![]() Author has written 63 stories for Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Avengers. yo i'm jane and i'll probably message you at three am to cry about the original order. —previously jaime-lannisters, tony-starks, janeisnotonfire, enjolras-lesamis, nico di angelos always here for team sad (jessica drew & hulk/bruce banner) and kids against the world. also i like jaime lannister, bellamy blake, thalia grace, isabelle lightwood, elia martell, johnny storm, jeyne westerling and jessica drew a lot you can find me as: magdalenes, johnnystorms, bellamyblakely, martellmeta, isabellelightwoodly, eponinejondrette, thaaliagrace, jaime_lannisters, jeffwingered, eliamartell, eliamaartell, modernasoiaf, jessicadrew, wilderjacks, jack-wilders, jaime-lannisters, guygermaine, conniemoreaux, desarioweirs, jblackleys, jessixadrew, lindsavweir, serjaime-lannister, mondaywoodcutter, tony_starks, jeynewesterling, janedaphne, queenjeyne, amongst other things xx look out kid it's somethin' you did god knows when but you're doin' it again subterranean homesick blues-—bob dylan my aesthetic: zac efron's bet on it dance sequence from hsm2 resident au addict biracial james potter & marlene mckinnon squad 2kforever albus severus is a terrible name (but the kid is my homeboy) jamie blackley in vinyl is my dream aesthetic but alas [gestures at zac efron dance sequence] |