![]() Author has written 6 stories for Twilight. MY QUOTE FOR THE DAY: "Whatever is not nailed down is mine; what I can pry loose is not nailed down." -Collis P. Huntingdon Little Info About Me: Have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, turns 16 on October 20. I am 5' 2", which is short, especially considering I'm flat-footed. I like all things involving anything to do with magic, like stuff about mermaids and wolves and vampires and angels and wizards and witches and Wiccans and...yeah, you get the picture. Nicknames: Calculator, Calejandro, California, Callie, Callie babe, Callie girl, Skittles, the devil's niece, and...yeah, that's about it. Interests: Watching football (GO GIANTS!), playing football (tackle only, I'm awful at two-hand touch), playing basketball, playing soccer, playing baseball/softball, hanging with my friends (who are mostly guys), hanging with my boyfriend, writing and reading, cooking, watching movies and sometimes T.V, and learning more about Greek Mythology. So I love the culture. Sue me. Favorite Books: *The Gallagher Girls, Percy Jackson, Keeping The Moon, The Art of Racing in The Rain, Harry Potter, The Help, Catch, Holes, Twilight Saga, Maximum Ride, Graceling, I Am Number Four, Witch & Wizard, The Gift, The Glass Castle, The Princess Bride, Much Ado About Nothing, Esperanza Rising, Becoming Naomi Leon, Black Beauty *I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You; Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy; Only the Good Spy Young; Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover* Favorite Movies: Bad Boys II; I, Robot; This Christmas; Madea's Family Reunion; Madea Goes to Jail; Diary of A Mad Black Woman; Push; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; Barbershop; Black Beauty; Much Ado About Nothing; Zoom: Academy for Superheroes; The Secret Life of Bees; TMNT I; TMNT II; TMNT III; Lion King II: Simba's Pride; Mulan; Mulan II; Treasure Planet Favorite T.V Shows: Lie To Me, The Mentalist, Ghost Whisperer, Charmed, Medium, Cold Case, Tyler Perry's: Meet the Browns, Tyler Perry's: House of Payne, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Young Justice, Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, *Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Power Rangers SPD, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Power Rangers Jungle Fury; Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue *All the different series - my favorites were the original and Fast Forward.* Stuff To Fill the Space- 1. You've gotta take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got and remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from mistakes but never regret. 2. Bringing your own food to the movie theaters. 3. No matter how much you hate school, you always end up missing it when you leave. 4. Staring at someone for a REALLY long time, just to see how long it takes them to notice. Then looking away when they finally do. 5. Someone copies off you during a test. So how do they score more than you? 6. "Ha! I'm older." "Ha, you'll die first." "Not if I run you over." XD 7. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over. 8. Losing someone hurts. Missing them hurts more. Wanting them back kills you. 9. If those chain messages were accurate, I'd be dead 305 times by now. 10. Where's Kanye when your parents are about to give a long speech? 11. Best revenge? Smile, be happy, never let them know it hurt. 12. Do. Not. Touch. Me. 13. "I think I'm losing my mind." - "You can't lose what you never had, man." 14. Walking by someone you used to know and pretending you never met. 15. Trying to act natural around the cops, even when you didn't do anything. 16. "Friends are like bras; close to the heart and supportive." 17. When I'm in awkward situations, I whip out my cell phone. 18. "I didn't do it." - "Then why are you laughing?" - "Cause whoever did it is a freaking genius." 19. "Haha, remember that time when you-" Dude, shut up, my mom's right there! 20. Is that all the firework does? Oh crap, it spins, run! 21. Ow. I forgot that wall was there. 22. 2 biggest weapons in the world: a girl's smile and her tear. Both can force a man to do anything. 23. Hi spider, nice spider, let me pet you...with my shoe...good spider... 24. I'm FLYING! Just kidding, I'm falling with style. 25. Why do guys drink beer, and girls eat chocolate right after a break-up? Because the sweetness of chocolate makes girls forget the bitterness of breaking up, and the bitterness of beer makes guys forget the sweetness of the girl. 26. Anatadaephobia: the fear that somehow, somewhere...a duck is watching you. 27. "Be yourself, don't take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive" -Gerard Way 28. People are going to hate you, love you, love to hate you and hate to love you - but the ones that mean the most will always be there. 29. A-B-C-D; Gummi bears are chasing me; One is red, one is blue, one is trying to steal my shoe; Now I'm running for my life; 'Cause the red one has a knife. 30. No, I haven't met Mr. Right yet - but I have met Mr. Rude, Mr. Faker, and Mr. Player. 31. Blanket on, too hot. Blanket off, too cold. One leg in, one leg out, perfect...until the awkward moment when the demon from Paranormal Activity grabs you by the ankle and drags you through the hall. 32. You fight like a married couple, flirt like first loves, talk like best friends, and protect each other like brother and sister. Obviously, it's meant to be. 33. Don't steal my sayings, you uncreative person, you. 34. "Age is just a number." Yeah, and jail is just a room. 35. When stopped by the police and told "Your eyes are red. Have you been drinking?" DO NOT reply with "Your eyes look glazed. Have you been eating donuts?" 36. You're several years younger than me, you have sex, you drink and smoke, you got 5 boyfriends, and you're failing school. Yeah, your mom should feel proud. 37. That awkward moment when no one wants to give their wand to Voldemort. 38. Wondering just how ironic it would be if someone was punched in the face with Johnson's No More Tear shampoo. 39. 1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 204 countries, 809 islands, and I had the fortune of meeting you. 40. Who is THAT sexy beast...whoops, clicked on my own profile again! 41. Don't drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill your drink. 42. I'd run to you, in the pouring rain, at 20 degrees, on a school night, just to punch you in the face. The only reason I haven't is because I don't know where you live. 43. You know, you annoy the crap outta me, but smoking my cigs keeps me calm. You better hope I never run out of cigarettes, 'cause if I do, I WILL FIND YOU. 44. Two boys like a girl - one says "I'll fight you for her.", but the other says "I wouldn't, because love isn't something you fight for, it's something that happens and you protect." 45. You though I was quiet - then you got to know me. 46. Don't worry, I'll kill the bug- OH SHIT IT FLIES! 47. Adults? Yeah, they're just kids with money. 48. "But Mom, what if I get kidnapped?" -- "They'll bring you back, trust me." 49. What's thought when sober, is spoken when drunk. 50. The awkward moment when an Asian gets a 99% in math and you know you're never gonna see them again. 51. "Hey, did you just-" "No." "But I just saw you-" "Nope." "Wait, let me finish the damn-" "Not happening." 52. For guys it's "bros before hoes", for girls it's "chicks before dicks". For me it's "whoever got my back over them fake-assed bitches any day". 53. "How are you?" "I AM GOD!" "..." 54. Hey, this is an A and B conversation, so C your way out of it before D jumps over E and Fs you up like a G. 55. Remember when protection was a helmet? And getting high meant swinging? That stranger in the hallway was your bestfriend, and cigarettes were lollipops. Sluts were the innocent ones and kissing didn't lead to sex. The only thing you got from boys were cooties, and detention didn't turn into suspension - vodka was soda, and homework never hit the trash. Race issues were about who was fastest, and your worst enemies were your siblings. I miss those days. 56. I'll be Burger King and you'll be McDonalds - I'll be doing it my way, and you'll be loving it. 57. "Bitch, I hate you." - "Aw, I love you too." 58. How can I remember a song from when I was 8, but I can't for the life of me remember why I walked into the kitchen. 59. They say age is just a number. They also say jail is just a room. I say that lemonade is a sugary soft drink designed to keep the masses invested in the corporal advertisement known as business. Clever, eh? 60. It's not hard to fly. Just throw yourself at the ground and miss. 61. The people in 1910 probably thought that in 2010 we'd have flying cars and robots...but no, so far we've been able to come up with backwards robes and animal shaped rubber-bands. 62. "Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...if you love me, I'll always be in your heart...if you hate me, I'll always be in your mind." -William Shakespeare 63. Think of a number. Double it. Add 6. Half it. Subtract by the original number. Your answer is 3. Always 3. 64. "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." -Mark Twain 65. "There are some situations from which one can only escape by acting like a devil or a lunatic." -George Orwell 66. "If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the looting started." -Anon 67. "What does Christmas mean if we can't encourage small children to sit on a stranger's lap?" -Ian O'Doherty 68. "The tooth fair teaches children that they can sell body parts for money." -David Richerby 69. I love giving opinions, I've got hundreds of them. 70. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. 71. Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject. 72. If at first you don't succeed, blame someone else and seek counseling. 73. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. 74. You never know how many friends you have until you rent a beach house. 75. You may be recognized soon. Hide. And more coming... MORE RANDOM QUOTES AND WHATNOT- Your parents are coming home while you're having a party- *SMASH!* Teacher: Why are you late? Student: Can I go to the bathroom? Boy: I love you. Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver. And electricity runs good with copper coils. Of course, the duct tape helps. *AGE 6* Girl: *crying* *AGE 6* Charlie: You can eat the grass? WHEN THE TEACHER LEAVES THE ROOM DURING A TEST- Boy's texting... You: So what'cha wanna do? Teacher: I'm calling your mother! Teacher: I'm done, go in the hall! Teacher says we're watching Bill Nye The Science Guy- When You're In Trouble- Mom gets you an Elmo t-shirt- Teacher: I'm calling your mother! Harry Potter: HA! YOU DON'T HAVE A NOSE! Black Kid: My mom kicked my ass yesterday. Police officer pulls you over- You know, math can be fun. 1, 2, me and you - 3, 4, against my door - 5, 6, just a few licks - 7, 8, you won't be able to walk straight - 9, 10, shall we go again? ;D S.C.H.O.O.L - Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives You cry, I cry; you laugh, I laugh; you fall off a cliff, I laugh even harder. And maybe more. Favorite Pairings: Twilight: Maximum Ride: Percy Jackson Series: Harry Potter: Avatar: The Last Airbender: Well, there you have it. This should also somewhat explain some of my stories, if you get my point. You might, you might not...who knows what goes on in that mind of yours? Anyways, hope you enjoy my stories. I'll try to work hard and update as much as I can. Bye. Thanks for reading my profile. My FanFiction Family: Erika, Macy, DJ, Carter |