Author has written 4 stories for Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries.
Welcome to the profile of Chiisai_Kitty: Amateur Storyteller.
I have been dabbling in writing since probably since I've been old enought to do so. I probably have tons of stories that I've started lying around my house. Maybe I'll finish some of them through this website.
I by no means consider myself a pro at this (hence the title of my profile), I'm mostly looking for another outlet of self-expression. I've always been a witty person and also not horrible with the english language, so I thought I might give this a shot.
My flagship topic is True Blood and the Sookie Stackhouse novels.
I also just starting writing another blog. It's called The Nail Philes, and it's a how-to chronicle of the designs that my mom and I paint on our nails. If you like painted nails, and want to do your own, check it out! @ http://
I've started a business! Cupcake Cameo Jewelry and Accessories is now on Etsy! Check it out, and add us on Facebook (just search Cupcake Cameo Jewelry and Accessories). http://
My wordpress website: http://
Links (I'm all about the visuals, baby):
Awesome banner that was made for me by the lovely vikingfangtasies: http:///img3/9053/stilettomainbkgd2.jpg
The Costumes
-Sookie's Moulin Rouge-style costume (Chapter 4). It should take you right to the one, if not, it's called "Burlesque Dancer". That's basically what I was going for, just with laces up the front instead of the back: http:///victoria.asp?wf_var=e#LH83426
-Sookie's "Slutty Co-eds" costume (Chapter 12 and 13): http:///schoolgirl.asp#L83529
Halloween (Chapter 16)
-Dahlia: http:///search_results.asp?iLevel=1&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtsearchParamType=ALL&txtFromSearch=fromSearch&searchLocation=2Ftropical.asp&txtsearchParamTxt=L53087
-Amelia: http:///search_results.asp?iLevel=1&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtsearchParamType=ALL&txtFromSearch=fromSearch&searchLocation=2Ffairy.asp&txtsearchParamTxt=Cherry+Red+Riding+Hood
-Cicita: http:///search_results.asp?iLevel=1&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtsearchParamType=ALL&txtFromSearch=fromSearch&searchLocation=2Finternational.asp&txtsearchParamTxt=princess+of+the+nile
-Pam (Chapter 17): http:///search_results.asp?iLevel=1&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtsearchParamType=ALL&txtFromSearch=fromSearch&searchLocation=2Fsearch_results.asp&txtsearchParamTxt=L53082
Pirate Night (Chapter 19)
-Dancer's Costume 1 (Amelia's):http:///albums/v412/starchild115/wenchcostume3.jpg
-Dancer's Costume 2:http:///albums/v412/starchild115/wenchcostume2.jpg
-Other Waitresses Costume:http:///albums/v412/starchild115/wenchcostume1.jpg
Fangtasia Floorplan (not to scale, of course): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/Stiletto-FangtasiaFloorplan.jpg
The Dresses
-Sookie's "Low-Key for Work" Dress (Chapter 7): http:///S/3054123/0~2376776~2374327~2374331~6014146?mediumthumbnail=Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=6014146&P=1
-Brick-red Dress (Chapter 9): http:///webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=301&langId=-1&storeId=301&productId=501991761&view=20&No=40&N=1604007&searchUrl=2Fendeca2FEndecaStartServlet3Fview3D2026No3D4026N3D1604007&R=03129700
-Sookie's pink gift dress (Chapter 14): http:///product/index.jsp?productId=3729615
Playlist: http:///playlist/19360896523
Round 1 (Chapter 3)
-The song:
-The dance (and the dress):
Round 2 (Chapter 6)
-The song:
-The dance (and the dress):
-Directions: Cue the song to 0:15 and the dance to 1:22, press play on the song before you start the dance video. Don't forget to mute the dance video too.
-Added bonus: Sookie's salsa club dress: http:///albums/v412/starchild115/RedDressCh6.jpg
Elimination: Round 2 (Chapter 7)
-The costume: http:///shop/form.asp?pid=18&catid=1&listid=
-The dance/song:
Notes: Imagine three couples dancing the same dance. The other two girls would be wearing the same costume as Sookie, just in different colors.
Round 3 (Chapter 9)
-The dance/original song/costumes:
-The song that they danced to, "Let Go," is on the playlist.
-The competition hustle dress (Chapter 10): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/hustledress.jpg
Area Five (Left to Right: Pam, Sookie, Bill, Eric): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/AreaFive-2.jpg
Hadley's Comet (Left to Right: Dahlia, Arlene, Tara, Hadley): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/HadleysComet.jpg
Playlist: http:///playlist/19369853707
Sookie's Dress in Chapter 1: http:///albums/v412/starchild115/chapter1dress.jpg
Sookie (and Arlene's) Vest in Chapter 2: http:///ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150418619679
Dahlia's Outfit in Chapter 2: http:///70sSANTANGELO.html
Sookie's Corset (Chapter 5): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/sookiecorsetch5.jpg
Inspiration for Sookie's leather short/stocking ensemble (Ch. 5): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/sookieleathershortexamplech5.jpg
Pam's Tunic Dress (Ch. 5): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/pamdressch5.jpg
Pam's Bolero Jacket (Ch. 5): http:///albums/v412/starchild115/pamjacketchapter5.jpg