Author has written 13 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Ronin Warriors, and Legend of Zelda. Real life, doesn't that just about sum things up? As much as I would love to say all I spend my time on is writing, I'd be struck down for lying so fast... Then again, I think that would seriously burn me out creatively, so no, I don't wish to be able to say that. Well, back on track. I have many activities, interests, and responsibilities that demand my time, attention, and creative juices, so my "writing speed" is once more taking a blow; or "posting speed" rather... I'll reiterate here once more, that though my responses may be slow, I encourage and love receiving PMs and reviews with questions, encouragements, critiques, or just a simple review of how you felt about a particular read. This still holds true. I kinda...forgot my password for a while, and just got back in. I'll be going through the stack of PMs waiting for me soon... Neither Hidden Secrets nor Tangled Webs We Weave have been abandoned! I actually recently finished the next chapter for Hidden Secrets, and the story is close to being done! Heartbreakingly, my laptop fried and took the chapter with it. So now I've gotta move beyond that, and try to recapture the awesomeness that was in the first writing of the next chapter. And on a final note concerning my personal Web Site--Angelfire ads have over-run it since I built it with frames. I am aware of this and have just about given up on the site. I'm giving serious thought to just buying a domain name and being done with the free service, but as yet haven't decided. My website is outdated and unfinished, so you need not worry about missing something there. has my most current updates. UPDATE: I should be getting a personal website soon. About my writing! I'm really into fantasy and magic, elves and faye and pixies and such, and more recently the more Holy and Demonic entities. Don't be surprised to find these somewhere in my writing, whatever the series may be ;) I love my writing but I don't have as much time to spend on it as I would like. Updates will be slow, but they will be coming. Nothing will be canceled or put on permanent hiatus without proper notation in the summary. I do not anticipate this ever happening. I am still working on some original works in anticipation of becoming published. For my Gundam readers, Perfect Little Demon is my present subject for originality. Many have expressed interest in seeing a continuation of this One Shot, particularly to see a certain Dragon. For obvious reasons, this continuation will not be posted online, but once it has been completed and is in print, I will be sure to post the proper information for any who are interested. Hosting for Mystics & Magics, as well as any future adult works, are at: /realm2/realm_of_the_mystics/ /makotosagara/ index Fanart for Hidden Secrets! https:///hphotos-ash3/149294_544145545630379_1341348846_n.jpg --My very first fanart! By Angel Selene, she sent this to me after I posted the chapter of Sil's introduction. The spot-on accuracy over-all, and detail to his cross blew my mind, and still does. https:///hphotos-snc6/8575_544145538963713_1941370336_n.jpg --Cover Art style of Sil and Duo by the awesome Angel Selene. I have this piece printed, framed, and on my wall as a reminder of not only the awesome fans I have, but that I still need to finish this story on paper, not just in my head. :) Bio: Female, early thirties, and live in the US. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and discovered halfway through high school. Before that, the library was my second home. Was home-schooled until high school, which was a small private academy, so my grasp of school dynamics typically comes from stories I've read. I have a full-time job that is Over Night, and I'm management. So my week typically consists of work (10 hour shift), eat, and sleep before the next shift. No pets, allergic to fur and I miss my cat(s). Currently thinking about getting a fish... Hobbies include writing, reading, bike ridding, crafting (Cosplay and props, wig styling is still something have to "girdle my loins" to tackle) and jewelry making (stringing beads into a design. Hope to learn epoxy and molds soon), and gaming. I don't claim to a "master race," though I have only recently received an X-Box. My library consists of mostly PS and Nintendo games. As far as computer, there's Diablo III; I have multiple people pushing for me to get a Steam account. Most of my games are RPGs, as they're my favorite. I'm a sucker for a good story line. I took an unplanned sabbatical from not just the FF community, but from all of my writing, for a couple of years. I'd write a little here or there, but nothing worth while. I've had a few large life changes in the past couple of years, but nothing to make me step away from my writing or this community permanently. More, my energies were focused elsewhere, and I couldn't hear my Muses. I am beyond relief, that I'm finding my balance once more. Fandoms: Well, this promises to be long... Watching: Supernatural--I am NOT caught up BBC Sherlock BBC Merlin--I have not finished the fourth season, and have been told I'm not going to be happy... NCIS--I can't even remember what season I'm on... Law & Order: SVU--definitely NOT caught up, but that's more because I've lost interest. Bigger fan of the earlier seasons than the last year or two. Hercules Harry Potter CATS-The Musical Marvel Cinematic Universe--Yes, I am a Loki fangirl, not rabid, I've had my shots Oldschool Turtles--Though I'm hearing interesting things about Nickelodeon's version Dungeons & Dragons--The animated series Gargoyles Avatar: The Last Airbender--Zuko FTW! Avatar: Korra--haven't finished yet, got side-tracked... But I'm enjoying it so far. Mega Man Weiss Kurez Saiyuki Card Captor Sakura Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors Gundam Wing The Slayers Orphen Ouron High-school Host Club Yuri on Ice! Yu Yu Hakusho Yu-Gi-Oh! DM DigimonReading: Star Wars--Books (not into New Jedi Order) and FF--particularly Obi-Wan time travels Dark Hunters--Books and Manga spin-off Gundam Wing--FF Final Fantasy VI, VII, IX--FF Legend of Zelda--Manga and FF Harry Potter--Books and FF Petshop of Horrors--Manga Earthian--Manga Diablo--Manga Yu-Gi-Oh!--Manga (soooo not caught up) and FFGaming: Final Fantasy! Old-school, grew up with NES and can still remember desperately wanting the SNES before it was released, so I could play the FF titles planed for it. Yes, I enjoy Mystic Quest and I like to speed run it. VI is my favorite, IV a close runner up, and I do prefer VII over VIII, though sometimes IX comes in above VII. Tried X, got pretty far, but didn't enjoy it and "shelved it for latter." XI I enjoyed, but got distracted by other titles. I'd pretty much given up on the franchise, until XV; I didn't even know anything about it until a few months before it released. It's different, but I'm loving it. Legend of Zelda! Again, old-school here. Yes, I am loving Breath of the Wild, it is the reason I've not finished FF XV yet. Can't really pick a favorite, though A Link to the Past has been my typical answer to this question; BotW is a contender. Never had a GB growing up, so until recently through 3DS download, I never had access to Oracle or Seasons. Halfway through Minish Cap, though I must admit Vaati is one of my favorite villains. And hold the hate, but I'm also about only half-way through Wind Waker. Hyrule Warriors Legends on the 3DS, I dream of completing your maps/weapon collections... ...I have a lot I need to finish... Spy vs. Spy! Growing up with a younger brother (2 years apart), this game was life when we weren't teaming up to beat the NES Final Fantasy (one save file only) Skys of Arcadia--Dream Cast! I finally got my original disks buffed, I hope that fixes the glitch. Tried to play it for Extra Life in 2016 and it froze after the first boss... I dream of finishing this too.Writing: 5/18/2017 @ 3:00 pm. I'll have to come back to finish this, I need more sleep before my overnight shift... |
cousin D (38) Dyna Dee (77) | Little Ucchan (9) Mieren (18) | Vathara (119) Zorra Reed (32) |