![]() Author has written 7 stories for Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録, Kamen Rider, Strike Witches, Command & Conquer, and Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri. I'm just an ordinary College kid trying to make his first fanfic here. I'm an anime fan(especially TAMnI fan) and also an addict gamer, so if you are interested in my story and want a comment for it, just PM me okay. And for added info, if my stories is not to your expectation, then I'm sorry. Anyway for anyone who is new to fanfic, I wanna say good luck and may all you succeed. Oh and for your information, I'm also a beginner and you may see my stories is not interested but anyway, feel free to comment on it (well I'm not good enough in making stories) oh and for anyone who is looking for a good stories, I suggest WiliamZ0 stories, he is good so please support him. Be advised, I'll read any fanfic that has been updated so don't worry for those who make or updated your To Aru Fanfic, I'll make sure I'm the first one to read and comment it!!! You are not alone!! XD Current Fanfic: 1. Declaration of War- In progress (I decided to end it sooner or later though) 2. Journey Through the New World - In Progress (Well, need more time though) 3. Strike Witches: The Paradox Timeline - In Progress (A new project) Favorite Anime: 1. To Aru Majutsu no Index/Index II 2. To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 3. Clannad (Yeah, I'm a crybaby when watching these) 4. K-On!/K-On!! (well in the past but still one of the good ones) 5. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (One of the classic all time fav) 6. Strike Witches/Strike Witches II (Well, not their fanservice of course) Oh and more that I could not remember and lost count. Currently Watching: 1. To Aru Majutsu no Index II (Decide to wait for the DVD release) 2. Infinite Stratos (Friend Recommendation) Favorite Game: 1. Call of Duty Series. 2. Command and Conquer Series 3. Warhammer40k: Dawn of War Series. 4. Ace Combat Series. (Belkan War to be exact) 5. Company of Heroes Series. 6. Battlefield Series. (Since 1942 till now) 7. World in Conflict/Soviet Assault. (Best RTS so far) 8. Tom Clancy: EndWar. Oh and pretty much more that I cannot put in here. Favorite Pairings: There is only...and only one pairing that I support from the Index anime and it is Touma x Mikoto...no more no less (You can call me a zealot if you wish) Anyway, I wish for all fanfic authors, good luck with your work guys. KEEP IT UP!!!!! To all that is keeping up to date on my stories and also for those who wish to review the Declaration of War story. Be advised...that story is purely based on my racked and nearly damaged brain! (You know how long to think of the ideas? I also got a writer's block for God Sake!) This losely based on the series and not following the canons! If you want to rant on how they suppose to act following the originals then place your rant into the trash. Got it Ladies and Gentlemen!? Quote of this Year: "If you are beginning to do something in your life, finish it no matter the cost" - Myself :3 "The pain of the past will caught us in the present...lest we are brave enough to face it" - Unknown Russian Lieutenant during the (fictional) Senkaku Island Conflict. |