Author has written 11 stories for iCarly, Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings, PS, I Love You, and Warcraft. Um... well my name is Simmz. (well thats what you get to call me) Im 18. . I've been writing Jonas Fanfictions since I was 14. I use to post them onto my myspace. My hobbies include dancing in the rain, singing in the shower (well singing all the time), glittering (oh yes iSparkle.-take it and I'll hunt you down.) and hanging with friends. Once I have an obsession it usually last like... a year... or 2 two... possibly five. My MP3 is usually always on. If you can't tell I'm a romance writer... but that doesn't mean if you piss me off I can't kill ya in my story. :) lol You can follow me on twitter. I'm gonna try to update that more often and let you know when a new chapter is up or when i found something to do with the iCarly Cast. And lastly, one of my biggest pet peeves on this site: Putting my stories on story alert without leaving a review. I get tons of those irritating messages in my inbox from strangers. I don't mind if you read my story and don't see it respectable enough for a review, but when you actually take the time out to put my story on alert and wait for new chapters to read when I update, I find it incredibly rude to disreguard reviewing it. Especially since it takes me at least two hours to write them. I HATE when readers do that. As an author, I sympathize with other writers and ALWAYS take the time out to review a story I thoroughly enjoy. So...just remember that if you're a reader who does that to stories. If you enjoy them, please take out one moment of your time to leave a review. It truly means a lot to us authors, even if it's a simple statement. We work our butts off for you guys sometimes! It's nice to get a little something in return for the work. x_x (origanilly by Overki11) For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you what you are doing that is so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour-long sob fest, and then start singing and dancing when your favorite song comes on. Crazy is when you do or say a completely random thing, like "Do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or having a thumbwar with yourself. Crazy is when you type up all your favorite sayings, print them off and tape them to your wall, just for something to do. Crazy is when you memorize the complete biographies and physical traits of every character in Twilight (or almost, at least). Crazy is when you write Emmett or Edward Cullen is hot on your homework instead of doing it. Crazy is when you see a movie (Bruce Almighty) and then try to walk on water. Crazy is when you ask your guitar-playing father if the guitar sounds the same if you hold it upside down and then insist that he answer even if he doesn't know or else you'll hide every spoon in the house so that he won't be able to eat soup ever again. Crazy is not being able to stay mad at anyone longer then 20 minutes and then stay mad at yourself for week giving yourself some sort of punishment for being mad at yourself. (did that make sense?) If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile and add something crazy you've done to the list! YOU KNOW YOU'RE AN AUTHOR IF... You talk to yourself a lot. (\)_(/) Copy and paste this into your profile if someone's ever called you weird...and you thanked them. Remember when getting high meant swinging at the playground. The worst thing you could get from the opposite sex was cooties. Mom and dad were your heroes. Five dollars seemed like a million. Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over". Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were who ran the fastest. War was a card game. Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly. The only drug you knew of was cough medicine and wearing skirts didn't mean you were a slut. Kool-Aid was the drink of choice and the only thing you smoked were the tires of your bike. The only thing that hurt was skinned knees and the only things that could get broken were your toys. Life was simple and carefree, but what I remember the most was wanting to grow up. Shipping Freddie/Sam "Seddie" & Sam/Spencer "Spam" & Carly/Gibby "Cibby"- iCarly ...More to come if i think of it |
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