![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Welcome, one and all! 20's l Female l Eurasian l UK l Absinthe Drinker l Cocktail Addict l Dark Obsessed l M Writer l Cinema Fan l Art Lover l Music Adorer Updates: 15/09/14: Stardust is go! I've been working on this gem for quite sometime :) a lot of research into canon went into it, along with timeline determining, character development and...attention to detail. A LOT of it. I'm trying to be as respectful to canon as possible and just having fun imagining what made Sirius Black become Sirius Black when he gets to Prisoner of Azkaban :) hopefully it'll be as enjoyable to read as it has been to write it! Trying to update on Mondays, whenever possible! NOTE:To any and everyone asking for sequels/continuation of A Sin for Draco Malfoy, I'm really sorry to disappoint you but I'm going to leave it as it is. I think that as a piece of writing, my goal was achieved, to end it with a heavy note and stirred people to think of the various outcomes that wait can have. I'll probably end up destroying the ephemeral beauty of it, if I ever decide to do a sequel or continuation for it...so I'm sorry for anyone hoping for more...I hope you can all appreciate and respect my decision as an author. Stories Stardust: It's my personal take on how I imagine Sirius's life was like and how he came to be when we got to meet in in the books, there will be a lot of drama, some fun times, some mischief, some romance, a lot of friendships and adventure, and above all respect for Sirius and for JK Rowling's work :) A Sin for Draco Malfoy: I loved writing this One-shot, it's Dark!AU, sensual, filled with deeper feelings and meanings, with a heavy dose of contemplation of man vs desire, it's bitter-sweet and ephemeral. All in all I absolutely love it as it is, I think that it's goal is to make people think and interpret it in their own way and think of the various outcomes this relationship may have, and how in the end, both characters are prepared to face it, even while harbouring such deep feelings for each other. At this point, I'm not considering ruining it with a continuation or sequel...maybe in the future, if the right idea will pop up that won't tarnish the meaning for this story, I will write a continuation for it. About Me... Favourite authors: H.P. Lovecraft , Edgar Allan Poe , Lewis Carroll , Stephen King , Anne Rice , Oscar Wilde , Fernando Pessoa , J. K. Rowlling Favourite movies/directors: are anything and everything by Tim Burton, anything with Vincent Price or Hazel Court in them, Quentin Tarantino, Spielberg, Fellini, Davil Lynch, Peter Jackson, Hayao Miyazaki, Ed Wood, David Fincher, and on, and on, and... Favourite Fandoms: Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Saint Seiya, Death Note, DC Comics, Marvel and Lord of the Rings. Favourite Pairings by Fandom: Harry Potter: Sirus/OC Sirius/Hermione James/Lily Scorpius/Lily II Draco/Hermione Ruroni Kenshin: Battousai/Kaoru Kenshin/Kaoru Enishi/Kaoru Tomoe/Battousai Misao/Aoshi Sailor Moon: Kunzite/Minako Endymion/Serenity Shitennoy/Senshi Naruto: Naruto/Hinata Sasuke/Hinata Sasuke/Sakura Deidara/Sakura Itachi/Sakura Kakashi/Sakura Lord of the Rings: Legolas/OC - Aragorn/Arwen - Faramir/Eowen Story Recommendations by Fandom: (In progress...) Harry Potter Black Velvet by krystalMage - This is a great coming of age Scorpius/Lily fic that is just fun to read. Scorpius is the new Sirius Black and Lily is a sheltered girl who doesn't really know what she's getting into...but she likes it! Give it a shot for some teen romance/drama Errors in Judgement by krystalMage - A modern AU take on the next gen, in this fic Lily gets a lot more than what she bargained for when she gets herself involved with Mr. Up-to-no-good Malfoy, the fic is quite adult and all the characters are really well developed and fun to see interact with each other. There's also some themes of Erotica and dubious-con present, all handled delicately in this R rated romance/drama. The Life and Times by Jewels5 - This story needs no introduction, a beautiful Marauders Era, James/Lily-centric fic, very Canon-respectful and filled with good humour romance and drama, a must read for any Harry Potter fans out there! Reason for Life by LadySerade - One of my all time favourite fics, Sirius/Hermione time-turner that leaves you thinking 'what if', Hermione travels back in time to find out a lot of truths about the present, that happened in the past. Brilliantly written, one of the best portrayals of young Sirius Black I've read so far. Rated M. The Lie I've Lived by jbern - A re-write of the Harry Potter series, and one of the most hilarious, fun and entertaining fics I've read in my life. The Hat is unlike any character I've seen portrayed in my life, worth a read if just for that. Definitely a must read! Scavenger Hunt by DarkenedStar - A birthday gift from my dear friend DarkenedStar! Sirius/OC marauders era fun in this one shot!Naruto The Way of the Wind by Just Enough - One of the most awesome fics I've read in the Naruto fandom. A lot of research and time went into this story and both authors should be proud of their final product, it has one of the most amazing character developments I've seen of both Itachi and Sakura, as it explores a Non-Massacre AU where they slowly form a relationship of sorts. I love how Canon-respectful it is of all characters and situations. Best Itachi I've read in my life. Seriously. Duty Before Honor by SilverShine - Awesomely written, the author takes a cliche plot of virgin Sakura going on a seduction mission, and turns it into something all too deep and develops her character in a lovely way. I really like how despite everything Sakura has been maintained true to herself and I really like how she developed her relationship with Kakashi. Obvious crack pairing, KakaSaku, not so obvious plot development. Really worth a read!Rurori Kenshin/Samurai X Amber Linings by Ravyn - Dark!AU, Battousai/Kaoru with a really cool fantasy twist. Need I say more? Nights of Terror by DarkenedStar - Modern take on a really cute Kaoru/Kenshin relationship, a great one shot inspired by Halloween with some serious mischief and hilariously dressed Aoshi to make you laugh! Invictus by Ayezur - Anything written by Ayezur is worth a read, with her always respectful treatment of characters the way they were in canon, explored in this amazing AU dealing with Slavery in the Japanese Feudal era. One of the most interesting AU's I've read in my life, one that made me a fan of Ayezur's work for sure! A must read for K/K fans! Love, Lies, Empire by krystalMage - not only a great friend, but an amazing author, krystalMage's writing always sucks you into a new world filled with emotions, detail and mystery, everything is carefully planned, and the drama flows beautifully. You can't help falling in love with the way she portrays her characters, especially in this AU feudal era drama, she has painted with so much action and romance. Kenshin/Kaoru rated T |