So, this is it. Big thanks to all of you who've read my story and encouraged me to keep going. I tried working on it this weekend, but had no luck. Something about being at work inspires procrastinate in any way possible. But, that's just between us. So, read, enjoy, don't yell at me for ending it!
Disclaimer: The lullaby in this chapter was one that my grandmother used to sing to us when we were little, so I don't know the origin or who it actually belongs to. All I know is that it's pretty.
It was a quiet night in Diagon Alley. Fred Weasley sat in a rocking chair, his newborn daughter Faith softly sleeping in his arms. A year ago to the day the war ended. A year ago to the day, Fred's life almost ended. It amazed the redhead how quickly life had changed. Never in the past had he thought of himself as a family man, but now with the new bundle in his arms he wanted nothing else.
Faith let out a whimper as she wiggled in her father's arms. Fred held her closer, inhaling her sweet smell, as he hummed. Her cry increased as he rocked, his humming turning into a lullaby.
Goodnight, my love It would be so heavenly holding you The stars above have promised to meet us tomorrow So for the present, dear, we'll say good night
The tired old moon is descending
Goodnight, my love
The moments with you now are ending
Close to me
It will be heavenly to hold you again in a dream
Til then, my love, how dreary the noonday will seem
Sleep tight, my love
Goodnight, my love
God rest you pleasant dreams, sweetheart
The cries ceased, much to Fred's relief. He stood, crossed the room, and placed his little girl in the bassinet. A sniffle behind him alerted him to the fact that he wasn't alone. A smile lit his face when he saw his wife standing in the doorway.
"That was a pretty song," Hermione whispered, closing the distance between them. "Where'd you learn that?"
Fred's arms wound around Hermione's waist, pulling her close. "Mum used to sing it to us every night before bed," he told her, guiding her to the sitting room so as to not awake the sleeping baby. Fred dropped down on the couch, rubbing the exhaustion from his deep blue eyes. He felt the presence of another body on the sofa, a head resting against his shoulder. They sat in silence, both with eyes closed, enjoying the brief moment of quiet that pervaded the air. "Ya know, Mum used to sing that to us, one by one," Fred said, remembering his childhood. "Drove Bill and Charlie crazy, having to hear it seven times a night. Plus, well, you've heard Mum sing."
Hermione giggled, stifling a yawn as she did so. "Lullabies always sound nice, no matter the quality of the singer."
"Hmm, guess that's true," he mused. "Get Harm down okay?"
Hermione groaned, tossing her head back against the couch. "Your son will be the death of me, Fred Weasley."
It was Fred's turn to laugh this time. "Oh, my son? Now he's just my son? Last I checked it takes two to...what's the rest of that saying?"
"Tango," she finished. "And, yes, when I can't get him to sleep longer than thirty minutes, he's your son. Tomorrow night you get both twins."
Fred pulled his wife closer, placing a gentle kiss against her temple. "Mum owled earlier today. Asked if she could sit for her newest grandchildren. Apparently she thinks that after a week we've been overworked as parents and need a break."
"I love your mother," Hermione responded with a contented sigh. She snuggled closer allowing Fred to pull her into his side. They sat in silence, waiting for a cry that would break the peace.
"So," Fred said after a few minutes, "what should I tell her?"
Hermione opened her eyes, looking up at her husband whose face was graced with a smile. "Well, who are we to deny her the pleasure?"
The next day the Burrow was abuzz with family and former Order members. Faith and Harmon were passed from person to person; going unseen by their parents until someone (Ron, Hermione thought) announced that one of the babies was desperately in need of a new diaper.
"Getting much sleep, there Freddie boy?" Bill asked, clapping a hand on his brother's shoulder as he slid a bottle of butterbeer into his hand.
Fred laughed. "No, but that's nothing new. Last year it was nightmares. This year it'll be crying, screaming, hungry babies."
The older man shook his head. "I slept through every night with the first one. When Dominique came, though, Fleur caught on and demanded I start helping with those early morning feedings."
"The second we found out it was twins, I was informed that upon pain of death I would be up every night with one of them," Fred replied, giving a humorous shudder. "Plus, it's Hermione. I don't want to be on the receiving end of one of her hexes."
It was Bill, this time, who gave a very real shudder at the memories of his sister-in-law's talents with a wand. "I hear that," he responded.
Hermione walked up to the brothers at that moment, a skeptical look on her face as they smiled guiltily at her. "We were just talking about you," Fred announcing, his arm snaking around her shoulders. The young witch raised a questioning eyebrow in his direction. "All good things, I assure you."
"Sure, sure," Hermione replied breezily. "Your mum says dinner's ready. Shall we?"
The kitchen was loud and fragrant, Mrs. Weasley bustling around to get supper on the table. Once, she whacked Ron's hand with a wooden spoon as he sneaked a corn cob from a pot of water, which was met with delighted laughter from his brothers. When the final platter, the roast, was place on the table she announced it was time tuck in. Plates were filled, silverware clinking against bowls and plates. Happy chatter was heard, some people having to speak over others to be heard.
"So, what's planned for your date night, then, Hermione?" asked Mrs. Weasley. Hermione, glass of water to her mouth, choked as the liquid slid down the wrong pipe.
"What date night?" she asked, her head whipping from her mother-in-law to Fred, then back again. Fred shot his mother a look, begging her to keep her mouth shut.
A blush crept up Mrs. Weasley's neck. "Nothing, forget I said anything."
Hermione's gaze fixed firmly upon Fred, waiting for an answer. He sighed, shoulders slumping as he spoke, "I thought that since Mum offered to watch the twins tonight, I'd surprise you with a bit of a night out. But if you don't want to, we can just go home after dinner."
Now she felt like an idiot. "I'm sorry," she murmured, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. "That sounds like an excellent idea."
Dinner continued in relative silence; the clinking of utensils the only sound. With his plate empty, Fred stood from the table, collected his wife's now empty plate, and deposited them in the suds that filled the kitchen sink.
"Ready to go?" Fred asked, not noticing who the family had their eyes fixed on him. Hermione, however, did notice, a blush of embarrassment staining her cheeks.
"Sure," she replied, accepting the offered hand Fred extended. They thanked Mrs. Weasley for dinner, apologized for having to leave so early, and Hermione ran through her children's nighttime schedule for a fourth time. Fred laughed, pulling her out the front door to Disapparate to Hogsmeade.
"Where are we going exactly?" Hermione inquired as they passed by storefront after storefront. Fred continued to lead her through the village, whistling to himself and answering her questions with a mere smile. Finally, they arrived in front of the looming gates of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"Bet you're wondering what we're doing here," Fred said as if reading her mind.
Hermione cocked an eyebrow. "Miss taking classes?" she guessed. Fred shook his head, but let out a small laugh that he hoped covered the sudden bout of nerves he was feeling. His heart pounded inside his chest as the gates swung open, granting them access to the grounds. The school term had wound down already, the students had all gone home. Hogwarts was theirs for the evening.
"I arranged this with McGonagall yesterday," Fred informed her, as they moved through the entrance hall. "It seemed like the right place to be today."
Hermione nodded solemnly as they climbed flight after flight, avoiding one particular hallway, as they made their way to the Astronomy Tower. Fred leaned over the railing, memories of the war flooding back. Quickly, he pulled away and turned to face the stunning brunette before him. Gathering her in his arms, he whispered in her ear, "This is where you saved me."
Hermione tilted her head to look him in the eye, the pools of blue still able to capture her heart and soul. "I didn't do anything that night," she mumbled. "I just needed some air, and there you were."
"Still afraid I'm not real?" he asked, kissing her forehead.
Hermione sighed, thinking of the turn her life had taken in the past year - married to Fred Weasley with twins. Never had she expected that to be her life plan. She nodded her head. "It feels like a dream some days," she admitted. "Sometimes I think I'm gonna wake up and all this will be gone, that you'll be gone." Tears welled in her brown eyes as she spoke; Fred catching a stray droplet as it slid down her cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere, Mione," he assured her, covering her lips with his own. That familiar spark rippled through the pair as the kiss deepened, seemingly on its own accord.
"Promise?" she asked, pulling in a deep breath.
Fred smiled, drawing an X over his heart. "I promise you're never going to lose me."