Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter.
Hiya! :)
Few facts that you may or may not want to know:
-18 years old.
-Freshman in college.
-Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, John Green, Sophie Kinsella, and Glee fan.
-Avid reader.
Which is your favorite Harry Potter book?
... Order of the Phoenix? I particularly enjoy all of them.
Which is your favorite Harry Potter movie?
Goblet of Fire, and I don't know why. :)
Who is your favorite HP character(s)?
Fred and George or Hermione.
But what house would you think you'll be in?
Realistically, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Ideally, Gryffindor with all the cool peeps.
Which ghost within Hogwarts is your favorite?
Either Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick. :)
What subject in Hogwarts do you like the best?
DADA... I always thought the year they had Lupin and the year they had Snape were the bomb diggity.
Who is your favorite teacher in Hogwarts?
Flitwick or Lupin.
Which position would you want to be in for Quidditch?
Which position in Quidditch do you think fits you the most?
The bench hahaha, absolutely no coordination.
Who do you want to make friends with ?
FRED AND GEORGE :) and maybe Harry... I'd be too intimidated by his magical skills (and the fact that he's always being chased by Voldie).
If you were in Hogwarts, who would be your best buddy?
In all reality, Hermione or Luna. I'm sort of a mix between the two.
Why would he/she be your best buddy?
I have similar traits to the two of them. I.e random like Luna, yet serious about school and cautious like Hermione.
Which character in the book can you relate to?
Ron, the whole I'm overshadowed and overlooked thing is kinda how I feel.
What pet would you get?
Pygmy Puff or an owl.
If you happened to discover the Mirror of Erised, what would you see in it?
... I really don't know.
If your friend was pulled into the Whomping Willow by a black dog, would you jump in and rescue him/her?
Uh duh. What kinda friend would I be if I didn't?
If Sirius Black turned up on your doorstep, what would be your reaction?
Pre OotP, "Ah," screams and runs.
Post OotP, "Aren't you supposed to be dead? Oh well, I've always liked you anyways."
What would be his reaction to your reaction?
"Uh..." (That's right, so tactful)
If you landed yourself in the same situation as Harry was in with Umbridge's detention, would you tell anyone about the marks on your hand?
Yeah. Probably one of my closest friends. Only cause I'm not a very good liar.
Who do you want to go to the Yule Ball with?
Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred... if not Fred... Sirius :) (I apparently have a thing for the ones that die).
Post a character that has the same hair color as you do.
Post a character that has the same eye color as you.
Tonks, my eyes will change depending on the light. Under a black light, my friend told me they were violet (which I chose not to believe).
What color comes into your mind when Sirius Black is mentioned?
Gold, I know... it should be black.
What color comes into your mind when Tonks is mentioned?
A bright, but not neon, green.
What color comes into your mind when Ron is mentioned?
Gryffindor Red.
What color comes into your mind when Hermione is mentioned?
Chocolate Brown.
What color comes into your mind when Harry is mentioned?
Green (real original)
What color comes into your mind when Draco is mentioned?
Pale yellow.
Is this quiz getting boring and too long?
Not really, it's giving me something to do...
If you got hold of a bottle of Felix Felicis, what would you drink it for? (Note: it makes you lucky in everything and everything you do won't go wrong.)
To pass my classes.
Do you like the books more or the movies?
BOOKS. I love reading more than watching movies.
Who's your favorite out of the Marauders?
Remus, I feel really similar to him. He's kinda cute (in his Hogwarts years) too.
What would your Patronus take shape in?
A Zebra or a Lemur.
What would be your Animagus form?
Lemur. Maybe then I'd have good hand-eye coordination.
What subject do you want to be the best in?
Transfiguration. I feel like it'd be really rewarding to excel in something that's supposedly difficult.