A beautiful December day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was being wasted by Hermione Granger.
"Only six months until our final exams, Harry! We have to be ready," she exclaimed. She blew her bushy, brown hair out of her face as she turned pages in a massive book.
"Exactly, six months," her friend said. "We should be outside playing in the snow. C'mon Hermione, we've been in the library for two hours now. Let's go."
Hermione looked at him and frowned. "But when will there be a better time to study than now?"
"Later." He grinned. "You can't be perfect all the time." He pushed himself away from the table, stood up, and pulled her out of her chair. "You are going to have fun with me today and you are not going to make up any stupid excuses to get out of it." He led her out of the library by her hand.
"Harry! You stop this right now," she squealed in between laughs.
"No, this is your punishment for worrying too much sometimes." They approached the Fat Lady and Harry said the password, "Yule Log." After climbing into the portrait hole, Harry let go of her hand.
"I'll meet you in ten minutes right here, okay? And you better not claim you're sick or so help me, I'll fly on my Firebolt up the stairs to your dormitories and get you myself," he playfully threatened. He let go of her hand and dashed up the stairs to his dormitories.
Hermione chuckled and walked at a much slower pace to her room while unconsciously rubbing her right hand. They had been working hard over the past few months adjusting to a Voldemort-free world and Harry needed all of the fun that he could get.
In five minutes, Hermione stood in the common room dressed in her winter attire. Harry jumped down the steps two at a time and grinned as he landed with a large thud on the bottom step. He then calmly stepped down and walked over to Hermione.
"Shall we go, my lady?" he asked gallantly as he held his arm.
"Why, yes, servant," she answered laughing, and together they walked outdoors.
Thirty minutes later, Hermione felt sorry for not coming out sooner in the first place. Harry was having a blast and now they sat crouched behind a large bush watching Ron as he approached them with Luna by his side.
"How close does he have to be for us to be able to hit him?" Harry whispered.
"A couple of meters."
Harry scooped up a handful of snow and smiled wickedly. "Excellent."
"We shouldn't hit him! He's on his date with Luna and it looks like it's going well. Don't do it."
"Please. Just this once," he whined. He stuck out his bottom lip and made a pathetic face.
Hermione giggled. "Fine, but only because that is the worst puppy-dog face I've ever seen."
He eagerly awaited his target and Hermione could now hear snatches of Ron and Luna's conversation.
"….Really need to get together. I've never seen such a thick-headed pair."
"It took you a long time as well, Ronald. Give it time."
"They're driving me insane!"
Harry concentrated as they came closer.
Luna stopped and looked around her. "I think we should stop here."
"Why? We were on our way to the Great Hall weren't we?" Ron walked forward a few steps and gazed at her with confusion.
Harry jumped out of the bush and threw his snowball as hard as he could. A loud smack reverberated in the air.
Ron slowly wiped the wet mess off of the back of his head, while Hermione stood up and barely controlled her laughter. Harry only grinned and backed away from his spot.
"You evil git!" Ron shouted and took off after Harry, who began to run.
Hermione could no longer help herself and laughed the hardest she had in a while. She glanced over at Luna who only shrugged and said, "I told him to stop."
When Luna and Hermione found them, they were wrestling in the snow, caps and gloves off and hooting with laughter.
"You didn't have to hit me!"
"You were a walking target! I couldn't pass up the opportunity!"
Hermione smiled. They were together in peace.
"Oh look, it's Scarboy and his motley crew," someone behind them drawled.
Harry and Ron stopped their scuffling and everyone turned to face Draco Malfoy, flanked by his lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle.
"Shut it, Malfoy," Harry said menacingly as he picked himself off the ground.
"What are you going to do about it? Snowball me to death?"
Crabbe and Goyle chuckled stupidly and Hermione's eyes narrowed.
"I wouldn't say anything, especially since Daddy won't be here to protect you," Ron spat.
His normally pale face turned purple. "Leave my Father out of this, blood traitor!"
"Hit a nerve, did I? Mad that your dad's in Azkaban for the rest of his life?"
Draco looked murderous, but quickly regained his composure. "At least you picked to be with a Pureblood, Weasel. It's still not a very good choice, her being loony and all, but still you could have done worse."
Ron rushed for Malfoy while Luna held him back with her arm and calmed him down. "It doesn't hurt my feelings, honest, Ronald. Please, don't."
Harry growled. "Cut it out, Malfoy. Just because your girlfriend's ugly doesn't mean you have to pick on Luna."
Malfoy drew his wand. "You want to talk about Pansy? At least I have a girlfriend, Potter. Why don't you go back to your Weaselette?"
Harry drew his wand as well. "Back off and leave her alone."
Malfoy chuckled and looked at Hermione. "Why don't you date your little Mudblood friend? She is rather—
At this, Malfoy was thrown backward by a jinx. He sat up from the snow with his face covered in boils and roared, "You'll pay, Scarboy!" He then threw spell after spell at Harry and he was able to barely block them. Ron tried to join Harry in the duel while Luna and Hermione held him back. She only watched Harry and asked whatever greater power there was to protect him.
"You should brush up on that, Malfoy; Daddy wouldn't want an embarrassment for a son," Harry taunted.
Malfoy smirked and snarled, "Amortium!" A thin stream of gold came from the end of his wand and hit Harry on the hand.
Harry eyes then went blank and he fell to his knees. He slowly sank into the snow, face-down.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted and ran to him, leaving Luna to control an enraged Ron.
"What did you do to him?" Ron asked repeatedly as Hermione looked over Harry.
Please be okay, please, she begged. Checking his vital signs, she found that he had a slow but steady pulse and let out a relieved sigh.
"He's alright!"
Malfoy only sneered and quickly walked away as Ron and Luna rushed to Hermione's side. They would see.