Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. I'm just another Harry Potter/Naruto obsessed girl. That's all really. Writing actual stories is a new love for me. I've written poems before, but this fan fiction stuff is fun! Yes, I am a writer. Also, I am a musician, I love music as much as anything. You wanna know who it's all about? RON AND HERMIONE. That's the golden couple... All you Harry and Hermione shippers don't know what you're doing. It's sick really... Shudders at the thought of Harry and Hermione It's sick, and even Rowling herself said that they were only friends and strictly platonic. Other ships I enjoy are the canon ones: Lily/James and Harry/Ginny... Occasionally I will read something about Hermione and Snape or Malfoy, but that's about as far as it goes. To readers of Carve Me A Grave etc. etc., it wouldn't be found under the Ron/Hermione fics if it were Harry/Hermione. So stop you're bickering with me about how I'm satanic and horrible for even writing such a thing... I for one am a diehard R/Hr fan... And for Naruto: Absolutely in love with Uzumaki Naruto. Other characters I love: Hyuuga Hinata, Nara Shikamaru, Jiraiya (my one true love) and Hatake Kakashi. And pairings: NaruHina and ShikaTema all the way. Also: SasuSaku, NejiTen, InoChou, ItaSaku, and of course what girl doesn't like NaruSasu? Yeah. update: 9/26/07 - Crave Me A Grave etc. I apologize extremely for never posting more chapters, but let it be known that it's over... Discontinued. I can't even look at the fic anymore, it brings back bad memories. 9/25/07 - NEW FIC!! A Day in the Life - A story about Hyuuga Hinata and a special day with a special mission. That's all. Read on, my friends. |