Author has written 7 stories for Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries. I'm a 24 year old living in Richmond, VA. Graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelors in Psychology a year ago and have been taking some time off before going back to school to pursue teaching. I absolutely love the Southern Vampire Mystery books and of course True Blood. Eric is hands down my favorite. I'd take that man anytime, anywhere, any way. Alcide is a VERY close second. I have not written any type of story for more than three years, but felt the need to get back in to it after reading all of the wonderful stories on here. I love to crawl into bed and just escape with all the wonderful worlds lurking around here! I'm on Twitter.. (A_Redhead_Thing) so check it out if you like! And if you like Alcide, be sure and check out Herveaux_Heauxs as well :-) My beautiful banner for I'm on Fire http:///img90/8110/monfirebanner.jpg (made by the wonderful, lovely and talented Miss Construed) I'm on Fire banner 2 http:///i/firea.jpg/ (made by the awesomely amazing CarolinaGirl96) Banner for Tunnel of Love http:///i/tunneloflovebanner2.jpg/ (made by the super talented Hannah09) I want to pimp out a few awesome websites: 1. The Sookieverse: http:/// 2. SVM Addiction, run by one of my lovely wondertriplets, Sapfirerose http:/// 3. SVM Universe http:/// 4. Fandom Fiction http:/// Quick announcement: I want to apologize for the lack of updates lately. RL has gotten to be a big ball of stress, and thus my time to write has decreased significantly. I am hoping to catch a break somewhere down the line and get back to business. Just wanted to let you guys know that I will update whenever possible. Love you all. Hope you'll stick it out with me. |
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