![]() Author has written 29 stories for Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Twilight, Pirates of the Caribbean, True Blood, Thor, and Avengers. Umm... I am a 34 year old, mother of two beautiful children, and have been happily married to my most delicious husband for 11 years. I currently hold a full-time position as house/home maker and after years of working my hiney off, I am lovin' it. I love reading...anything, really. If it weren't for fanfiction I would have way too much time on my hands. And probably a clean house and my laundry would never get behind, but that's beside the point. I can't thank everyone who reads, reviews, and alerts my stories, it seriously makes my day to read all the wonderful comments everyone leaves. My husband seriously thinks I am a nut job, when I start giggling at the computer screen. My beta/pre-reading team Suzapalooza and EtheHunter help me beyond words, encouraging, cheerleading, editing. I would be so lost without them. I gotta admit that reviews are my own personal form of speed, they inspire me to write and update as soon as possible. Now seeing as how I have never been professionally trained on the keyboard and use the old school hunt-n-peck method, you can understand why I need all the speed I can get. So review review review... I LOVE IT!! I do enjoy writing, although I may not be the best at it. Seriously, some of the writers on this site are outstanding. And though I know I may not be able to compare to some of the Big Kahunas here, I do strive to do my best and improve on every chapter. I love feedback and am certainly not beneath constructive criticism. Alright peeps I finally caved and got twitter you can follow me at @eevenflo78 Also...I've signed up for Live Journal, though I am still in the process of learning the site. You will also soon be able to find my stories here... http:///profile I just gotta figure out how to do it. Smittenskitten interviewed me on her blog. I was super excited to do it, even if I'm a boring, boring lady. You can find it here... http:///2010/11/my-101-with-evenflo78.html SouthernLady23 made me the beautiful avatar you see above! She's so talented!! Northman Towers links... S. Meadows made a beautiful banner for Northman Towers click the link here to check it out. http:///img4/599/northmantowers.jpg Sookies Dress: http:///images/I/41dl7s2KS1L._AA280_.jpg Sookies Shoes: http:///images/2008/01/15/lance-metallic-sandals-by-jimmy-choo_1822.jpg Eric's Tux: Both links http:///i/pix/2007/09_02/davidbeckhamPA_843x1000.jpg http:///i/pix/2007/09_02/davidbeckham1PA_695x1000.jpg Hershey's Kisses links... Smittenskitten is WAY too good to me. She made this beautiful banner for my story. http:///_2DffsB8k-KY/TO6CCBlMlQI/AAAAAAAAAb4/rj5ObRSQ0SQ/s1600/Hershey.jpg Sookie's Secret links... For Eric and his Great Pumpkin contest... Sookies costume: http:///Bunny-Costume-6050.php Erics costume: http:///product/EX1013/Male_Chippendale_Dancer_Kit.html Electric Cowboy Links... The talented S. Meadows made me a beautiful banner, check it out... http:///img189/3893/electriccowboy.jpg Couples Therapy Links... S. Meadows Made me another beautiful banner for my new story. I am in total heart with it check it out. http:///img694/1723/couplestherapy.jpg Chapter 16 Sookie's dress in black http:///short-cocktail-dresses/long-sleeve-open-back-b151477-4514 Invoking Kismet links... The beautiful and talented smittenskitten made my story a wonderful banner. It can be found here. http:///img231/3972/desktop50.jpg TrueBloodTwilight rec'd this on her blog. You can read it here... http:///search?q=TheEmmettShow The Angel of Death The talented TrueBloodTwilight made me a beautiful gift for my new story and entry to the Age of Eric Contest. It can be found here. My story Books, Bondage, and Betrayal was nominated for a Gem Award. I didn't win, but it's super exciting just to be nominated! Instincts links... The mega-talented smittenskitten made this beautiful banner http:///img688/9637/insticts1.jpg Fanged Fics featured me and Instincts on their blog! OMG so awesome. I love these gals! You can check it out here... http:///2011/10/authors-corner-meet-evenflo78-author-of.html They also rec'd it here... http:///2011/03/insticts-by-evenflo78-tb-now-on-f-blog.html Like Oil and Water links... As if the lovely smittenskitten could be anymore awesome in my eyes, she goes and proves me wrong by making this little piece here Banner: http:///_2DffsB8k-KY/TSoB3QTaObI/AAAAAAAAAe0/B7ptdO-mRJE/s1600/LO.jpg The Twi-Muses interviewed me on their blog. You can read it here. http:///2011/04/one-shot-rec-like-oil-and-water-by.html?zx=67da8f6867f1dba The First Time links... Banner made by jaimearkin https:///-Ag-_9qjQ8qk/TXbYcv6PCvI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/Y4iFN5vPl2o/s1600/TheFirstTimefinal.jpg Review by the fabulous Rae_Cullen featured on Indiefic blogspot can be found here http:/// My story These Dreams tied for second place Judges Pick in the Happily (N)ever After Contest Makesmyheadspin made me this lovely creeptastic banner http:///h3yhtxqj Accidental links... THE Jasper's Darlin's featured Accidental on their blog. OMGOMGOMG! I can hardly believe it! So exciting! YOU can read it here... http:///2011/10/darlins-come-together-accidental-by.html HammerHips rec'd me on wordybitches dot com. It's fantastic! I seriously go OMGOMGOMG! every time someone rec's one of my stories! You can find it here... http:///?p=8029 Smittenskitten puts up with me, lord knows why, but she made me this kickass banner. You can view it here... http:///-Pdy4MTXBvJ4/TrEpqapmT0I/AAAAAAAAA0E/CfZhjnPfgHU/s1600/accidental.jpg Brand New Socks links... Smittenskitten loves me and made me this... http:///--lNjkRnv9mw/Tq7EoqchwTI/AAAAAAAAAyg/OKKtho9zLdw/s1600/brandnewsocks.jpg I love it so much! I love her too! Failing In Love links... I think I will just marry Smittenskitten one of these days. I owe her so much for all the banners she's made for me. You can view this one here... http:///-AVwgTeTs8Ys/Tq7E_MPP-UI/AAAAAAAAAyo/JNxr38YiaPQ/s1600/failinginlove.jpg Alone I Break links... You guys know how much I love Smittenskitten by now, right? She made this fuckhotness for this story. You can check it out here... http:///-Ctd8sUJCNr8/Tq7EZXiRs-I/AAAAAAAAAyY/Wkfj7Ohhg30/s1600/aloneibreak.jpg Yellow Ledbetter... I wrote this story for the IWTS2 contest, and I actually won 1st place in the public vote. WHAT!? I was speechless. DazedRose made the story banner for me. I think it's pretty awesome. Almost as awesome as she is. Contests... I co-hosted a contest for new writers along with seastarr08, youbettago, tvgirl.nicole, and Missus T. The Poppin' Cherries contest was such a huge success, we wanted to invite new writers to participate in the A New Chapter Contest. We had some very wonderful stories written for the contest. You can find them all here. http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2507718/A_New_Chapter_Contest Promo fic Becoming Mommy Banner made by smittenskitten. She's just way too good to me. http:///_2DffsB8k-KY/TTQ-UffSxvI/AAAAAAAAAfU/Nq05Y_HOH9U/s1600/becomingmommy.jpg I was offered the honor of judging for the SamIAmContest hosted by ZeeWriter, Pixiegiggles, & Zhivago3 You all know we love Eric, but Sam totes deserves some love too. I can't wait to read what you all come up with for the smokin' shape-shifter. Check out the deets on the contest at the link below. http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2369891/SamIAmContest Fandom Fights the Floods... I've donated a SVM one-shot for their cause. Please check out the details below to find out what you can do or how you can help! |