A/N Dudeee . I haven't written for 'Clique' in so long that I don't even know what the characters names are anymore. This is a tad bit cracked out. Oh, and I'm an avid user of profanity.
(shattered bottles of crimson)
I'm rolling Sweets, I'm smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open bibles
(no love, eminem&lilwayne)
it's all turned smiles & stolen glances
who , what , when , where , why
how ?
claire's mind is a jum(bled) cataclysm of 'what ifs' and 'well maybes'
but it's impossible to live like that
& and enjoy it
because this girl is in way too deep
and she's skimming on the precipice of
denial hatred insanity
derick knows barely knows what he's getting into
'she's so hot!' barely registers in his mind after he sees her
{letting out stress in tear format}
no, she's goddamn beautiful and she doesn't even know it
she lives on scotch on the rocks & late nights
and hangovers
she barely remembers the last time she was sober for two hours straight
the last time she went through the day without being called a
'slut' 'whore' 'tramp'
'nice comeback slut, i'd give you a clap but you already have one'
and she can't even remember the last time she had a civilized conversation with her
bestbest friend
she resorts to pain
sinuous crimson brings relief
and redemption
do you realize what you've done ?
/made any mistakes, lately?/
yeah, she's that girl your parents warned you about
*stay alert*
be stoic
and run
call me crazy, but isn't that your best friends boyfriend that you're hooking up with?
what happened to your thought process?
we've only got four minutes to save this girl
c l a i r e
the cheap whore with the
fucked up blonde hair
the one who constantly flashes her underwear ?
do you know her ?
i do [unfortunately]
you don't know thisclaire
you're such a fucking disgrace
what the hell happened?
i love you
say it
i love you
derick derick derick
can't you see that she needs you?
she needs someone to save her
her blackblack eyeliner rims her
cerulean eyes
& her skin is pale/waxy/translucent
it's only a matter of time before she 'kicks the keg'
from stupidity and loneliness
save her
do it
you can
why do you think you can't?
there she is, sitting there plucking the grass straight out of the ground
she's actually concentrating
greenemeraldlively grass
she looks up and locks eyes with you
r e v e r s e
she looks beautiful in white
A/N: Yes, I am aware that this is absolutely cracked out and makes no sense, but if you leave me a review, I'd be happy to explain the meaning behind this ficlet. Care to take any guesses as to the last line ? Okay , none ? I killed her xD