So this is obviously not a new chapter. Hehe.

But I do have some news. I would like to think I've evolved as a writer, and my writing is much better now. So I decided to rewrite this story. I won't delete this one off the site yet, but I will once I've caught up on the new story.

The prologue and first chapter to the rewritten story, which was also renamed as Windprints, will be posted today. There will be added elements, new characters, and I've already thought everything through. I even have, admittedly for the first time, an outline.

I am very determined to finish this story, and already have the following:

-First story

-Intermediary oneshots



-Fates of everyone

-and Shippings (because I am an unconventional shipper, and it will show, trust me)

Well, the first story is started on, and I have everything planned. The intermediary oneshots will be oneshots posted in between the end of the first story and the beginning of the sequel. Speaking of which, the sequel is already planned out as well, and it follows the books with some obvious and subtle changes, both.

The first story is obviously Windprints. The intermediary oneshots will be posted as Intermission. And the sequel will be To Love Again.

I sincerely hope you haven't given up on me, so go on. Take a gander at my profile and select Windprints to read the rewritten version of the story, yes? Heh, thank you for your patience, and if you got this far, for reading this long, filled-with-unnecessary-information Author's Note.
