The Shades of the World
By Magdalene Thorne
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything to do with the franchise. This fan fiction is merely for entertainment purposes and not my own profit.
Author's Note: Greetings, my fellow fans of 5D's and all things Yugioh. For those of who don't know who I am, my name is Magdalene Thorne, aspiring author yet to be discovered. Sad, I know. But I will not give up until I am published and share my ideas with the world. I am currently working on a Yugioh fic called Yugioh: Shadows of the Forsaken, starring Yugi and friends, with a few new friends in the mix. While browsing the web, I found a pic of the Yugioh 5D's cast that just inspired me to write the new story you are about to read. I didn't want to work on more than one story at the same time, but the idea just wouldn't leave me alone. So, I gave in and started work on this. And yes, this is AU for those who are unsure. I hope you all like this!
Prologue: The Day the Earth Split
It had been a day like any other. The weather was pleasant, with clear skies as far as the eye could see. The waves in the harbor crashed along the docks as seagulls flew across the shimmering blue water for their daily catch. The shuffling of shoes mixed with the various voices speaking among the crowds of people walking through the streets. No one could have known what was to come. How could they have been aware of it when no warning was given? But one thing was certain: it would be a day, not to be forgotten for years to come.
Dr. Hakase Fudo was speedily making his way to the Ener-D Reactor control room. A few people tried to make conversation with him, not only out of courtesy, but also because he had been replaced as head of the reactor project and had been forbidden access to the building. Hakase, however, was a clever man, knowing the layout of the building like the back of his hand. His good friend, Stella Atlus, had been commissioned to design the scientific facility. She had been more than happy to share her blueprints with him, as well as let him know of a few secret entrances and passages she had created solely for emergencies. Only she, Dr. Fudo, and his wife, Yumei, knew of them, which was to their advantage as they didn't need anyone delaying them any further.
Hakase quickened his pace, going from a speedy walk to full on running like he was on fire. If he didn't hurry, everything would be on fire, the devastation unthinkable. As he ran down the ever-spanning hallway, catching people off guard as they went about their own work, his thoughts went to Yumei and Yusei, their infant son. Yumei had been a part of the project as long as Hakase, both driven to make their dream a reality. To create a source of energy that would sustain whole cities effortlessly, with no harm to the environment. It had been meant to unite people, hence the name of the particle making it all possible, Yuusei Ryuushi. It was also why he had named his son by the same name. He had hoped that through his invention, the world would become a better place for his son and all children to grow up in.
Now, the very thing Hakase and Yumei had worked so hard for, was going to tear the city apart if he didn't stop it in time. Never had they thought reactor would be used in a such way, as a weapon of mass destruction. Hakase had begged Yumei to take Yusei and get away as far as she could in case he was unsuccessful. But she would not run. She was the leading developer just underneath him, meaning she had as much responsibility as he did. After he had been replaced by Rudger Godwin as head of development, Yumei herself stood down from her position as she shared in her husband's sentiments. It was bad enough their project was being meddled with in order to cause such disaster, but the facility had become a home to both of them and their son. Yumei refused to let it all go without a fight.
Hakase smiled to himself, recalling how fired up she had been. Just like Yumei to head into danger so recklessly. He hoped Yusei would inherit that trait of his mother's, it was a quality that made her all the more admirable. To ensure Yusei's safety, they had given him to Stella to look after. After being betrayed by those they thought they could trust, the Fudos knew only Stella was the one they could trust their son's safety with. Stella had her own son to worry about, Jack, who was only a year older than Yusei. She had informed them he was safe with her husband, Nicholas.
As he neared the elevator leading to the restricted area, Hakase heard the shouts of guards gaining on him. He sprung with a boost of energy as the doors opened. Jumping in, Hakase kicked the "close" button as hard as he could. The doors slid shut just as the guards reached the elevator. Hakase sat on the cold, metal floor, panting hard as he caught his breath. The light dinged each time the elevator passed a floor, seeming to resound as it neared the designated floor. Hakase stood up, dusting off his lab coat. He cleared his throat, composing himself for what he was about to face. He was startled when he suddenly heard his wife's voice.
"Y-Yumei! What is it?" he asked as he lightly touched his earpiece.
"I'm almost to the reactor. How are you doing?" she said breathlessly as she ran.
"I'm coming up on the control room," Hakase said as he carefully watched each number pass. "Yumei…"
He took a pause, not wanting to say what was on his mind, for it would make it too real to bear.
"Hakase," Yumei breathed, taking a moment as she waited for the doors leading to the reactor to open, pulling back a brown strand of hair. "You don't have to say it."
"But I do," he said in a low voice. "If I don't say it now, I'll be lying to you, and myself. Yumei, the time we have shared has been the happiest of my life. You gave me more than I ever thought possible. A warm home, unconditional love, a wonderful son, I only hope I have given you a fraction of what you have given me."
"Hakase," she whispered, pressing her hands to her earpiece in a loving manner. "You have given me more than a fraction. I never thought I would meet a man like you. I am so grateful I did, I am so grateful you chose me. If we should fail, the only regret I would have is that we won't be there to see our little boy grow into the amazing man he will be."
"Me too," Hakase leaned against the elevator wall. "We can only hope we don't fail."
"Yeah, it's as easy as that," Yumei laughed.
She stopped when she heard the sounds of the doors opening. Hakase could it from his side, just as he reached his floor. Both sets opened at the same time, both people standing at the ready with determined eyes. Before they stepped out, Yumei had one more thing to say. In retrospect, it was the most important phrase to say to anyone before parting ways, especially in dangerous moments as this.
"Hakase," she said softly but he still heard her, giving her his undivided attention as he always did, "I love you, forever."
He smiled sadly, knowing what this meant, "And I love you, for all eternity."
They both took the first step, knowing that it could be the last time they heard each other's voices. Rudger had his back to Hakase, too distracted by the battling forces within him. Hakase tread cautiously as he approached the blond man. Rudger looked up at the glass and saw Hakase behind him, giving him a hard look.
"Hakase," he exhaled out as though he were out of breath. "What a pleasant surprise."
"Rudger, please, don't do this," Hakase said. "Do you not realize what tragedy this could cause, all the lives to be lost?"
"I do, but there is nothing I can do about it," Rudger said, turning to face his former colleague, blood dripping from his side.
Hakase gasped in horror, "Rudger, what have you done to yourself?"
"I couldn't fight the darkness anymore. It was stronger than I anticipated. I decided this fate for myself," he grunted in pain, holding what remained of his right arm from where he had severed it.
"What about the millions of innocents in the city, in the country, have they decided this as well?" Hakase demanded angrily.
"They do not matter to one beyond their power of comprehension," said a menacing voice.
"No! Rudger, you didn't!" Hakase backed away a bit.
"I did!" Rudger said as a dark figure appeared behind him.
Its shape kept shifting, as if it had a difficult time materializing. However, Hakase could still make out its main body as one of giant spider the side of a man.
"You made a contract with one of those fiends? How could you?"
"It was easy, once I relinquished all human attachments," Rudger replied with no emotion.
"What about Rex? He's your brother, your only family," Hakase said, trying to appeal to Rudger's humanity, or what was left of it.
"He is nothing to me, as are you," Rudger said, the spider shooting red webs at Hakase.
He stood still as a force field of light appeared around him, absorbing the attack. Hakase's eyes narrowed, sending that attack back with more power. Rudger was pulled up into the air by red webbing, the blast going right through the glass and hitting one of the steel panels above the reactor. The workers below scattered for safety as the pieces began falling. Yumei did not run. With a wave of her arm, falling debris was stopped in mid-air. She slowly lowered her arm, her azure eyes remaining calm, the floating steel following her movements until it was safely on the floor.
"Dr. Fudo! What's going on?" one of the young male assistants asked scared.
"Get everyone out of here! There is a good chance the reactor will have a meltdown," Yumei said.
"What?!" they froze in place.
"That can't happen! Rudger told us everything was fine," one older scientist said.
"He lied. He's responsible for all the problems we've been having with the reactor. Now move it!" she yelled, the scientist scattering as they made for the doors.
Yumei looked up as she heard another explosion, the control filled with smoke, "Hakase…"
"You may be strong, Hakase, but my power comes from something far more powerful than you could ever imagine!"
Rudger was engulfed by the dark energy of the spider. Hakase did not back down. Suddenly, a huge blast of energy was shot straight at Hakase. He held his arm in defense, his force field keeping up. Rudger did not appear surprised. Hakase took his turn in powering up. He was bathed in a white light, like stardust falling from sky. The roar of a dragon resonated through the very building. Yumei looked up from helping a young woman back on her feet.
"Madam, is that…your husband's power?" she said in awe.
"Yes, it is," Yumei said before looking down. "But it may not be enough. For you see, the master of that power has yet to discover his destiny."
Hakase lit the entire room with brilliance, his spiked, black hair swaying in the breeze he caused through the release of power. He yelled as he attacked, the energy taking the form of a dragon midway until making contact with Rudger. Yumei waited for the smoke to clear, she, as well as her husband, gasped in shock. Though he was badly burned, his skin sizzling from the heat of the attack, Rudger was still alive, held up by his red webbing. He slowly started laughing very quietly until it crescendoed into mocking laughter.
"You actually think you can stop it from happening?" he grinned maliciously. "You're wrong! Because it has already begun!"
"Hakase!" Yumei called out, her eyes wide with terror.
Her husband soon shared the same expression as the Ener-D Reactor began to spin wildly out of control, "NO! This can't be!"
"But it is," Rudger sneered, beginning to fade into the darkness. "You are too late."
The last of those words weighted like anvils in Hakase's heart. Hakase fell on his knees, hands balled into fists as he punched the floor. He yelled in anguish, feeling himself tear inside. This explosion would not only take out Neo Domino, but the entire East Asian Coast. The worst case scenario they could have imagined. Yumei gazed sadly at her husband. There was nothing to stop this. All those lives, lost in an instant. Their son, their friends, their home, everything. She kept a hard expression as she came to one conclusion. She had no choice.
"Hakase," she spoke firmly yet gently, "you have to get to Stella and Yusei. I'll stay here."
His head shot up, "WHAT?! No, don't!"
"I have to, it's the only way," she replied.
"But…Yumei, I could help," he offered helplessly.
"We both know it wouldn't make much of a difference. I may not be able to stop the meltdown, but I can minimize the damage," she said, her eyes glossing over. "So many will still die, but it's better to do something than nothing."
She choked out the last part. Hakase did not fight the tears. He got to his feet, looking down to meet her eyes. More was said in that moment than simple words could describe.
"I'll see you soon," he said before turning on his heel and running as fast as he could. Yumei finally broke down, clenching the place over her heart.
"Mrs. Fudo," she turned to see most of the science division still with her, the young woman smiling at her. "Whatever we can do, let us help. You won't be alone in the end."
She stared at them in gratitude, tears running down her face. Hakase rushed through the crumbling building, people screaming in panic, trying to get away. Hakase reached the room where he had left Yusei with Stella. He froze as he saw Stella on the ground, blood staining her clothes as it flowed from the wound in her abdomen. Her long blond hair was disheveled, her hazel eyes showing the fading light of life in her.
"Stella!" he dashed to her side, holding her in his arms. "What happened?"
"It was that bastard, Ashe. He came for Yusei. I fought him as best I could," she struggled to say, her breathing becoming more ragged. "I was still weak from my last mission. I shouldn't have fought him, but I couldn't let him take your boy. I know you would do the same for Jack."
Tears marked her bloodied face as thoughts of her son and husband came to mind.
"My poor Jack, to grow up without a mother. I hope he won't hate me," she coughed out more blood, Hakase holding her tightly.
"He won't," he assured her. "Jack is a good kid. I can see it. I hope he and Yusei will be great friends."
"As do I," Stella said with a weak smile. "Yumei is going to do it, isn't she?"
Hakase nodded, "I don't think I'll make it either. The blast will be too big to escape."
"Stella!" Hakase looked over his shoulder to see Nicholas standing at the doorway, his dark-violet eyes filled with fear as he saw his wife in such bad condition, running to her side. "What happened?"
"Ashe," Hakase merely said, handing Stella to him with ease.
"Nick, what about Jack?" Stella asked worried.
"He's safe, I left him with a nun named Martha," Nicholas said, sweetly caressing her cheek. "I had to come. Something told me you were hurt."
Stella smiled, "Thank you. Hakase, you need to take Yusei and get him somewhere safe. The life-pods should still be functioning."
She pulled her arm, underneath a bundle of blankets. Little Yusei squirmed in his sleep, cooing as he awoke. Hakase took him into his arms. He got up, walking to the door, turning to his friends. Nicholas smiled at him, his short black hair being covered in dust. Hakase then began running, knowing they would fine as long as they were together in their last moments. As the rumbling grew louder, Yusei began crying, sensing something was wrong.
Yumei focused her entire being into her task. The scientist gathered around the reactor, giving as much of their own energy to Yumei. The reactor was close to blowing up. In her heart, Yumei prayed for her son's safety, and that he would not forget about his parents. A single tear fell down her cheek as the reactor reached critically level, her body releasing the energy inside.
Hakase agilely made his way to the life-pods. Only one was left. He carefully laid Yusei in, the infant wailing loudly. Hakase could sense Yumei's life-force disappear, knowing he would join her soon. He looked down at his son, bending down to his kiss his little forehead before closing the pod and sending it on its way, the light of explosion surrounded him, mouthing the words, "I love you, son", as he was taken by the blast.
The city was in ruins, buildings left in ruin. The explosion had caused a rift that had separated Neo Domino in half, now separated by the sea. People walked around trying to find their loved ones, or some explanation of how this could have happened. A nun was walking down the coast, trying to ease the child in her arms, her black dreadlocks falling down her back. She appeared to be in her 30's, with dark skin and eyes, having a Hispanic appearance.
"There, there, Jack, it will be fine," she said in a soothing tone.
He hiccupped as he calmed down, Martha smoothing his blond hair. The destruction was unfathomable. Martha looked on with mournful eyes.
"How could this have happened?"
She set down Jack, who sat down on the sand playing with a few seashells, broken but otherwise in good condition. He held one up to Martha who took it graciously. If only he knew how brave his parents had been. While looking out at the waves, Martha thought she heard a baby crying. The sound was not too far away. She walked around until she found a pod nestled in the sand. As she tried to figure out how to open it, Jack pressed a button and the pod opened.
Martha jumped back, taking Jack into her arms, until she heard crying again. She peered inside and found baby Yusei in his blankets. She quickly took him out, Yusei still wailing. Jack raised his hand, one of the seashells in it. Martha took it, holding it above Yusei. The baby soon stopped, smiling as he tried reach up for the shell. Wondering what his name was, Martha searched his blanket, the name "Yusei" stitched on the side.
"So, your name is Yusei? What a nice name," she said. "Come on, Jack, time to go home."
She scooped up Jack and made her way to her little house, which had now gained two more residents.
I think I am going to like working on this. Yeah, it was a long prologue, but I am very detailed. I finished this one chapter in one day! Maybe it's because it doesn't have any duels. Those take me forever to write. There will be Duel Monsters but in a different manner. I wanted to take this chapter and make it about the events before the series, give a more personal perspective on the parents and what happened to them. I hope you all like this, but if not, let me know. I don't mind criticism, it helps me improve as a writer.
Please review, I love hearing from the readers and their opinions!
Preview: Years have passed, Yusei and Jack now young adults, entering a new school with new people alongside Crow. What awaits them at the legendary Duel Academia?