Reviews for Ache for You
Guest chapter 5 . 9/22
Sookie is a fuxking bitch
alexandria chapter 5 . 9/3
i know this was written years ago, but these first chapters got me hooked! i guess the other website is down now, is there a way to finish the story?
TeamEricNSookie chapter 5 . 9/22/2019
I started reading the story before, I remembered it as I was reading through it this time. When I got to the a.m. I remember exactly why I didn't leave a review beforeā€¦ I was a little pissed. The description says the story is complete but it's not.

Guest chapter 3 . 4/4/2019
Nice, try but no thanks . Too much angst for me.
drkraez chapter 5 . 7/6/2017
Hi Seastarr08, great story! I read this year's ago and looking to re-read. Hoping it's still possible to acess your word press site! Drkraez... svm junky. Xx
Guest chapter 5 . 11/13/2016
Help. Just signed up to wordpress but I can't find you to continue this story. I am gutted.
Tessaturd chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
Help. I can not find you on wordpress and I'm simply dying to know what happens next.

Please help.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/7/2016
Ah, so, Eric and Sookie were kept apart for 100 years, Sookie was raped multiple times and when she finally gets back home, she's with someone else that she loves. And this is considered humor. Good to know.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/7/2016
Eric and Sookie have been kept apart for over 90 years now and I still don't see the humor.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/7/2016
Where is the humor? All I see is Sookie and Eric being kept apart for 60 years.
Jorlnor chapter 5 . 7/19/2016
Your story is absolutely amazing, may I have the WordPress invite?
solidae26 chapter 5 . 7/9/2016
I would love to read more. May I have the WordPress invite? stephfpetersen
hope it's still out there, I really enjoyed it!
rachel.olsenwilliams chapter 5 . 3/23/2016
love this story. please accept me on wordpress so that I can finish it
AZSeaOtter chapter 5 . 10/26/2015
After reading through Chapter 35 (Epilogue) from Wordpress site:
Beautiful story! Very original and well written! Your characters were wonderful! They showed their flaws and yet learned from their mistakes to become strong through time. A real tear jerker, sad and happy tears. They grew better for one another not just by necessity, but by choice. Although their love didn't come lasted eternally. Love, love, loved it!
MiniLover chapter 5 . 1/24/2015
Awesome story. I'll keep reading on WordPress.
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