprise. That development, of course, only accelerated the warship building programs of the Inner Sphere.'

- Excerpt from 'The Invasion of the Clans - An Analysis' by Jeffrey Meier, Tharkad, 3064

'As expected, as soon as the last Steel Viper holdouts had been taken care of, the press began to demand a counter-invasion of the Clan homeworlds. Never mind that we had no idea where the Clans' homeworlds were located and that our forces were in no shape to conduct operations for quite some time! Never mind that the Clans had just demonstrated the folly of launching an invasion without sufficient logistics! I would have expected that from civilians with no grasp of strategy, but to hear fellow officers talk as if we were but months away from launching an invasion instead of years or decades boggled my mind.'

- Leftenant-General James Steiner, AFFC

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 13th, 3051

It had taken the Com Guards longer to reach their positions than Ralik had expected. Almost a full day had passed since they had dropped on the planet. With complete air superiority and the number of dropships they had at their disposal, Ralik would have been more aggressive, air-dropping forces behind enemy lines instead of advancing slowly against the ragged lines of the Clan.

On the other hand, time was on the Com Guards' side. The touman would not escape - not after Radick had sent the dropships and the handful Aerospace fighters that had been left at the Com Guards' forces to disturb their landing operations. According to the Khan, an entire regiment had been destroyed by the attack. Ralik doubted that. The Com Guards would not have let the Clan force reach their transports. Not with the numbers available to them.

He did not doubt that the Clan fighters and dropships had been destroyed, though. Perhaps that had been the real reason for the attack - to rob the touman of even the slightest hope of escape. What warrior would retreat if it would only prolong the inevitable?

Or hasten it, if Com Guards fighters caught a retreating force out in the open.

Which was Ralik's Star - he could not think of the three 'Mechs as a Trinary - was hiding in a small village on the road of what was deemed to be the Com Guards' eastern flank. The possible presence of civilians might even keep the Com Guards from bombing or shelling the village after the Star's presence was discovered.

Hiding behind civilians was not the Clan way. Even deceiving the enemy into suspecting the presence of civilians went against what Ralik had been taught. But then, what was the Clan way anymore? Zellbrigen had not been brought up in months, and even before that, only warriors who had not yet fought in the war had mentioned it. He could not even remember the last time commanders had bid for the right to fight a particular battle. Trials had been suspended for over a year now, and no vacant bloodname had been filled. Not even their Khan had been properly elected.

They had lost their way, but Ralik cold not say when it had happened. And now they were facing their doom and would meet it as if they were freebirths.

Ralik shook his head. It was a fitting end for an invasion that had long since become pointless. A fitting end for a Clan which had lost its way. And a fitting end for a Star Captain commanding half a Star.

A voice shook him out of his thoughts. "Enemy contacts." Tian, of course, was as attentive as always. She would not let doubts and defeatism influence her.

Ralik glanced at his display as Tian's computer relayed the approaching 'Mechs. HSR-200Db, STN-3L, SHD-2Hb, CHP-1Nb, CHP-1N and FLS-8K. A recon-demi-company. "Target the HSR-200Db and the STN-3L first," he ordered. "Then switch to the SHD-2Hb." If they could take out three 'Mechs quickly, they had good chances to win this battle. Even with their patched up 'Mechs.

"Aff," Tian replied.

"Aff," chimed in Glen in his Stormcrow.

It did not take the Com Guards long to reach the village. As Expected, the HSR-200Db was the first to approach, covered by the STN-3L, with the SHD-2Hb hanging a little back and the heavy 'Mechs forming a line behind them. Ralik licked his lips as he saw the symbol of the HSR-200Db enter the village. Almost. Almost.

Then the symbol stopped suddenly - they had been detected. "Engage!" Ralik ordered, pushing his Timber Wolf through the walls of the barn hiding it. The HSR-200Db was already backing off, but Ralik's Star was too close and the village too narrow. A dozen lasers melted its armour and wrecked its internals. Ralik was already switching targets as the light 'Mech collapsed, its pilot ejecting a second later.

The STN-3L was not retreating, but dashing to the side - probably trying to flank them. That kept it out of Ralic's arc of fire but brought it close to Glen's Stormcrow. Ralik aimed at the SHD-2Hb charging at him and Tian, firing his lasers and LRM racks - there was no point in preserving ammunition; not now. Tian did the same, and the medium 'Mech staggered, stumbling - but recovering - under the onslaught.

The heavy Com Guards 'Mechs were opening fire as well. A gauss slug slammed into Ralik's Timber Wolf, with a PPC bolt barely missing, followed by cluster shells from the SHD-2Hb. But even patched and unpainted, the OmniMech's armour held. He returned fire against the SHD-2Hb with all his lasers. Despite its armour breached in multiple spots, the enemy did not go down, and its SRMs slammed into Ralik's 'Mech. But then Tian's lasers dug into the SHD-2Hb's torso, and the 'Mech was ripped apart as its ammunition blew up and its reactor shielding failed.

But the STN-3L was still fighting Glen, and now the enemy heavies were in range of most of their weapons. The CHP-1N charged in, focusing on Glen while the CHP-1Nb hung back, firing its gauss rifle and PPC at the Stormcrow. And the FLS-8K was charging at Tian.

"Fall back to our position!" Ralik ordered.

"Neg," Glen replied. "Actuator damage."

Ralik hissed. Tian could beat the FLS-8K, but it would be close. But Glen would not be able to defeat three 'Mechs. He pushed his Timber Wolf forward, firing at the FSL-8K as he passed it, but failing to do anything more than melting some armour off the heavy 'Mech's flank. But then he had a line of fire to the three 'Mechs fighting Glen's crippled Stormcrow. His lasers and LRMs finished off the battered STN-3L, and his last LRM volley hit the CHP-1N.

The enemy 'Mechs shifted position, wheeling so they could face both Ralik and Glen. Ralik did not let them, circling to flank them while his lasers stabbed at the CHP-1N. But Glen's crippled 'Mech could not keep up - and as Glen and Ralik focused on the CHP-1N, the two Com Guards concentrated their fire on Glen.

And Glen's Stormcrow could not stand up to the combination of gauss slugs and PPC bolts breaching its armour followed by SRMs and cluster shells. Ralik, still pouring laser fire into the damaged CHP-1N, saw it suddenly freeze before toppling to the ground with its gyroscope destroyed - and its cockpit breached by cluster shells. Glen did not eject - nor did he answer any call on the radio.

Cursing, Ralik fired his lasers, ignoring the spiking heat. He would take that 'Mech down. Both enemies turned towards him. But the CHP-1N was already heavily damaged. Ralik shifted his 'Mech to the side and kept firing. His next volley struck an ammunition bay, and the enemy 'Mech vanished in a fireball as cluster ammo shredded its torso.

That left the CHP-1Nb. Ralik kept his Timber Wolf moving around the enemy as the Com Guard turned to keep facing him, exchanging laser fire for PPC bolts and gauss slugs. But Ralik was too close for the enemy's gauss rifle to properly fire, and the Com Guard was not good enough to compensate. And Ralik's Timber Wolf outmassed it and had much more armour.

A few volleys later, the enemy machine collapsed with its leg shot out, then blew up as the gauss rifle broke in the fall. Ralik turned to support Tian and cursed.

Her Hellbringer A was a wreck. She had kept it standing - but it had lost its large lasers together with the arm they had been mounted in and what looked like all its armour. And she had been backed against a silo that must have been sturdier than expected - the FLS-8K was closing into melee range.

Ralik fired his lasers at the enemy, but they struck its rear armour for no effect. Tian managed to blow away one of the heavy 'Mech's arms, but the Com Guard's kick pulverised her Hellbringer A's remaining leg structure. She ejected, yet her OmniMech failed her - twisting to the side as it fell, which caused her seat to slam into the silo.

Ralik screamed and charged at the last enemy, firing all his remaining weapons. The FLS-8K staggered but turned to face Ralik, returning fire with a handful of lasers that breached the Timber Wolf's armour and dug into its right arm, wrecking the large laser.

He did not care. He fired another volley, then twisted his 'Mech's torso and rammed the enemy at full speed. His useless right arm got crushed, but the impact threw the FLS-8K back and ruptured its reactor shielding. The 'Mech was covered in escaping plasma before it hit the ground.

Ralik did not care. He stopped his OmniMech and hit the release button on his safety harness.

He had to get to Tian.

Terra, North America, Hilton's Head Island, August 13th, 3051

"...and the main line of defence of Clan Wolf on Rasalhague has been broken. What enemy units have escaped the pocket south of the capital are scattered, but eliminating them will take some more time."

"Thank you, Anastasius." Myndo Waterly nodded at his image on her screen. "With the other three Clans retreating, that concludes our operations."

"There are still holdouts, and the matter of tracking and shadowing their remaining ships, but I don't expect further large-scale fighting to take place for the foreseeable future."

She smiled. That was a typical answer of his - he was a perfectionist when it came to military matters. That was why he was the Precentor Martial, of course. That, and his aversion to politics.

"Casualties were heavy, though. We will need to recruit and extensively to replace our losses, and the current building programs will need to be increased as well."

She nodded again. "Of course." The casualties hadn't exceeded the worst projections, so as far as she was concerned, everything had gone according to plan. There wasn't exactly a shortage of able-bodied young people willing to defend Terra against the 'barbarian descendants of the worst deserters in Terra's history', as the current news put it, after all. And the shipyards had been expanding for some time - the six lost warships wouldn't take long to be replaced. "We're already bringing another factory online to replace the destroyed 'Mechs - and to give us some spare production capacity for the transition to new designs."

"Once we manage to reverse engineer Clan technology," he said.

She made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "We have captured enough technicians to work things out." Technology was Blessed Blake's domain, after all. ComStar's brightest scientists wouldn't have trouble duplicating and then improving on what weapons some barbarian horde had managed to invent. The next time the Com Guards met the Clans, they would enjoy a technological advantage.

"We will also need to help the KungsArmé with rebuilding their forces," Anastasius continued.

"We're in negotiations with the Free Worlds League about purchasing 'Mechs from them," she replied. The old designs would be good enough for the KungsArmé. It wouldn't do to let them grow too strong - the Rasalhague people were currently very grateful for ComStar's assistance, but that might change in the future. As long as they depended on ComStar for their defence, though, they wouldn't grow too independent.

Anastasius nodded but did not comment - as she had expected. He despised politics but was no stranger to them.

Which made her switching subjects so amusing. "As long as the Clans remain a threat, the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine should be unlikely to start another war. This provides us with an opportunity to foster more unity among the realms of the Inner Sphere."

He made a noise that she knew signalled grudging acknowledgement.

"And Thomas can be bribed with new technology," she went on. "Which will balance the realms out a little more."


"It will take at least a decade to build up enough forces to be able to invade the Clans' homeworlds, right?"

"That's our most optimistic estimate. A few decades would be more realistic, given current JumpShip and warship production rates." He looked at her.

She knew what he meant. ComStar was already producing JumpShips in increasing numbers, but that could be improved even further. On the other hand, the longer the truce between the realms held, the better - for ComStar and humanity. The Reunification War had been the birth of the Star League. A counter-invasion of the Clan homeworlds a few decades from now might see the Star League's rebirth - under ComStar's leadership, of course.

Blake's will would be done.

'Terra is the cradle of humanity! The brightest star of the Inner Sphere! When the Succession Wars brought chaos and ruin down upon countless worlds, Terra preserved both the knowledge and culture of humanity as it remained at peace in the midst of war. But now a new danger has risen, threatening everyone - and merely protecting Terra itself is no longer enough. We must, once more, step up and do the right thing for the whole of humanity. The Com Guards, guardians of peace and those who cannot protect themselves, must now fight to protect humanity and Terra against the barbarian hordes of the Clans!'

- Excerpt from 'Why We Must Fight' by Clarence Hill, New York, 3051

'I was certainly surprised at how many ComGuards fought, and that they had warships - I had thought they were merely guarding refugee camps, hospitals and HPG installations - but worried? No. They saved Rasalhague, didn't they? Probably saved the entire Inner Sphere. I trust them more than I trust the Federated Commonwealth or the Combine. Sometimes more than our own government, to be honest.'

- Sven Borgje, farmer, Tukayyid

Free Rasalhague Republic, Rasalhague, August 14th, 3051

Tian looked far too weak on the cot in the field hospital. Pale, covered in bandages, tubes in her throat and nose, what skin was visible was bruised - a warrior should not look like that. But she was alive. Unlike all the others Ralik had fought with and later led. He had managed to save her. If only for a while - the sole reason the Com Guards had not yet overrun Alpha Galaxy's field base was that they were busy mopping up the remains of the other Galaxies. The remains of the remains, he thought with a snort. Only Khan Radick might have considered them Galaxies.

Two years ago he had fought his first battle in the invasion, on Ferris II. And today, he would fight his last. Ralik's Timber Wolf - the remains of it - was standing outside the hospital. Once the Com Guards arrived, he would die defending it. As his Trinary - his Cluster, actually - had been ordered to. A Cluster consisting of a single crippled 'Mech. A fitting end for him. He snorted again.

"Star Captain?"

Ralik frowned as he turned to glare at the med tech standing in the doorway behind him. "What is it? Have the Com Guards been sighted?" They were not supposed to be close enough, yet - but it would not be the first time Command had been wrong about the enemy. Far from it.

The woman cleared her throat. "We have received orders to evacuate the hospital."

"Evacuate?" He frowned. Evacuate to where? There was no way out.

"Yes. The Khan himself gave the order to fall back to a more defensible position."

He chuckled, briefly. Perhaps the Khan thought that the current location was not fit for their last stand. A mountain pass or other choke point would serve better, but Ralik could not recall one in the vicinity. "I see," he said, gesturing to Tian. "Go ahead and prepare her for transport."

The woman chewed her lower lip, and Ralik frowned, then glared at her.

"The Khan has given the order that all medical supplies shall be reserved for warriors that can still fight. Since warrior…" She looked at the tag on the bed's frame. "...Tian would take at least two weeks to recover…"

"'Would', med tech?" Ralik stood, towering over the woman.

She paled and glanced at the machines keeping Tian alive. "The Khan has ordered to… to stop treating them. To preserve supplies."

What? What?

Ralik drew his pistol. "What?" he snarled, not sure if he had heard wrong.

She shrieked and raised her hands, cowering. "The Khan ordered it! It was his decision! Please!"

Radick! Ralik clenched his teeth. That dezgra surat! To order this...


Radick had to die. But anyone else responsible for this… this betrayal… had to die as well. He aimed at the woman's head.

"Please! No!"

His finger curled around the trigger. Just a little squeeze… No! This was Radick's fault, not the snivelling lower castes' doing his bidding.

He took a deep, shivering breath, trembling as he raised his pistol until it pointed at the ceiling. "Get out! Leave! And if you cut power to the hospital, I will hunt you down and kill you and your comrades!"

The woman fled.

Ralik closed his eyes. Radick had to die for this. Ralik's Timber Wolf was still able to walk and even sprint. He knew where the Golden Keshik was - he could reach their position. Challenge the surat to a Trial of Grievance. Kill him!

But that would leave Tian unprotected. Helpless. Anyone - a fool of a tech, or freebirth civilian - would be able to kill her easily.

He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. No, he could not leave her. She was all that was left. Of their Star. Their Trinary. She was all Ralik had left. There was nothing else - Radick's last betrayal had ensured that.

He sat down again on the chair next to her bed and waited.

And when he heard the vehicles outside, the soldiers jumping out, entering the hospital, he looked at the pistol in his hand, then threw it to the floor.

Clan Homeworlds, Ironhold, August 14th, 3051

"You are a disgrace for the Clan!"

Star Captain Joanna glared at the snivelling sibko in front of her. She did not want to be there, had not wanted to become a falconer. She should have died with the rest of the Falcon Guards on Sudeten. Or on Trell I, when that freebirth had shot her cockpit. But she had survived, if barely - when she had woken up, she had been halfway back to the homeworlds.

And now she was stuck training a bunch of fledglings and she could not even get rid of all the rabble not fit to become a warrior in front of her! Walking down the line of teenagers covered in mud and shivering in the rain, she sneered. This was supposed to be the future of the Clan? The warriors who would erase the shame of her generation?

Joanna scoffed, causing the fledgling she was walking past to jerk. She stopped and leaned towards the girl. "Look at you! Trembling at the mere sound of a warrior walking past!" she spat. "And you think you can fight? Hah!"

The girl glared back - or tried to. Her trembling lower lip ruined the effort, though. Joanna snorted. Not that it mattered, anyway. This was a fool's errand - not even the fledglings who were not hopeless rabble would be ready in time to defend the Clan against the Trial of Absorption anyone with half a brain knew was coming.

The vultures were gathering, just waiting for the invasion truce to formally end. Those who had been too weak to earn the right to invade the Inner Sphere were now circling, falling over each other in their greed for the Jade Falcons' resources. Like the Star Adders. And to add insult to injury, Joanna's clan would be absorbed by the weakest competitors - those who did not dare to bid for the right to absorb the Wolves.

She bared her teeth, causing the girl to flinch. Even though the Wolves had failed as badly as the Falcons, even though it had been their spies who had failed and betrayed the Clans, they were still seen as more valuable than Joanna's own Clan.

But no one had ever claimed that life was fair - least of all herself. She punched the girl in front of her in the stomach, doubling her over, and took a step back, continuing her walk down the sibko's line as her victim vomited into the mud.

It was pointless. Hopeless. But Joanna would do it anyway. She would form this rabble into a group of warriors who would at least take an enemy with them when the vultures came to feast upon her Clan's carcass.

As a warrior of Clan Jade Falcon, as the last survivor of the Jade Falcon Guards, she could do no less.

'At first sight, the Clan invasion looks like an obvious mistake. The distances involved, the logistics needed for such an undertaking and, most of all, the huge numerical discrepancy between the forces of the Clans and the Inner Sphere - it seems impossible that the Clans seriously planned the invasion, much less expected the operation to succeed. Not even all seventeen Clans put together would have equalled the forces of the AFFC and DCMS combined, for example.

And yet, when one realises on what information the Clans had based their plans, one has to admit that their mistakes weren't quite as obvious as they might seem. For the last report they had received from the Wolf's Dragoons dated back to 3019 - when the Inner Sphere had been in the last years of the Third Succession War. Back then, warfare was generally limited to raids, not invasions. A regiment attacking a planet was considered a large-scale operation. The rarity of JumpShips and dropships severely limited strategic mobility, so even larger forces rarely managed to bring their numerical superiority to bear. Had the Clans attacked in 3020, they would have faced far weaker resistance from a far less organised and united Inner Sphere. Neither the AFFC nor the DCMS were equipped with advanced technology at the time, and the Com Guards were still in the process of being trained up to the level of a planetary militia. Whether or not the Clan invasion would have succeeded under such conditions cannot be judged with any certainty - but the battle would have certainly been much closer than the actual invasion.'

- Excerpt from 'The Invasion of the Clans - An Analysis' by Jeffrey Meier, Tharkad, 3064

'Pirates. Clans. ComStar. Who cares who rules our world? None of them cares for us. The pirates only cared for themselves, and the others only want secure forward bases for their future invasions. In other words - nothing ever changes out here, other than the flags on the poles.'

- Max Hawker, farmer, Ferris II


Federated Commonwealth, Outreach, November 20th, 3051

Darren took a last look at his empty room, struggling with the desire to wreck it just to relieve a little bit of his frustration. To be evicted from his home, his world - to lose everything he and his family had built for generations… The injustice of it all galled.

How could the Federated Commonwealth dishonour itself so? Outreach had been a backwater planet before the Dragoons had taken over. They had built its industry up, had made it a hub for business and trade. And now they were forced to leave, losing everything they had struggled and worked for! This could not stand!

And, worse - the Dragoons, who had once been courted by every employer in the Inner Sphere, the best and most famous mercenary unit, were now forced to work for the Capellans. Contracted by the weakest realm in the Inner Sphere while other, lesser units such as the Kell Hounds and the Gray Death Legion were receiving praise and accolades for their actions in the war! A war the ungrateful fools in the Federated Commonwealth had barred the Dragoons from taking part in even though the Dragoons had prepared for decades to fight the Clans! He could barely stand the thought without wanting to hurt someone, anyone.

It was all ComStar's fault. They had poisoned the entire Inner Sphere against the Dragoons with their lies and plots. They had been jealous of the Dragoons' technology and knowledge. Like the other mercenaries who had jumped at the chance to sneer at the Dragoons, jealous surats, all of them. And ComStar's pets had murdered the Black Widow using nuclear weapons. The greatest MechWarrior of all times, killed like this - no, these people had no honour at all!

At least the Capellans would not scorn them - the Dragoons were their only chance to keep up with the research and rearming programs of their enemies.

Darren lifted his duffel bag on his shoulder and slammed the door. Well, they would reap what they had sowed. All of them. The Dragoons would return. It might take decades, but in the end, they would prevail. Against everyone. The Combine had learned that lesson in 3029, and the others would learn it in the future.

Because the Dragoons were the best warriors the Inner Sphere had ever seen. And they would prove it.

Clan Homeworlds, Strato Domingo, February 10th, 3053

Star Colonel Kana Arbott put down the latest report from her Star Captains - some trouble with the freeborn warriors - and rubbed her aching shoulder. The med techs claimed that the wound she had taken in the Trial of Absorption against Clan Snow Raven's forces had completely healed, but Kana still felt it ache sometimes. It was only a nuisance, though, not a crippling injury. A reminder that things could have been worse.

She leaned back in her seat and activated the massage function and sighed at the relief this brought to her shoulder. This chair was the best piece of isorla she had brought back with her from the invasion. If the Clan's techs managed to duplicate it, they would reap huge profits from everyone forced to work at a desk at least part of the time.

But it was not a priority. Not when the Clan needed to rebuild its forces, depleted twice now - first in the invasion, and then against Snow Raven. She shook her head. If the Ravens had not been so eager to get rid of their rivals to bid too low, the Diamond Sharks might have joined the ranks of the Jade Falcons, Steel Vipers, Wolves, Ghost Bears and Smoke Jaguars, all of them gone, absorbed by rivals or supposed allies. Or torn to shreds in a feeding frenzy, like the Wolves, after they threatened to hold the Kerensky legacy hostage. All in all, the whole farce, including all the Trials of Grievance following it, had probably cost every Clan involved a Galaxy or two - and Clan Wolf everything.

Ah, well - good riddance to them. They hadn't had the sense to see a losing battle and retreat in time, unlike her Clan and the Nova Cats. The weak and the foolish perished, strengthening the smart and the strong. That was the Clan way.

And her Clan had proved itself both smart and strong, winning their trial and then convincing the rest of the Clans, who had been busy looking for someone to blame for the failed invasion, someone in addition to the conveniently dead ilKhan, of course, that they needed to prepare for an invasion by the Inner Sphere, and, therefore, needed another truce.

She chuckled. There would not be an invasion for at least a decade, of course - the logistics were too much for the Inner Sphere. But the other Clans had not fought the freebirths and would not realise that.

Which would give her Clan more than enough time to rebuild and prepare. For all eventualities.

After all, there was an opportunity for profit in almost every situation. The Diamond Sharks knew this better than everyone else - even with the losses they had taken, they had still made a small profit from providing supplies and transportation in the first phase of the invasion.

Solar System, Titan Shipyards, March 25th, 3053

Floating in microgravity in front of a window, Precentor Angela Stahl smiled at the sight of her new command - or what would be her new command once she was finished. Right now, the future CSV Subtle Wit was still barely more than a hull being worked on. But what a hull! Angela would always remember the CSV Knowledge Is Power fondly - no captain ever forgot their first command - but in front of her was no converted Star League frigate, but a purpose-built stealth frigate.

The rest of the Fleet might gush over the new CSV Conrad Toyama, the future flagship of the Fleet, dwarfing even a modernised Texas-class, but Angela knew that without ships like her old and her future command, the big battleships wouldn't ever find their targets. Stealth ships would be the vanguard of the next war, sneaking through enemy territory and providing the crucial information that would let the Fleet defeat the Clans. And protect the ground pounders on the way down.

She smiled. The ground forces might have taken the brunt of the casualties and were currently being rebuilt and expanded, but the Fleet was the senior service. The Shield and Sword of the Order.

And since an invasion of the Clan homeworlds would need far more warships and jumpships than were presently available, that would remain so - the shipyards were working around the clock to not only replace the losses they had taken but expand the fleet.

Even with the Successor States launching their own warship programs, and the handful of inferior ships the Dragoons had, the Order would remain the dominant naval power in the Inner Sphere for the foreseeable future.

Which meant Angela's own future was secure as well.

Federated Commonwealth, New Avalon, NAIS Testing Grounds, April 7th, 3053

Leftenant Marcy "Mac" Fernandez didn't bother to hide her frown as she eyed the tank in front of her.

"What's wrong?" Beckett asked. "Isn't this the tank we need to test?"

"It is," Marcy replied. "But I'm not sure I like what they have done to this poor Manticore."

"It looks exactly like the pictures in the manual," Beckett pointed out.

"Yes. Right down to the missing laser turret."

"Ah." Beckett nodded. "The improved PPC is supposed to compensate," she went on. "Longer range as well as more effective at close range."

"Yes, emphasis on 'supposed'," Marcy grumbled. She held up a hand when Beckett opened her mouth to reply again. "I know, I know - studies showed that the tank's effective firepower wouldn't have been reduced in most engagements since the added range and precision up close more than made up for the loss of the laser. I'm just not sure I would agree." If faced with an elemental coming too close, she'd rather have one more weapon to fire than a slightly more precise PPC - a surplus extended range PPC, as far as she knew, inferior to the latest generation which were based on reverse-engineered Clan weapons. And losing a ton of armour didn't sit well with her either.

"Isn't that what we're here to test, ma'am?"

Marcy didn't have to look at her gunner to know Beckett had her 'I disagree, but you're the officer' face. Ah, well - the girl would enjoy that soon enough; Marcy was planning to recommend her for officer's school in a few months. If Peters could make it, Beckett would excel there. "We'll see. I don't intend to go easy on the thing," she said. "As soon as the testing range is open, of course."

Beckett checked her noteputer. "It's still occupied by the 'Mech tests."

Marcy snorted. Some things never changed. And 'Mechs having priority was one of those things. "Let's hope we'll get on the range before the evening, at least."

"Do you think it'll take that long?" Beckett asked.

Marcy chuckled. "I hope it won't, but… with all the rumours about OmniMechs of our own being developed, and even the snakes building one - who knows what they are testing there?" Certainly not a tank crew temporarily detached for testing a tank. "What do you think, Kowalski?"

Their driver looked up from where he had been peering into the hatch of the tank. "Driver's seat looks the same."

And that would be enough for him, Marcy knew. In the end, it wouldn't matter anyway - they would test the thing, write their report, and the brass would then decide whatever they wanted no matter what the tests said. Probably scrap the Manticore upgrade in favour of 'focusing on new 'Mechs' or something.

Marcy could live with that.

Terra, Alberta, August 14th, 3054

Ralik saw the aircar on the landing pad as he piloted his 'Mech towards the garage. He had expected it - Tian would never miss their 'anniversary' if she could help it. Neither would he, of course - although since he was not a training officer for the ComGuards, but a mere farmer and lumberjack, he doubted he would have to miss an anniversary. Especially since they were being held on his farm. It was Tian's too, of course, but she did not work there.

He parked the GM Excelsior AgroMech, checked the maintenance log, flicked the piece of armour from his of Timber Wolf which was dangling on a chain from the cockpit frame and climbed out.

Tian was waiting for him on the porch, a bottle and two glasses standing on the small table there.

"Good evening," he said, smiling, as he took his usual seat.

"Good evening."

He did not ask how her day at been, and she did not ask about his. If nothing bad had happened, then it had been a good day.

They waited in silence until the sun began to set. Then Ralik filled the two glasses, handed one to her and took the other. Raising it, he started to speak.

"Rylian. Brell. Sepha. Beata. Kenta. Olef. Lionel. Glen."

Then they both drank. The whisky burned in his throat, as usual - neither of them drank alcohol, not even beer, unless on this occasion.

They remained in silence until the sun had set, then went inside to have dinner. Nothing fancy - neither of them was a good cook.

"There is still a position open in the Com Guards," she said later, when they were in bed, arms around each other.

"It has been open for years," he answered.


He shook his head and felt her nod in response. She would ask the same question next year as well. And his answer would be the same. He was no officer - everyone in his Star apart from Tian had died on his orders. All he was, all he had ever been, was a MechWarrior.

And he did not want to be a warrior any more.