Author has written 53 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Animorphs, Yu Yu Hakusho, Nadesico, Fullmetal Alchemist, Diabolo, Death Note, Dark Tower series, Angel Sanctuary, Utena, and Riddle Story of Devil/悪魔のリドル. Love is what you've been through with somebody. --James Thurber My heart will always belong to The Twilight Zone. Considering he died fourteen years before I was born, Rod Serling will never know the profound impact he had, not only on my life but on my writing as a whole, and that's probably for the best. Hi, my real name has three letters, and I'm twenty-eight years old. My doom is my versatility-- also known as my inability to stick to one particular pairing. Almost anything goes, but I'm especially fond of crack het made semi-plausible. In canon love triangles I invariably prefer the loser. E-mail me or IM me if you'd like to (on trillian I'm twosquaredthree). I'm... kind of shy, to be honest... but not unapproachable or anything! Thank you to everyone who ever reviews or even reads; it's what's kept me going for ten years here, and I appreciate it so much! A special thanks to feral who I found rather belatedly had nominated "A Subtle Kind" on the Death Note recs page on TV Tropes. It really made my day to see it listed and to know people still enjoy that story. Italian translation of "White Knight" --Courtesy Melany! Thank you so much, it's so flattering! Find Me: P.S. My little sister's on this site-- her penname's Sweet Cari. Be nice to her. P.P.S. ElvenSailorGirl is my real-life friend and a good ficcer too, and has been a beta for me before, so don't forget to check her out too! Acey |
Anaphalis (17) Bonzo the Fifth (1) Deadly Beauty (29) DoraMouse (17) ElvenSailorGirl (15) | Halfpenny (22) Huhn (6) Kaleyanne (81) Leia (35) Nashidesei (14) | Saulie (39) Schiaparelli (1) Swiss Army Knife (44) Tobu Ishi (58) |