![]() Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, and Glee. I am a theatre professional based in New York City. I've always had an interest in writing fiction, but in the past have focused on short-form writing (poetry, drabbles). Now, I want to tackle something more complex. My favorite literary genres are historical fiction (based on real historical events), Gothic novels (Victoria Holt, Barbara Michaels), Regency-era romances, and period pieces that have a magical, fantasy, or paranormal bent. I love ambiguous characters. My favorite fiction involves tropes being turned upside-down and inside-out (see Georgette Heyer's Cotillion) and dual-or-triple identity heroes who use their brains to solve problems instead of resorting to violence (see Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel). In my spare time, I review series romantic fiction at Numbers on the Spines. My reviews and stories can be followed on Tumblr at http://. On FanFiction.net, I run the following Harry Potter Challenges: Vivid Characters/Scenes in 100 Words or Less -- in which we capture characters & scenes in a vivid, lean way, using a prompt word for inspiration. The Hardcore ConCrit Challenge- with it's associated C2: McGonagall's Red Pen: ConCrit for FanFic -- in which we agree to do at least one real piece of concrit for per week for members of the C2. Stories submitted for membership should be stories you are proud of, clean in terms of spelling and grammar, and preferably beta'd by someone else or carefully edited by you. The Finish-or-Fix-a-Fic Challenge -- in which members bring forgotten or broken stories back to life. The Under-Represented Minority Wizard Challenge -- JKR does include characters from various under-represented groups, but they are mostly in the background. Where are the differently-abled people? immigrants to the UK? Teachers who aren't white? Protagonists who are not slim? Muslim wizards? Jewish wizards? New-age wizards? Are any of the charaters we already know part of a minority group, but JKR didn't tell us? I am participating in the following Challenges (plus my own). If I don't list them, I'll forget how many I signed up for. I keep finding more, which is scary: The Next Gen OC Challenge (Hal Dursley/Kiera Lestrange in Even Unto the Seventh Generation) Awkward Dinner Challenge - Sirius/Petunia (Combined with Seven Fics Challenge) Your Favorite Under-appreciated Pairing Challenge (Draco/Luna--ongoing one-shot/drabble collection: In the Light of the Moon) The AU Multi-Chapter Challenge - Simmering for the time being, as there is no due date. Pondering a time-travel-Buffy-crossover... Seven Fics Challenge - Terrified by prompts list. Especially "Genre: Humor" 1. In the Light of the Moon (prompt: fake) 2. The Covetous One (word limit: 5000) 3. Star-Crossed (genre: humor) Some of my stories are part of the same Harry Potter universe, in the following order (though they need not be read in sequence): 1. Unthinkable Acts (Multi-Chapter, in progress) 2. The Wonder Years: The Diary of Hal Dursley (One-Shot) 3. Even Unto the Seventh Generation (Multi-Chapter, in progress) 4. Snapshots: Vivid Portraits in 100 Words or Less (Certain drabbles are in the same universe as Even Unto the Seventh Generation), but not all of them are. Others are stand-alones: The Forgotten One Unacceptable A Very Impractical Man The Covetous One In the Light of the Moon Star-Crossed Poetic Justice