Author has written 20 stories for Rave Master, Fire Emblem, Fairy Tail, Dragon Age, and Edens Zero/エデンズゼロ. hello hello! my name is eliegloryofficial (previous alieejeskar and elieg1ory and tehsecretardor and like dozens of other names whoops). I'm a 25 years old library information specialist / library and information science graduate student in the midwest. I don't write as often as I used to but I'm trying to change that! being an adult is much harder than being 15, as it turns out. if not staring at a blank Word document and pretending to be writing, i'm usually hanging out with my online friends or playing video games or otherwise being gross with my bf. so yeah! if you have any questions about my fics, life, or just about anything, please feel free to send me a message! my tumblr is under the same username and my twitter is @ggiegue if anyone's interested! (turns out, i am in fact, incapable of loving anything other than obscure series) |
Elselbellkell (3) Hannah-Nobody (7) Illuminator96 (2) KazunaPikachu (36) | Lizzy Rebel (95) mautrino (18) notjustanyfangrl (26) | The gangsta of love (10) |