The moonlight from the full moon shined over the town of Karakura. Streetlights glowed over the nearly deserted roads, only a few vehicles driving by once and a while. The air was quiet and still. There was nothing happening at this time of night.

A black butterfly drifted across the night sky.

Suddenly, a shadow materialized, landing on the top of a lamp post.

The outline of the figure resembled a person - male, dressed in some form of black robe. Spiky hair sat upon his head. A large sharp object hung from his back.

"Hmm…where is this strong spirit energy coming from?" He asked himself, out loud. "Better go check it out."

In seconds, the man vanished as silent as he appeared; not leaving one trace that he was there.


A group of teenagers laughed obnoxiously as they strolled down an alley. They stopped in front of a nearby empty wall. One of the boys reached inside his bag, pulling out a can of red spray paint.

"Let's do it!" The boy exclaimed as he began spraying the paint on the wall, creating a pattern.

Unknown to them, a spirit of a young boy stood behind them, urging them to stop. This was his resting place and they were ruining it. But, his tears and cries were unheard.

A petite sixteen year old girl, dressed in a gray Karakura high school uniform, walked through the alley, a school bag hanging from her fingertips. Her medium length jet black hair spiked out at end and a lone bang fell between her large violet eyes.

Hearing the commotion ahead, she glanced up only to see the trio of boys painting graffiti on the alley wall. Her eyes gazed on the crying young boy. It didn't take long for the boy to notice her presence. He stared at her with his pleading, watery eyes.

"Make them stop…" He cried.

The girl frowned, clenching her fists before she stomped over to the boys.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

The teenagers paused, their eyes glancing over at the girl. They began laughing loudly, not frightened by her at all. This only made the girl even more upset.

A fist collided with one of the boys' jaw. His back slammed to the ground and his spray paint can flying out of his hand. The can clinked when it hit the ground, rolling away.

"Woah…" The other boy's looked shocked as they stared at the small girl.

None of them saw that coming. It happened so fast.

The girl smirked. "Maybe now you'll take me a bit more seriously."

The boy on the ground groaned before glaring at her. "What did you do that for!?"

"Do you know what this place is?" She questioned them, her tone surprising sweet – too sweet.

One of the boys shrugged. "An alley."

The air was knocked right out of him as the girl slammed her fist into his stomach. He fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.

"No! It's where a little boy died." She pointed to the unfinished graffiti on the wall, her eyes filling with anger. "And you three painted this here. Show some respect!"

The last boy standing saw the girl rush towards him, not having enough time to react. The girl spun around, her flying foot striking the side of his head causing him to collapse to the ground.

"I don't want to see you here ever again! Get out of here!"

The trio scrambled to their feet before sprinting away from the ridiculously strong girl. They didn't want to piss her off anymore.

She chuckled at the pathetic boys, watching them vanish down the street.

"Thank you." The boy's voice brought her attention to him.

Smiling, she stepped over to him, bending over slightly to look him face-to-face. "You're welcome. I don't think they're ever coming back."

"Good." With that, the boy disappeared.

The girl stared at the place the spirit once stood before heading back on her route back home.

This was not the first time she has seen the dead. She has had the ability to see spirits for as long as she could remember. When she was young, she could see them so clear and vividly that she would confuse them for living people. To others, it seemed as if she was talking to herself. It wasn't until she was older, did she realize that they were spirits. They were not alive. They were just ghosts.

The sun had gone down before the girl reached her home, the street only lit by the street lights. She opened the front door of her home and stepped inside.

"I'm ba-" She started before her sister came out of nowhere and practically choked her in a tight hug.

"Rukia! What took you so long to get home? I was starting to worry!" Her concerned sister shouted in her ear.

Rukia sighed, trying to escape her sister's grasp. "Hisana, I'm okay. I just took a longer way home. I'm fine."

She couldn't tell them she was late because she was out helping spirits. Her ability to see spirits was something she kept from them. They didn't know.

Hisana finally released her younger sister out of her arms, sighing in relief. "Good. Don't make me worry like that."

"She's right, Rukia."

Rukia glanced at her sister's husband, Byakuya, who sat at the dinner table reading a book.

His eyes focused on the girl, taking a break from his book. "You need to be careful, especially when it is dark outside."

The teenager rolled her eyes. "Alright, I got it. You two don't need to be so protective. I can protect myself."

"We're just concerned." Byakuya stated before returning to his book.

Hisana placed a hand on Rukia's shoulder, giving her a loving look. "You're my only little sister, Rukia. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Rukia huffed before she started walking towards the stairs, Hisana's hand sliding off her shoulder. "I'm going to sleep."

"But, what about dinner? Aren't you hungry?" Hisana questioned her sister's fleeing form.

The girl waved her hand as she climbed up the stairs. "I'm not hungry. Goodnight."

Once she reached her room, Rukia shut her Chappy covered door. She maneuvered over to her bed, avoiding the various badly drawn drawings and manga scattered across the floor. She collapsed onto her bed, staring up at the plain white ceiling before letting out a breath of annoyance.

Hisana and Byakuya treated her like a child sometimes. They felt like she was going to get hurt doing the smallest of things. But, she couldn't blame them though, considering what they all went through.

After Hisana and Rukia's parents died from a deadly illness, Hisana had to take care of Rukia as an infant when she was just a teenager at the time, just starting her third year of high school. They didn't have any family living in Karakura so she was forced to handle it on her own. And, like anyone her age, Hisana was overwhelmed with the responsibility causing her to leave Rukia at an orphanage due to the stress. There were probably other options. But, she was so upset about the situation that she didn't even think to look into them. After she realized what a horrible decision she had made, it was too late. Rukia was already gone. Gone to live with a foster family. Rukia was moved from foster home to foster home. Eventually, she ended up at another orphanage. Hisana searched for Rukia for years. By the time Hisana found her sister, she was already five years old. Ever since being reunited with Rukia, Hisana had been very protective of her. The last thing she wanted was to lose her sister again.

Movement from the corner of her eye snapped Rukia out of her thoughts. She turned her head only to see a spiky orange-haired boy who seemed to be around the age of seventeen dressed in a strange black uniform standing on her desk. A large sharp object was strapped to his back. It almost resembled a sword - a massive one.

She blinked a few times, wondering if this was just a figment of her imagination. However, the boy didn't disappear.

"What the-?" she muttered but the boy didn't pay her any heed.

"This isn't right. That spirit energy couldn't have come from here. I must have-"

Before he was able to finish, Rukia jumped up and roundhouse kicked the boy in his back, sending him flying off the desk and stumbling to the floor. She flicked on the light to get a better look at this 'burglar'. The boy stared up at Rukia from his position on the floor with wide eyes, clearly confused.

"Y-You…kicked me!" he exclaimed with confusion.

Rukia crossed her arms, raising her eyebrow.

"Obviously." she said sarcastically, not understanding the significance of it. "Tell me who you are before I call the police."

The boy chuckled as he climbed to his feet, towering over the petite girl. "As if they can do anything…" Smirking, he said, "Besides, why should I tell you, midget?"

The sound of bone hitting flesh echoed through the room along with a low crunching noise as Rukia's fist smashed against the boy's face. He yelled in pain as he grasped his vigorously bleeding nose.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" He shouted, blood streaking down his mouth and chin.

Rukia lowered her fist as her eyes practically bore a hole into the teen's head. "Don't ever call me a midget. Tell me who and what you are? I know you're obviously not normal. Normal people don't just appear out of nowhere."

The teen released his nose as the bleeding began to cease. Streaks of dried blood covered the bottom half of his face. He huffed. This girl obviously meant business.

"Fine, if you really want to know: I am a Shinigami from a spirit world called the Soul Society. It is where all of the spirit beings are sent to. My job is to save those spirits from beings called Hollows and send them to the Soul Society."

Rukia stared at him with a dumbfounded expression on her face before nodding as if she understood completely. "Right. That sounds believable to me."

She then reached for her cellphone and began dialing numbers.

The boy raised his eyebrow, watching her. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just calling the police so they can put you in a psychiatric ward…"

He growled, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. "I don't give a shit if you think it's fake! Believe what you want!" The boy snarled, running a hand through his orange hair before turning around.

A knock on Rukia's door made both of their heads shoot towards the door.

"Rukia." It was Byakuya.

Rukia quickly hung up the phone and responded like nothing was wrong. "Yes?"

The door handle shook slightly and her eyes widened.

Byakuya couldn't come in here! He can't see a total stranger just hanging out in her room! What would he think?

The door cracked open before Byakuya peaked inside to look at her. His eyes were focused on Rukia, as if he didn't even notice the orange haired boy standing in the room. Rukia tilted her head, thinking about what the boy told her. Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he really was a Shinigami. If that were the case, then that meant Byakuya couldn't see him.

"Who are you talking to?"

Byakuya's voice knocked Rukia out of her thoughts. "Ah…nobody. Just…" Rukia paused to think. "Practicing!"

The man's eyebrow rose. "Practicing?"

She nodded. "I joined the….Drama Club at school. So, I was just practicing for my part, of course!" Rukia lied with complete confidence.

Byakuya's face nodded slowly, his face emotionless as always. "Alright. Well, continue."

The long-haired man stepped back, glancing quickly at the place the boy stood, before shutting the door, leaving the two alone once again. The boy's eyebrow rose when he noticed that the man had looked directly at him. What was he looking at? There was no way he could see him, right? Just as a coincidence.

"Great acting." The 'Shinigami' commented, rolling his eyes.

Rukia ignored his comment, turning to face him again. "So, if I happened to believe that you really were a Shinigami then tell me why you are here?"

"I felt a strong spiritual presence nearby but before I could figure out where it was coming from, you kicked me!" He exclaimed, pointing at Rukia, who just smirked back. "I don't even understand how you can see me in the first place. You must be defective or something."

Rukia glared at him. "I don't think you should be insulting the person who broke your nose, carrot-top."

The boy growled as his eyebrow twitched. "Carrot-top?"

Rukia chuckled, staring at his spiky orange hair. "Is that really your natural hair color? It looks ridiculous."

"So you want to play this game, huh?" The Shinigami muttered angrily before pointing two fingers at the chuckling Rukia. "Bakudo #1! Sai!"

Rukia grunted as her arms were forced tightly behind her back and her legs gave away, causing her to collapse to the floor. She rolled around the floor, struggling to escape the invisible bonds.

The Shinigami laughed at her. "Who's laughing now!?"

Rukia growled and continued to attempt to get free. "What did you do!? Let me go!"

"Sorry, midget." He said her hated word with emphasis. "This is just a little Shinigami trick called Kido. No matter how much you struggle, you won't get out."

The petite girl opened her mouth to insult the boy but something stopped her. Her eyes widened as her head darted around the room. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" The boy questioned, both irritated and confused by her strange behavior.

"That howling from outside!"


Suddenly, a Hollow's thunderous roar echoed through the Shinigami's ears, spiritual pressure growing heavy around him.

"What the hell? Something must have been blocking my senses…"

The house quaked as a loud explosion erupted from downstairs. The rumble was followed by a feminine shriek that Rukia clearly recognized.

Rukia's head jolted up. "Hisana!" She looked at the Shinigami with desperation. "Hey, let me go! My sister is in trouble!"

"Stay here! I got this!" The boy ordered before rushing out of the bedroom, leaving Rukia on the floor.

Rukia scrambled across the floor, trying to stand up. She dug her shoulder into the floor, using it to push her back to her feet. Once standing, she sprinted out the door, frantically, and as a result, she tripped and tumbled down the stairs.

"Damn it!" She shouted angrily, as she struggled to get back to her feet. When she finally stood up, she stared out the new massive hole in her living room wall only to see a large monster in the street next to her house, holding her sister in its hand. "Hisana!"

The Shinigami, who stood in her living room, glanced over at her. "Stay out of the way!" He yelled before snatching the huge sword from his back.

Rukia watched in awe as the boy swung the giant weapon around with so much ease and precision.

He vanished and reappeared near the beast's shoulder and sliced its arm clean from its body. The arm, along with Hisana, dropped to the ground.

Snapping out of her gaze, Rukia ran outside towards her sister, her arms still secured behind her back. She had to get out of this.

She clenched her fists and attempted to pull her arms apart. She shouted as she used all of her strength to free herself from the invisible bonds. Slowly, her arms began to pull apart. She let out a yell and she broke the Kido spell, leaving her arms completely free.

"No way." The Shinigami exclaimed, shocked by Rukia's ability to break the Kido spell. She was just a human, how could she break it? To be honest, Kido wasn't his strongest skill but she still shouldn't have been able to break free. While he was distracted, the Hollow smacked him with its massive hand, sending him crashing into a wall.

Rukia, who was busy helping her sister up, didn't notice the Hollow's attention suddenly on her. The Hollow gave an earsplitting wail, causing Rukia's head to snap towards it. She watched helplessly as it dashed in her direction with its mouth wide open. Rukia's eyes shot in all directions. She couldn't run. It was too close. There wasn't enough time. She shut her eyes, waiting for the Hollow to make its final move.

But, the blow never came.

Rukia slowly opened her eyes only to see the orange-haired teen in front of her. His large sword was lodged in the Hollow's teeth but the monster also managed to sink its teeth into his shoulder, blood bleeding through his black uniform. He snatched his sword out of the creature's mouth, causing the Hollow to release his shoulder. The Hollow howled, backing up, contemplating when to attack. The boy stumbled to a nearby fence and leaned against it, his hand covering the bleeding wound in his shoulder.

Rukia was shocked. He saved her life.

He tried lifting his wounded arm, which held his blade, only to send pain shooting to his shoulder. The Hollow had gotten him good – he could barely use his dominate arm. He glanced at the Hollow that looked ready to attack any second.

"Do you want to save them?"

The Shinigami's voice regained Rukia's attention.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "What?"

He lifted his sword with his other arm and pointed it straight at Rukia's chest. "Listen, I will lend you some of my powers so you can defeat this Hollow. I can't fight like this – it's too risky. So, do you want to save your family?"

Rukia nodded in determination. "Yes I do, Shinigami."

"Name's not 'Shinigami'." The boy smirked. "It's Kurosaki Ichigo."

"My name is Kuchiki Rukia." She introduced with a smile.

Ichigo stabbed the blade into Rukia's chest and a massive burst of energy surrounded them. A vivid light illuminated the street, blinding the Hollow.

Suddenly, the Hollow's hand was sliced off and it fell to the ground with a thud before vanishing. As the light faded away, Rukia stood dressed in the Shinigami uniform with a smirk, resting the back of her zanpaktou on her shoulder. Her zanpaktou wasn't nearly as wide as Ichigo's - it looked similar to just a standard katana with the exception of being slightly longer in length.

Ichigo gazed down to notice that the outer layer of his Shinigami was gone. All that was left was the white kimono that he wore underneath. His eyes widened as he then glanced at his open palms.

"Hey, what the hell! I only wanted her to have a little of my power but she took way too much of it!

Rukia lifted her arm and pointed the tip of her blade at the Hollow. "You will pay for endangering my family!"

She dashed toward the Hollow with her sword behind her. She yelled as she leaped into the air, her sword over her head and cut the creature in half before the pieces of dissolved into nothing.

朽木ルキア/15Kuchiki Rukia: 15 Years Old

髪の色/黒色の Hair Color: Black

目の色/スミレ Eyes: Violet

職業/高校生 Occupation: High School Student and…
