Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

A/N: This is probably the most angsty fic that I have ever written. I hope you like it. Feel free to flame.

The True Confessions of Ronald Weasley

My name is Ronald Weasley. I am eighteen years old and I used to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am best friends with Harry Potter, and I am, and will be forever in love with Hermione Granger...

But let me start at the start. I met Harry and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express in my first year at Hogwarts. I liked Harry from the start (he seemed to like the Chudley Cannons. Who can refuse him?), but Hermione seemed too bossy (Didn't like Quidditch either). I was bloody rude to her, and made fun of her. I guess I cannot forgive myself for that. I never will be able to, but in the middle of the year I came to realize what a great friend Hermione was, but just a friend.

In our second year at Hogwarts Hermione was petri-, ptri, that thing when you look into the basl-, basis, that big snake's eyes and are frozen. That was what made me fall in love with her. My hand, on her hand. It was as if she meant the bloody world to me. What I didn't know was that that same year someone else started to develop affest-, affect-, feelings for Hermione Granger. His name is Harry Potter.

Yes, my best friend loved the same women I did. I call her a women, because there is not a girlish feature in her. Who has her eyes? her smile? her speech? I could list her traits endlessly. The truth is, that neither of us (me nor Harry) showed any feeling toward her until our fourth year.

I could tell that Harry loved her, and I am sure that he could see my own feelings. That is the bloody weirdness with love. You can always tell if anyone else who likes the same person you do, for they are exactly like you. Harry chose to hide his feelings by having a "crush" on Cho Chang. I on the other hand chose to be rude and obnox-, abnoc, that other word for rude--to hide my jealousy, because Herm had a boyfriend.

Herm started dating Krum- Ya know the Quidditch player? I got really mad 'cause Herm was seeing him so much. Started calling him Vicky in front of her to make her mad. She reminded me of Mum when she told me to 'Cut it out before she hexed my mouth shut for me.' You'd think I'd hit rock bottom wouldn't you? Nope-It got even worse from there.

In fifth year Hermione broke up with Krum, and I figured that this was my chance. But just as I walked in to tell her, I saw Harry. Harry, with her. Harry telling Hermione his never ending love for her and that's when I heard it. "Harry, I've always loved you. You are the only one for me." That told me that she REALLY loved me. I'm such an idiot. Bloody Hell!

That bloody witch did me in, but I would not give her the happiness of watching me suffer, so I hid my anger inside. I hid it for two blasted years. I hid it when Herm said yes to Harry's propo--, propro--, that thing when a guy asks a girl to marry him. I hid it while I stood at the bugger's side as best man on his wedding. I hid it at the birth of Herm's --oh yeah, and the bugger's child, Ronald James Potter. Named after the one who truly loved Hermione. But even that couldn't stop me. Something had to be done.

I still don't know why I did it. I still don't know how I did them in. Yes, as I hid it, it grew. Right now I am sitting in the hell of Azkaban prison. I've killed my best friend, his son, and the only one I've ever loved. I wish I'd spoke my mind.

A/N: Again, please review.

Other Disclaimer: The 6th paragraph was written by my beta reader, Saiyajin no Oujo.