Poll: For Olympian Rangers, should I allow early romance to brew Chapter 5, as a best example or later around chapter 10-15 ? Vote Now!
Author has written 19 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Supah Ninjas, Digimon, Bleach, Power Rangers, Avatar: Last Airbender, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. NOTICE: I, Hikari Purinsu Jemuzu, has made a decision to delete all stories that violate the rules/regulations. So, Messed Up and Shadow of The Day are now deleted and might be replaced- I repeat they might be replaced! Certain chapters of certain stories may also! NOTICE: Messed Up is now on my WordPress. http:///2013/03/06/messed-up-songfic-to-love-the-way-you-lie-pt2-bleach-ichigo-k-rukia-k/ I guess I should introduce myself. I'm am the ever so polite James. My Partner Bakugan is Haos King Segreton... but I just call him Segreton. I admire Runo from Bakugan, as she is the best of the HB's. By HB, I mean Haos Brawlers. It hurts my heart that A) She never was seen or even mentioned in GI and B) The series has ended. The reason I look up to Runo is because, to me, she's the big sister I've never had. I love Bakugan and Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds. I also like Manga. I have a little bro and sis named, Ironically, Leo and Luna. I hate copy and Patse, but I might do it. Made a forum for Guardians of Dueling: http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/Guardians-of-Dueling/128883/ Guardians of Dueling Theme end theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buuhLaDzIsY Personal Name: James, just call me James Haos or Hikari Jemuzu-San Username: First I was, " Haos Master James" or some crap, and then I realized that many people may not even know what Haos is so I became ... I was very disappointed when I found out it was spelled Kingzu... Then I looked up Prince, and was not disapointed! Purinsu means Prince. So, I'm like, " MY NAME IS COMPLETE!" and my sis waltz in here and is like, " Hey, dude, you should seriously put the rest of that in Japanese too." And I'm like " *O* Thank you sis, that's perfect!" And that's how I got my current name. Hikari Purinsu Jemuzu. Light Prince James. \( * 0 *)/ I know, I'm royalty! Age: 13 Sex: M I love PJO. Pairings Percy Jackson PercyxAnnabeth ThaliaxNico SallyxPoseidon HazelxLeo ( Damnit, they act like they have chemestry!) LukexBianca CharlesxSilena Bleach IchigoxRukia ( all time favorite!) Orihimex Uryuu ( Or Renji or Ulquirroa ) KisukexYourichi RenjixNoone ( Really hate him) RosarioVampire Outer Moka/Inner Mokax Tsukune (...Am I the only one who noticed or what -_-...shall I redirect you to RosarioVampire Season II Chapter 16?) KurumuxMizore (If you didn't see, I advise you go now...RosarioVampire Season II Chapter 12 Page 33...As you can see this is Yuri...my only favorite Yuri/Yaoi pairing...which means this is special...and I LOVE the kissing scene for some reason...really hot XD) Favorite Anime: So many...Bakugan, Bleach, Pokemon (sometimes), Yugioh, 5ds, Gx, Zexal, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, PPZ, Beyblade Metal Fight, Dragonball Z, Digimon, RosarioVampire, B Gaka H Kei, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop... Manga: Again, so many...ok, the ones up there under Anime and Change 123, for example (and because I like it so much...RosarioVampire) I have wierd pairings that people may sometimes call " crack pairings". I don't know they hell why. They have just as much of a chance of happening as anyother pairing. And here's my reason why. DanxRuno: It's already obvious. Besides, I have a knack for liking pairings that typically involves abuse, heartbreak, and dumbass boyfriends. ShunxAlice: Hm... do you guys need to re-watch Season 1 of Bakugan again or is it just me? JuliexMasquerade ( I call him Marqe): Well, let's see... I don't like Billy. Not at all. First, he gets turned into Masquerade's goon (I'll get on that later) and then expects to be welcolmed back so easily. Plus, him and his Bakugan is super annoying. He flirts with every girl he sees ( ok, not really, but... he's over the world! What else is he doing? Probably knocked a girl up.) In my opinion, Julie deserves better. She's waited on him, and he let her down. He's weak! She needs someone to protect her! Which brings me to Masquerade. Who better than an soul of pure looking for his place? He's very faithful, but he brings points down because of the fact that he was evil. And, while Billy and Julie have that "history" thing ( if you could even call it that), the few times they've met, could have been nothing, but if you look at Julie during the battle between Dan and Masquerade, she's got worry for both of them. Hydranoid is strong, plus he's not annoying. Masquerade's just one of the dudes who'd fit with Julie like a puzzle piece. He has the right state of mind and focus to just know when enough shopping is enough for Julie and just how to make her stop without crying. No, I'm not delusional. Ichiruki: It kinda brings in that whole, " I'll defy the universe for you" thing. Like Romeo and Juliet ( which Ichigo and Rukia are both fans of). Besides, it's SOOO obvious it's crazy. HELLO?! Eye smex? And it breaks Inoue's heart. I likey it breaks Inoue's heart. HitsuKarin: Isshin and Masaki. Shinigami and Quincy/Human. Ichigo and Rukia. Quincy/Shinigami/Visored/ Human and Shinigami. So who's to say that there can't be another ShinigamiHuman pairing? That's when Hitsugaya and Karin come in. Plus, the episode in which they appear? Yeah, I really like it. Plus, there was all of those pictures I see whenever I look up Ichiruki HitsuKarin on Google. KaitoxMiku: Cause they have so many duets. No, screw that. Because of how they express their love for each other. It's right in the naked eye! They're only like 2 or 3 years apart! What the hell are you talking about he's too old for her? KamuixRin: ShunxAlice... they remind me of ShunxAlice and are so cute together. For real, a samurai and a sweet girl? Yeah, totally a fav. LenxLuka: OK, one) that song they sung about Len being poor and Luka being rich and sick and they still found each other and fell in love? That was good. Second) I don't give two rats asses about the age difference. It makes it more... defying. Third) If someone with a messed up mind could picture Rin and Kaito together (bleh!!!! It's Miku and Kaito!) then I can think, and be part of a community, that Len and Luka are destined for each other. There you go. Be safe, kiddos! Update: Feburary 2013: I've noticed that my stories are just all together, which leads to lacks in updates. Therefore, your Purinsu Jemuzu has decided that he will continue to write these stories until completion and then work on the rest: 1) Guardian Duelists 2)Finding You 3)Olympian Rangers 4)Reading: I know the Lightning Thief and 5) Vocaloid Brawlers- Vocaloid Brawlers is being re-written so it can be better. Please be patient. Olympian Rangers: I'm workin' on it! Finding you: ...Dear lord, if I hear ONE MORE update thing- I'm working on it!!!!!!!!!!!! For the authors who think I'm a flammer: I know I've offended you but GET OVER IT! For real, it's to make you better! That's why it's called "reviews"! When all those other ass-kissers wanna say "Good job!" and "Update" and I give you something that may be offensive but is not: AT LEAST I'M TRYING TO CARE! Not pointing out the faults doesn't make you better. Just get the hell over it and continue to write. Take my advice. Don't take my advice. Don't care. I got this from Yemi Hikari's page. He's a good dude. Excuses that do not cut out for why your fanfic isn't good enough. I don't have time – I think, the times that I find it most irritating, is when it comes to hot-off-the-press fanfics, or fanfics that are obviously thrown together in a few minutes. If anyone wants to have people take them seriously here, you should spend fifteen to thirty minutes roughly, per fanfic chapter. It may vary. It's just for fun – If something is posted to the internet, it isn't just for fun anymore. You are trying to get praise, for something you did. However, if your fanfic has problems, because it is posted on the net, people are allowed to tell you, there are problems with it. You can't do nothing about it. I just don't care... rant, rant, rant... - I don't need to go into the depth of how you proved otherwise, that you do care, if you rant after that statement. I went to preparatory school, not public – Last time I checked, a preparatory school has a better education then a public school, or most public schools. I don't make straight A's in my English – Well, at least you aren't making F's either. You don't need to make straight A's, to write good fanfiction. I like MSN chat speak, so I use it all the time – This is VERY bad manners. Other people like it – Some people will gush over anything, so this doesn't mean you have something of quality. Also, if something bothers you as a writer, change it. People who throw a fit, weren't true fans of your work in the first place. Everyone Else Does it. Two wrongs don't make something right. Be a role model, and do the right thing. AU means “author's version” - No, it means alternative universe. It is my version, so I can do whatever I want too. - Fanfiction work will always be dirivitive of someone elses work, meaning that it will never be completely your own version. If you want your own version, write original fiction. I warned that the characters were OoC – It doesn't change the fact that true OoC is bad writing. If a character is OoC, then they are NOT the canon character anymore. I asked to be e-mailed what people thought wrong in the fanfic, via PM – The review system is NOT for 'strictly praise'. If you are doing this, so that you reviews don't have any negative ones, something is wrong. Different types of reviews: - Encourage Review: This review type is the kind that will tell the author that the work is good and to keep up the good work. If it is obvious to them though that major improvement is needed, they will either avoid the fanfic entirely or go on to say that it simply needs work. This is the basic review type. |
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