Author's note: Hey guys! I am back, tomorrow's my birthday, so I thought I'd just write because…well…I'm bored right now, and yeah! :'D
Infertile Love:
Rangiku rubbed her eyes, hoping to rub away the drowsiness she felt. It was late at night, after the party, and Rangiku was currently holding her son in her arms. Her son had woken up her and her husband, and Rangiku could only figure he needed to be refreshed.
Rangiku found the area where all the chamber pots were kept, and rested her baby on the table that was provided in the area. Rangiku began freshening up her baby, and making sure her baby became comfortable again.
Rangiku let a yawn escape, but Rangiku's ears perked up as she heard quiet sobs near her. Rangiku picked up her tiny infant and made sure her son stayed quiet. Rangiku quietly followed the sobs and saw Orihime on her knees, crying quietly, her eyes red. Rangiku cleared her throat awkwardly.
"Are you alright?" Rangiku whispered quietly, Orihime stopped her sobs and stood up to face Rangiku. Wiping her face with Ulquiorra's silk handkerchief, she gave a small smile.
"Yes, I'm fine. You're one of Rukia's friends, right?" Rangiku raised an eyebrow at the disrespect that Orihime shown towards Rukia's name. But Rangiku shook it off since Orihime was crying.
"Yes, and you are?" Rangiku asked as her baby made small whimpering sounds , and Rangiku began rocking her arms gently to calm her baby. Orihime looked at Rangiku's baby, and wish she had a child of her own, the one she wanted so badly with Ichigo.
"I'm Inoue Orihime," Rangiku's mind clicked, Orihime was Ichigo's concubine, "I reside here with Kurosaki-Sama." Rangiku clicked her tongue.
"So, you're the concubine that Rukia's been telling me about." Orihime felt a flash of anger wash over her, but she let it go. "Why were you crying?" Rangiku asked as she felt relief since her son finally went to sleep. Orihime let out a small laugh.
"Oh it wasn't anything!" Orihime tried to play it off and Rangiku put a hand on her hip, while cradling her baby in the other.
"Oh really?" Rangiku arched a brow, "So you're not crying over the fact that Rukia's pregnant and her and Ichigo look happier than ever?" Rangiku bluntly said, Orihime remembered the dreadful moment at dinner and felt the tears springing up again.
"He doesn't even love her anymore, obviously not if he had me become his concubine." Orihime said, Rangiku rolled her eyes and sighed.
"You were never supposed to take her place." Rangiku explained, Orihime shot her a withering glare.
"Obviously if he needed me, then I was supposed to take her place." Rangiku glared right back at her.
"You're a concubine; do I need to spell it out for you?" Rangiku shot back, ruffling a hand through her hair, she straightened her stance, "Rukia's his real wife, and sure, he might've needed you, but don't you understand? You were never supposed to replace her. You can't replace her in his heart. He's loved Rukia; he's loved Rukia ever since they were best friends. They've been through everything together. You honestly thought you could replace her very existence just because he needed you for some kids? Be real with yourself, you're not his second wife, you were the girl he needed so he could try to have children." Orihime grew frustrated with Rangiku's words, and clenched her fists tightly as hot tears ran across her face.
"I wanted to be her; I wanted to be his everything. I won't accept anything else." Orihime fought back, Rangiku waved her off.
"Rukia's pregnant now, I bet if he wasn't as generous as he is, then he would've already kicked you out." Rangiku stared at the woman who was obviously tired of being second to Ichigo's heart, and even though Rangiku had once felt the pain Orihime was dealing with, she knew that she had to convince Orihime. "You were nothing but a second option to him. Hell, Rukia might've gotten pregnant sooner if Rukia hadn't been so mad that he ran off to you. Even though they're happy now, they're still trying to fix things. Leave them alone, your presence in the house is stopping them from making a full recovery in their relationship. You're nothing but a bother now to them."
Orihime remained quiet as she looked down at her feet.
"Why be a second option to Ichigo, when you're first priority to Schiffer-san?" Orihime widened her eyes as she looked up at Rangiku. Surely no one could've noticed that Ulquiorra and her had been spending time together.
"I and Schiffer-Sama are not like that." Orihime responded quietly, no one was really supposed to know that Orihime harbored some kind of feelings towards him now. Rangiku scoffed openly.
"You don't think I don't see the way he looks at you? And how he took you away from the dinner last night? Orihime, be with him, he'll make you happy." Rangiku urged, "Rukia and Ichigo are happy now. Just let them be." Orihime glared at her.
"You don't understand! Nobody understands what it's like to be completely in love with a man, but knowing you're just the stupid concubine. I could've taken Rukia's place; I know I could've if I tried harder." Orihime was stubborn, and Rangiku sighed as she shook her head.
"Of all people, I understand you." Rangiku rubbed her temples with one hand. "I was in your position. You think Gin and I just got married like that? He brought me in as his concubine, and even though he told me he loved me, and I wanted to be his only wife, I couldn't. His wife was so kind to me, and as much as I tried to be the only wife he had, his duties lied with his real wife. The woman he married first. It was awful standing there, knowing that he loved me more than her, but both of us couldn't do anything about it." Rangiku admitted, not many knew that Rangiku had once been Gin's concubine before she turned into his wife. Orihime just stared at her with slightly widened eyes.
"When his wife died, it was a loss for both of us. Even though he didn't love her, he cared about her because she was in his heart first, and I lost a companion, the only woman who treated me with kindness while everybody else looked at me in shame because I was the concubine. Before she died, she made me promise her to keep on loving Gin, and to be with him." Rangiku stared at her son and smiled at him. "Then my son was born." Rangiku looked up at Orihime.
"Most concubines know not to interfere with the marriage. You're only there for him to have sex with you, honestly, you weren't chosen to be his next wife or to replace Rukia, and you were there so you could provide the child that Ichigo wanted. Now that Ichigo has Rukia, and they've miraculously fallen in love again and entered a new type of relationship, you're not important anymore. To be honest, you never really were." Orihime wiped away the forming tears.
"I suggest leaving with Ulquiorra, and soon. Goodnight Orihime." Rangiku once again steadied her baby in both arms and walked past Orihime's still form. Orihime turned around to see Rangiku's form walking away from her.
Orihime turned around and saw Ulquiorra leaning on the wall near her.
"I didn't think you'd be awake." Orihime fiddled with her sleeping gown.
"And I didn't think you'd still be upset about Ichigo and Rukia after what we just did." Orihime looked up at him.
"My feelings for you are complicated." Ulquiorra stared at her.
"I don't see what's so complicated about feelings. You care about me or you don't." Orihime turned away from his firm gaze.
"Well I do, but…" Ulquiorra began walking away from her, Orihime just stared at him.
"Where are you going?" Orihime asked and Ulquiorra stopped and looked back at her.
"I'm preparing to go home; it's obvious my attempts to make you forget about Ichigo have been futile. I'm wasting my time on you. Don't come to my door when Ichigo decides to kick you out. I don't care about you anymore." Ulquiorra then continued on with his walk back to his bedroom. Orihime stood at him horrified and felt her legs running towards him.
Next day:
Rukia moved to apply a deep red color on her lips. Ichigo had left to go out riding with a few friends. Rukia beckoned one of her maids to come closer to finish pinning up the rest of Rukia's hair. Rukia looked out to her and Ichigo's personal pavilion.
"A clear sky in winter weather? That's rare." Rukia put down the sheet of lip color after she finished. The maid was adjusting all the pins.
"There's going to be a full moon tonight Kurosaki-Sama." The maid informed her, Rukia felt the maid finish putting the last of the pins in her hair. Rukia stood up and looked at the maid.
"Evacuate everybody to their quarters after dinner then, and make sure you remind everybody about the full moon tonight. Come along, I must greet our guests as they finally part from our home." The maid nodded as she trailed behind Rukia. The maids closed the door to Rukia's bedroom and quickly departed to follow Rukia's orders.
Rukia walked to the entrance of the household and greeted all of the families, who were saddling up horses, preparing palanquins, and etc. They were all getting ready to go home.
"Thank you for the lovely Winter festival Kurosaki-san. Congratulations on your pregnancy." Rukia nodded and smiled to all of those who she had to bid goodbye to.
Rukia came up to the small group of wives who were all saying goodbye to each other. They all looked at Rukia as she approached them. All of them gave her wide smiles.
"We're so happy for you! Good luck on the pregnancy, we're going to miss you!" Rangiku said as all of the women crowded together for a hug. Rukia smiled contently.
"Thank you ladies, I'll miss all of you too." They separated and waved goodbye to her as Ichigo and his friends came strolling in on their horses. As Ichigo, Grimmjow, and Renji jumped off of their horses, servants rushed to tend to the tired horses. Ichigo greeted all of the guests who were beginning to leave.
Ichigo saw Rukia and smiled at her as he made his way towards her. Bending down to kiss her, Rukia felt his hand touch her stomach. Once they separated from each other, they gave each other a small smile.
"Welcome home." Rukia greeted as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"I'm glad to be home." Ichigo looked at the large crowd of guests who were all saying goodbye to each other still. "It's a full moon tonight." Rukia smiled at him.
"I'm aware of that. You better tell Kamen to not be so aggressive with me." Rukia teased, Ichigo chuckled as he kissed the top of her head as they watched everybody file out of their house.
"I'll try, but you can't really stop him." Rukia rolled her eyes as Ichigo held onto her hand.
Later that night:
Kamen's golden irises traced over Rukia's small, but perfect body. His rough fingers outlined the shape of her body.
"Wake up Queen." He cooed and Rukia turned around instantly to stare at him.
"How are you not tired?" Rukia groaned as she shifted so she faced him.
"I'm always excited to see you my Queen, his Majesty won't let me out often, so I've got to take advantage of every opportunity I get with you." Rukia just rolled her eyes as he gathered her up in his arms.
"Maybe if you weren't such a psychopath, he'd let you out more often." Rukia felt Kamen's fingers dig into her shoulder for her attack on his personality.
"Aww, don't say that, you love me." Rukia fought the urge to roll her eyes.
"Did Ichigo tell you?" Kamen looked down at her as he played with her shoulders.
"Tell me what?" Kamen nuzzled his nose into her soft hair, Rukia just swatted him away.
"That I'm pregnant." Kamen stopped playing with Rukia and he turned her so that she would face him.
"So, we're having a kid is what you're saying?" Rukia nodded and Kamen gave her a smirk.
"I knew I would do the job someday." Kamen boasted and Rukia smacked him upside the head.
"Oh shut up, it's all Ichigo, not you." Rukia smiled slightly as Kamen rubbed the sore spot on his head where Rukia had once smacked him. Rukia then felt herself being tackled by Kamen for her previous attack on her. He had slammed his body on top of hers, knowing the weight would make her feel somewhat squished.
"Oh my god, get off." Rukia as she tried to push him off, Kamen just kissed her.
"I don't think so my Queen. You're mine tonight." Kamen smirked as Rukia rolled her eyes once more.
Next morning:
Rukia finished putting on her simple yellow kimono with white roses embroidered on it. She heard Ichigo slightly snoring as he wrapped himself in the blankets. Rukia walked out of their bedroom, and a maid quickly followed her.
"Please summon Inoue-san and Schiffer-san to breakfast." The maid bowed as she went to follow Rukia's orders. Rukia moved to the kitchen as she began picking out Ichigo's favorite tea and began to brew it. As Rukia finished, she sat down on the soft red cushion that faced her garden. As she admired the growing flowers in the winter weather, a maid bowed to her. Rukia didn't even face her.
"What is it?" Rukia asked as she looked up to observe the clear skies again. The maid hesitated a moment.
"Kurosaki –Sama," the maid addressed, by the tone of her voice, Rukia knew something was obviously wrong, "Schiffer-Sama's and Inoue-Sama's things have been cleared out. His horses and palanquin are also gone." Rukia turned to face her and stood up.
"Take me to their room." The maid nodded as she got up and began leading her to Ulquiorra's room first.
Rukia told the maid to get Ichigo as Rukia inspected the room. She found the sheets placed nicely, the room was spotless, and everything had been cleared. Rukia lifted up the sheets and found stains on the sheets. Rukia arched a thin brow at the stain, knowing clearly what the stains represented.
'So, I was right after all about the two.'
Rukia walked out of Ulquiorra's room and told the maid to clean everything in the room; Ichigo was adjusting his robes as he kissed Rukia on the cheek.
"What's wrong?" Ichigo asked as Rukia began walking towards Orihime's room.
"The maid just informed me that Ulquiorra and Orihime and their belongings are gone." Rukia and Ichigo reached Orihime's room. Rukia opened the shoji doors and saw the bed was nice and clean, and the room was bare. On top of the bed was a scroll. Rukia walked inside as Ichigo waited outside. Bending down, Rukia picked up the scroll and straightened herself up.
Rukia walked out and closed the shoji doors before moving to open the scroll. Ichigo positioned himself behind Rukia and read over her shoulder as the scroll was unfolded.
'Dear Kurosaki-Sama and Kurosaki-san:
I was so happy to become Kurosaki-Sama's concubine, but I left with Schiffer-san because he offers me a better life than I could ever enjoy at the Kurosaki household. I love Schiffer-san, and he loves me too.
Kurosaki-san, I am jealous of you in every way. You were the only thing stopping me from becoming head wife, which was what I wanted. But I realized I could never replace you, or replace the love that Kurosaki-Sama has for you. I've come to terms that I was only just a concubine for Kurosaki-sama, and that he is rightfully yours. I apologize for my actions that I did out of jealousy and love I felt for Kurosaki-Sama. I hope you can forgive me. If my brother is still alive, please tell him I am sorry.
I must go now, Schiffer-san has promised to marry me, and I will become his wife. I will get what I always wanted out of Kurosaki-Sama, but I no longer feel love for Kurosaki-Sama.
Best of luck to you and Kurosaki-Sama on your upcoming child.
I am sorry, and I have moved on.
Inoue Orihime.'
Ichigo scratched his orange locks as him and Rukia finished reading the note. Rukia closed the scroll and sighed.
"It's over." Rukia whispered and Ichigo wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry she caused you that much grief because of me." Rukia put her arms on his and leaned back into his chest.
"At least she's marrying Ulquiorra now." Ichigo and Rukia kissed and Rukia smiled as they separated. "Come now, we should probably have breakfast."
Ichigo and Rukia heard Ichigo's stomach growl and they shared a laugh as they kissed again.
"Yes, we should my lovely wife." Rukia just laughed as she crumpled up the scroll in her hand as they walked off to have breakfast together.
Things seemed at peace again in the Kurosaki household.
Author's note: Wasn't expecting that were you?! This is the last official chapter of this story! Thank you so much for sticking by me, reading, and reviewing this story! I appreciate it all of it. I will be writing an epilogue soon! (:
Remember to leave your last comments on this story!
With much love,