![]() Author has written 11 stories for Merlin, Robin Hood BBC, Fable, St. Trinian's, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sherlock, and Skulduggery Pleasant series. Hi. I'm a girl. I'm a person, amazingly. I like writing stuff about my favourite shows, games, movies and even more stuff like that. But I also like writing stories about something I've seen or read recently, or searching them up just to see if there are any stories about them. Often there isn't what I'm looking for but it doesn't really matter because I can just go back to my favourites. I'm probably very weird. I don't know. You need to meet me to confirm that. But don't. Because you may be a stalker. I write Short Sentences. You may have noticed. 8D My catchphrase is WOOT! Or at least it was. I don't have one anymore :( My motto is "Loledge is better than knowledge." Well. They can both help you in life. Actually, it's now "If life gives you lemons, take them gratefully then kick it in the balls." I CAME UP WITH THAT. I'M SO PROUD. AH (I) LUV (love) DEH (... The, I suppose) SKULDUGGEREH (Skulduggery) PLEASANT (Well, yeah. Pleasant). He's funneh (funny) :) AH (I) ALSAH (Also) LUV (love) DEH (The) BILLEH (Billy) REH (Ray) SANGUINEH (Sanguine.) I don't know why. I just do. Sometimes I think someone's watching me... Then I just realise it's a penguin :) PENGVINS. My age... Well, my age is unknown. I think I've given out several ages, the youngest being 15 and the oldest 18. Not entirely sure, I'm afraid. I may actually be younger than 15. I may actually be older than 18. I'm not in my 20s or above, I'll tell you that. I have hair. I like my hair. Do you like my hair? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know. Shame. Name: Helena/Falling --Favourites-- Colour: Blue :) Book: Skulduggery Pleasant *SQUEE* Sport: Fencing :) (Because I do it... :D) Fast Food Restaurant: Pizza Hut... Maybe... Is that a fast food restaurant? I prefer cafes.. D: Food: Hm... Tricky... Tricky Dicky... Pasta's always good. Can't go wrong with pasta. Or curry. --Do You-- Have any siblings: Yep. Two. Do Drugs: No. I hate drugs, the way they ruin people's lives. --Love & All That Crap-- Ever been in love: Not properly :P --This or That-- Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit. --Have You Ever-- Danced in a public place: YEP. --Random & Silly Junk-- Are you a virgin: ... MAYBE. I AM A VALDUGGERY SUPPORTER. SO, ER, IF YOU LIKE FLETCHERIE, YOU CAN GO, UM... *Tries to think of good threat* JUST GO. I AM A VALGUINE SUPPORTER. SO, LIKE I SAID, IF YOU LIKE FLETCHERIE, YOU CAN GO. LEAVE. I SHIP SLASH PAIRINGS. SOME PRINCES MARRY THEIR MANSERVANTS. GET OVER IT. SOME DOUBLE-OHS MARRY THEIR QUARTERMASTER. GET OVER IT. SOME DETECTIVES MARRY THEIR SIDEKICKS. GET OVER IT. SOME CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS MARRY THEIR RIGHT-HAND-MAN. GET OVER IT. SOME HUNTERS MARRY THEIR FAVOURITE ANGEL. GET OVER IT. Fandoms Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Merlin, Avengers. I can't remember any more fandoms so... That's it, basically. I have written about 15 stories. My favourite one out of that was probably Need Some Magic (Merlin) although my Isobel story even more popular than I thought (I really don't know why.) And My Other Half (formerly You Need A Heart To Survive). Again, a fave one of my stories. My Ships 1. Destiel :D 2. 00Q. 3. Mormor. 4. Valduggery 5. Valguine. (I don't know why, I just love that ship... XP) 6. Mergana 7. Valskine. 8. Merthur. (I DON'T HATE THIS SHIP ANYMORE. It's amazing :3) 9. Ghanith. 10. Sheriarty (Same with Merthur XP) 11. Arwen. 12. Sherlolly (I love this ship name XD) 13. The Ponds 14. Amy11th Doc 15. Rose10th Doc 16. MerlinFreya (Does this have a ship name?) 17. MorganaArthur (Well. Back when Morgana wasn't evil...D:) 18. Johnlock (OMFG LOVE AND BEAUTY) 19. Greg LestradeMycroft Holmes (I don't actually read Mystrade stories, but I think the idea is actually quite cute :) If a little creepy.) (\ _ /) This is Bunny. List your top twelve favorite characters in no particular order. 1. Merlin 2. Castiel 3. Dean 4. Morgana 5. Moriarty 6. Sherlock 7. Crowley 8. Skulduggery 9. Molly 10. 10th Doctor 11. Balthazar 12. Loki Have you ever read a five/eleven fic before? Moriarty/Balthazar… *gigglesnorts* Do you think three is hot? Dean? OMFG YES. What would happen if twelve got one pregnant? If Loki got Merlin pregnant… Is dying of laughter right now. Do you remember any good fics about nine? Yep. There are lots of good Molly fics. Would seven and two make a good couple? Uh… I’m… Not… Sure. I mean… Crowley/Castiel? I’m fairly sure they hate each other. Four/Eight or Four/Five? 4/5 (Moriarty/Morgana), yes. I like that ship actually. I think they’d make an interesting couple. But Morgana/Skulduggery? Well… He hunts and arrests evil, so 4/5. Although, 4/8 would make an interesting fanfic. Would would happen if seven discovered three and eight were in a relationship? OMFG. SORRY. THIS IS JUST. DEAN AND SKULDUGGERY? To be honest, he would pretty damn disturbed, but I don’t think Crowley would actually give a shit. In the end. Make a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fic Why the fuck would Sherlock want to have sex with Cas? Why the fuck would Sherlock want to have sex with anyone? (Excluding John.) Anyway. Sherlock and John have finished their first case in America, and now have a bet. John bets he can get laid before the end of the night, and Sherlock will spend the night alone again. Sherlock bets he’ll be getting laid that night too. Searching a bar in Detroit, he finds a rather drunk young man who appears to still be getting over the disappearance of a “hunter”. Despite “Castiel”’s apparent heart break over a man who supposedly hunts mythical creatures, he still turns out to be an almost entertaining way of proving Sherlock’s best friend wrong. Not-so-subtle-Destiel-hints. I wouldn’t read this fanfic. Has there been a one eight fluff? Merlin/Skulduggery? Something tells me no. Are there any story on your list about eleven? Nope. Balthazar’s pretty damn awesome though. There should be. 1 and 7 are in a happy relationship until 9 runs off with 7. 1, heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with 11 and a brief unhappy affair with 12, then follows the wise advice of 5 and finds true love with 2. Merlin and Crowley (UHH) are in a happy relationship until Molly runs off with Crowley (… what?). Merlin, heartbroken, has a hot one night stand with Balthazar (*dies*) and a brief unhappy affair with Loki (O... K), then follows the wise advice of Moriarty (Why? What was he thinking?) and finds true love with Cas. Well. That’s… Odd. Title/Warning for above fic? The Quick Love Story of a Young Warlock (Warning: Quite a lot of Man on Man action) 5,4,7,1, and 3 are playing truth or dare. 5 asks 7, and 7 says truth. 5 asks who 7 loves and 7 after some prodding from 3, confessed their true loves with 4. 4 does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with three. 7 is heartbroken and seeks comfort in 1, while 3 and 4 run into the sunset together. However, 5 is secretly in love with 1 and becomes so jealous of 7, who after the comfort with 1, becomes in a relationship with 1, and so 5 decides to murder 7 but, is stopped in time by the police officer 9 and is sent to prison, allowing 1 and 7 to continue their relationship. Moriarty, Morgana, Crowley, Merlin and Dean are playing truth or dare. Moriarty asks Crowley, and Crowley says truth. Moriarty asks who Crowley loves and Crowley, after some prodding from Dean (love the image that has just formed in my head of Dean poking Crowley), confessed their true love’s with Morgana (fair enough). Morgana does not share the feeling (obviously), and in fact is in a secret relationship with Dean. Crowley is heartbroken and seeks comfort in Merlin, while Dean and Morgana run into the sunset together. However, Moriarty is secretly in love with Merlin (wut) and becomes so jealous of Crowley, who, after the comfort with Merlin, becomes in a relationship with him, and so Moriarty decides the murder Crowley (Good luck. I mean, he’s a fucking demon) but, is stopped in time by police officer Molly (how the fuck did she become a police officer?) and is sent to prison, allowing Merlin and Crowley to continue their relationship. … o.O Title/Warning for above Truth Or Dare (Warning... More man on man I guess, and plus Moriarty goes on a rampage *again*) Suggest a title for a one/eleven Hurt/Comfort fic. Merlin/Balthazar- Distractions (Basically, they’re both using each other as distractions from long and difficult backstories) What kind of plot would you use if four wanted to seduce one? An idea that works in Series 4- Morgana captures Merlin and manages to seduce and rekindle feelings inside Merlin when he used to love her and uses him to kill Arthur. DON'T STEAL IT. TIS MINE. Do any of your friends read seven/nine? Does anyone? I mean, Crowley/Molly? If you wrote a songfic about 12, what song would you use? Loki… Clawfinger- “Biggest the Best”. I don’t really like it, but the lyrics for some verses suit him really well. 6, 3, 4, and 11 are at a bar when 3 makes a drunken confession that 3 is in love with 1. 6 is secretly in love with 3 and plots to abduct 3 to keep 3 away from 1, but is stopped by 4 and 11. However, 6 is so crazed by this point that 6 needs constant watching to make sure 6 doesn't go after 3 again, and 4 and 11 volunteer to do this. As they work together, 4 and 11 develop feelings for each other. They are so distracted by this that 6 escapes and goes on a rampage. Just in time to save 3 and 1 from untimely deaths, 7 magically appears and vanquishes 6 forever. Sherlock, Dean, Morgana and Balthazar are at a bar when Dean makes a drunken confession that he is in love with Merlin (o.O). Sherlock is secretly in love with Dean and plots to abduct Dean to keep him away from Merlin (that’s just slightly possessive and creepy), but is stopped by Morgana and Balthazar. However, Sherlock is so crazed by this point that he needs constant watching o make sure he doesn’t go after Dean again, and Morgana and Balthazar volunteer to do this. As they work together, Morgana and Balthazar develop feelings for each other. They are so distracted by this that Sherlock escapes and goes on a rampage. Just in time to save Dean and Merlin from untimely deaths, Crowley appears and vanquishes Sherlock forever. (What did I just read?) Title/Warnings for the above fic? A Bucketful of Poison (Warning: Character Death, Explicit content) How would 8 react if they found out that 5 and 9 were meeting for a threesome with 2? How would Skulduggery react if he found out that Moriarty and Molly were meeting for a threesome with Cas? … Slightly disturbed, I’d imagine. Six sees 9 naked. His/her reaction? Be completely indifferent. This is Sherlock, after all. Would 12&6 make a good couple? Loki and Sherlock… They’re both just ever-so-slightly psychopathic. Well. Loki’s a psychopath. Sherlock’s a sociopath. Same thing. What would you do if you found 1 and 4 in a closet with a rubber ducky? MY RUBBER DUCKY! YOU BASTARDS! Did Rubber Ducky's even exist back then? Although of course, Mergana used to be my OTP… *smiles creepily* 3 kills 7, what does 3 say? So Dean kills Crowley? Something along the lines of: “That took an unnecessarily long amount of time.” Because seriously. Haven’t they been wanting to kill him for two seasons? Suggest a title for a 8 and 9 fluff story There isn't one. I can't think of a title. Because only a slightly strange and odd-minded person would write a story about a child in a relationship with a fully grown woman. (No offence if you've written a Renesmee/Molly story.) What would be a good pick up line for 12 to use on 4? I’m terrible with pick up lines. Sorry. D’: 3 finds 4&7 kissing. What would 3 do? Dean finds Morgana and Crowley kissing? Stare, slightly confused. I would. You find 10 going through your closet. What would you do? Uh… Doctor? By the way, I set you up on a date with 2. Is in love with Cas already* YOU ARE AMAZING. QUITE SERIOUSLY. I WOULD HUG YOU IF THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN TO BE THE INTERNET AND THEREFORE I HAVE NO ARMS ANYMORE. View my website. Except you can't. Because it doesn't exist. Have a look for yourself: http:/// 95 percent of teenage girls are obsessed with Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato, if your part of the 5 percent that isn't Copy and Paste this onto your profile! 90 of teens would have a nervous breakdown if the Jones brothers were at the top of the empire state building, ready to jump. If you're the 10 that would be yelling 'jump!' post this on you're profile. 95 of teens would have a nervous breakdown if Miley Cyrus was at the top of a building, ready to jump. If youre the 5 that would be yelling 'jump, jump!' Post this on you're profile.
Obviously. Harry Potter Personality Harry Potter. Total = [3] Ron Weasley. Total = [4] Hermione Granger. Total = [5] Rubeus Hagrid. Total = [3] Luna Lovegood. Total = [5] Draco Malfoy. Total = [2] Neville Longbottom. I is two people :O How the hell does that work...?? Hermione and Luna. Meh. Luna's awesome. Quite literally. Awesome. Sorting Hat Test . What House Are You In? Gryffindor: [x] You are loud ] You like going to school to see your friends ] You’ve had more than a couple of detentions ] You have lots of friends ] You always have something to do on the weekends ] You like to be the center of attention [x] You get average to above average grades in school ] You’ve been called bossy before [x] You’re a bit of a daredevil / you like an adrenaline rush ] You are athletic ] You are one of the best players on your team [x] You would do anything for your loved ones [x] You like the color red [x] Your favorite class is Transfiguration or DADA (DADA :)) ] You would never break a promise TOTAL: 8 Hufflepuff: [x] You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends [x] You get average grades in school ] You’ve been called boring before ] You don’t like to brag about your achievements (:D) [x] You value honesty [x] You don’t mind working hard to get what you want [x] You like the color yellow ] You have a job ] You are athletic [x] You are a team player ] You are in the middle of the social totem pole [x] You are easily amused [x] You like helping others ] Your favorite class is Herbology or Divination ] You like the music played on the radio best TOTAL: 8 Ravenclaw: [x] You get good grades in school [x] You like to read [x] Dumb people annoy you [x] You are creative [x] You’ve been called a know-it-all (or a nerd) before [x] You would say your intelligence level is higher than most ] You hate cheating (Doesn't mean I do cheat ;)) [x] People often want you to help them with homework or projects [x] You are more into the creative arts : theatre, dancing, drawing, etc. [/] You are extremely logical in your way of thinking (Sort of. Most of the time I am.) [x] You are considered shy or quiet by people you don’t know [x] You like the color blue ] Your favorite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures [x] You tend to over analyze things [x] You can focus and pay attention well TOTAL: 12.5 Slytherin: [x] You are very competitive (Though I try not to be a sore loser/Boast about winning...) [x] You like the finer things in life ] You think welfare is a waste [x] You've made fun of someone in the past week (Except she's my best friend, and I always make fun of her. It pisses her off a bit, but meh :)) ] You've been called a snob before ] You think the end justifies the mean ] You’re not afraid to say something to someone else’s face ] You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you (There's only one person who's jealous of me.) [/] You’ve made someone cry by just saying something to them (I might have done before, I can't remember. There was one a year where I became a little spiteful and stuff because of a big friendship crisis thing.) [x] You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc (Everybody does. Unless they're like Umbridge. But Moriarty or Loki?) [x] You are very good with words [x] Above all, you want to be successful in life [x] You like the color green [x] You love to win [x] Your favorite class is Potions or DADA (DADA :)) TOTAL: 9 (Oh dear.) RAVENCLAW FOR THE WIN!! Because I'm a Ravenclaw. On everything. Including Pottermore. "You save my life. I save yours. That's how we work." "Until the end." -Valduggery- V&S forever... Until the end. I just updated my profile simply so I could put lines in it :) . This looks quite fun :D Step 1. Put your ipod on shuffle Step 2. For every question you must press the next button to get your answer Step 3. IF SOMEONE ASKS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY The Last Fight- Bullet for my Valentine. (Sounds dramatic, I guess. I suppose that basically means NO. I WILL FIGHT FOR... WHATEVER MAKES SENSE.) WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY Streets of Nowhere-Lost Prophets. (So, what. I'm lonely and mysterious? Meh. That's pretty cool.) WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL This isn't the End- A Skylit Drive (I suppose that means a long relationship. And yeah, I do like relationships that last long.) HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY Last to Know- Bullet for my Valentine. (I... think people keep keeping things from me? Ok.. Not exactly true, but ok..) WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE Bulletproof love- Pierce the Veil. (Love is my life's purpose. It's not actually, but it's something I wish to achieve. I'm a hopeless romantic. Forgive me.) WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO The Running Free- Coheed and Cambria (Be free, apparently. It's not. My motto's at the very top of the profile. Thing.) WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU Jealous- Darren Styles & Breeze (No idea who they are, but anyway: I hope not. I don't want people to think I'm a very jealous person. Unless they're jealous of me, because that, sir, is a very different story ;)) WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN The Walk- Periphery (This is actually now quite true .) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND(S) Homesick- A Day to Remember (I DO know who they are! And I don't think they're very homesick. We only spend roughly 6 hours at school.) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE Ma Pomme- Maurice Chavalier (Ok, 1. Who..? Why do I have French Cafe Classics on my computer? And 2. I don't think he's an apple. He doesn't really look like one, and naturally I have no idea if he tastes like one. I don't go around eating people.) WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY Last Chance Blueprint- Rise Against (I was... What, rushed? I have no idea. Most of Rise Against's songs are War/Political songs so I doubt that's true.) WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU Untitled finale- Atreyu. (I'm going to say that means they think I have tons of dramatic tantrums and don't say why I'm having a tantrum. Which I hope is not true.) WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING Forgiven- Within Temptation (Well, it's nice and slow. It's quite sad, so not particularly fitting, but it's slow.) WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL Thorns- Charlie Simpson (Fair enough. I think.) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS Brick by boring brick- Paramore (I... don't know what to make of that. It's an awesome song, so let's just say that my friends are awesome. :) They're not particularly boring.) WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN Hymn for the missing- Red. (Let's say I'll go missing. Or somebody I love will go missing. Which would be pretty depressing and/or scary.) HOW WILL YOU DIE Face of Melinda- Opeth. (So this person, Melinda, will kill me. I don't know why. Maybe she'll be my arch-nemesis... I'm supposed to die in a battle with my Arch-nemesis at the age of 35. Ah, I hate her already. Sorry, Melinda.) WHAT IS ONE THING YOU REGRET Gap in the Fence- Enter Shikari. (... Er... Not building/painting a fence properly?) WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH Heartburn- Architects (That's sadistic and quite disturbing.) WHAT MAKES YOU CRY Wolves at the end of the street- Maroon. (Wolves? At the end of my street? One, that will never happen, or, at least, it's incredibly unlikely. And two, that wouldn't make me cry; I think I'd be too terrified to cry.) WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED No sleep tonight-Enter Shikari. (... I'll... take.. that.. as a Yes...) WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST Alone with the sea- Hurt. (I think that's saying being alone and surrounded by just water. The second scares me, so that makes sense. Sort of.) DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU Don't shoot me Santa- The Killers (Santa obviously doesn't.) IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE Jenny was a friend of mine.- The Killers. (Jenny's death. Which is completely understandable; or at least it would be, if I knew someone called Jenny.) THE NEXT SONG WILL BE YOUR SUBJECT Bite my tongue (ft. Oli Sykes)- You Me at Six. (Good song, but my... my... Subject? What? Do I now write a paragraph about it or something?) SMILE! (x . x) |