Author has written 10 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and King of Fighters. Hallo, profile viewer! Here be Yun's fanfiction. Main fandom is Axis Powers Hetalia. I am also shamelessly fond of AUs and crossovers. That's... pretty much all you'd need to know, really. I'd list my ships but I suspect it would end up more a list of CHARACTERS I LIKE TO SEE INTERACT than necessarily any... actual romantic shipping. (I have those too! Just. my definition of shipping is sort of broad.) Story Status (2/18/2011): -Bless the Awesome Me: Chapter 2 is actually getting written, I promise. I am just. still sort of going "Aaaaah, smut, I can't write smut, why did I even pick this prompt up in the first place!?" -Go Get Your Gun: Part 6/chapter 5 has started being written! yey. -Oh, But For A Shared Madness!: Chapter 7 finished. (Note to self: need to catch up on posting chapters here.) Currently on semi-hiatus. -East of Eden: Upcoming fantasy/RPGtalia-esque plot, America/England-centered; vaguely plotted, in very slow progress of writing. -The Bitterest Taste: Working title for upcoming noir AU, China/Japan-centered. Roughly plotted out, just doing more research on noir fiction in general before I start writing. |
awesomesen (33) deleted24956 (0) | EverythingIsMagic (90) PhantomMemories (20) |