![]() Author has written 8 stories for Twilight. Update Sept 28, 2010: I feel obliged to let my readers know that I've long since moved on from the world of the Jacob/Bella fandom. This isn't to say that I will be removing my stories, or that I don't still appreciate getting new reviews (I am forever greatful to my loyal readers, and appreciate your support/encouragement over the last two years), but I've lost interest in the subject matter, especially since it was a doomed ship from the start, and the only reason why I wrote about it to begin with was because the canon story made me so angry that I felt almost obligated to try and fix it. Anyway, I'm still proud of my stories, and I'm considering possibly writing for new fandoms in the near future... so stay tuned! hugs* -Jo Banners for two of my stories: Epiphany: http:///img7/2954/epiphanybannerwithtextf.jpg Breakdown: http:///img11/8740/breakdownbannerwithtext.jpg Both banners were created by one of my favourite artists (and authors), blueandblack. If you haven't read her stories, they are phenomenal. In fact, if you haven't read her stories, what the heck are you doing still reading THIS? Go read them NOW. Seriously. You won't be sorry! Check her out in my favourite authors section. ;) ETA December 15 2009: More Banners from the SOB D R A B B L E C O N T E S T: Hail Mary Pass (Bluesuzanne's Choice): http:///drabblebanners/blueschoice_first.jpg Hail Mary Pass (SOB's Choice): http:///drabblebanners/sobschoice_first.jpg Impressions: http:///drabblebanners/sobchoice_third.jpg Once again, all of these beautiful banners were crafted by the lovely and talented blueandblack. ETA January 26 2009: Banners/Wallpapers for This Is The Night: Banner 1: http:///night_banner_02.jpg Banner 2: http:///night_banner_01.jpg Official Wallpaper: http:///TITN_wallpaper_1280.jpg Alternate Wallpapers: I'm going to bed - http:///bed_wallpaper_1280.jpg / Tired Jacob - http:///sleeping_wallpaper_1280.jpg / Chocolate chips - http:///jake_1280.jpg / Bella's power - http:///vampirepower_1280.jpg All of these were all made by (who else?) my AMAZINGpartner-in-crime for the Bella x Jacob Big Bang, blueandblack. She also made several icons and a fanmix for this story, which are all available at the bellaxjacob_bb community on Livejournal. |