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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. I review mostly on request. If you want my advice, please send me a private message telling me you'd like me to review -story's name-. Currently most of my time is spent writing and developing a new story. May work on others every once in a while, and update once I reach a satisfactory point. Gender: Male Age: unimportant Job: unimportant Goals: To work on my writing abilities, my typing speed and to one day see one, or more, of my stories in: 1,000 PLUS: Extraordinary Fics with Extraordinary Reviews. Things I like: Stuff. Things I dislike: Other stuff. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Random quotes that I Happen to like: "Unless you've lived my life, don't judge me because you don't know, never have & never will know every little thing & detail about me." Unknown. "If I had no sense of humor, then I would have commited suicide long ago." - Mahatm Ghandi "Let the anger of the righteous flow and become the hammer against the wicked. Let the sword of justice run cold with the tears of the faithful." - Unknown "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi "Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before, it takes something from him." - Louis L'Amour "It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death." - Mark Twain "But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment of all he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious."-Vince Lombardi "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."-Plato "It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Sun Tzu quote section: "Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory." (Or the paraphrased version) "Victorious warriors win first, then go to war. While defeated warriors go to war first, and then seek to win." "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." "All war is deception." "Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate." "All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." "Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory." "For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards." "He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious." "Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack." "If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril." "If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity." "If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near." "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." "In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good." "Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack." "It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus doubled agents are recruited and used." "It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results." "Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge." "Of all those in the army close to the commander none is more intimate than the secret agent; of all rewards none more liberal than those given to secret agents; of all matters none is more confidential than those relating to secret operations." "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." "Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance." "Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared." "Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death." "Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move." "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." "Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." "The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution." "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." "The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand." "The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy." "The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself." "The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim." "The skillful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man." "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." "There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited." "There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare." "Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy." "To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." "To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence." "When envoys are sent with compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the enemy wishes for a truce." "You have to believe in yourself." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -Stop the Pairing Wars! By copying and pasting this in your profile, you vow to respect other pairings and the people that like them. Mary-Sue-ism For all those who interested in writing, if original characters are prevalent in your story, consider taking the Mary-Sue litmus test: |