A/N Hello again! I was looking at the characters I use and I realised that I've been using pretty much the same people everytime. Could you guys send in characters? You can also send it questions if you want :) Enjoy
2) Valkyrie
3) Fletcher
4) Baron Vengeous
5) Skulduggery
6) Tanith
7) Tesseract
8) China
9) Scapegrace
10) Alexander Remit
1. 8, 7 and 3 decide to start a band. What instruments do they play?
China, Tesseract and Fletcher start a band. Well, first off, China would play something elegant like the violin or the flute (not typical band instruments, but whatever), Tesseract would play something awesome like the bass guitar- no, a saw. XD Fletcher would be epic at drums, but somehow I don't see this band lasting very long…
2. 9, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6 and 5 are on holiday when they discover that the hotel they are staying at is four beds short. Where does everyone sleep?
Scapegrace, Valkyrie, Ghastly, Baron Vengeous, Fletcher, Tanith and Skulduggery are on holiday (Oookkkkk…) and there are only three beds. Fletcher would probably go home, and then the others…
Valkyrie +Skulduggery (obviously)
Tanith+Ghastly (obviously)
Leaving… Scapegrace and Baron Vengeous?
Somehow I think Scapegrace would be long dead in the morning…
3. 2 proposes to 4. Do they accept?
Valkyrie proposes to Baron Vengeous?... Depends. Do you have a secret crush? XD 3 Oooh :P
4. 8/3 or 8/10?
China/Fletcher or China/Remit?
Well. Hard choice. But I say Fletchina, because at least Fletch actually likes her
5. A new student moves into your class. It's 3! What do you do?!
What's Fletcher doing my class?! I go to an all-girls school!
That's probably unfortunate for him, because I can think of at least twelve girls that would play with his hair XD
6. How would you feel if you found out that 9 is your long-lost twin?
If Scapegrace was my long lost twin, I would find a hole in the ground and hide for the rest of my life…
7. 2 and 7 are a couple. 1 is stalking 2. 7 is having an affair with 9 and 10 tells 2. 2 is heart-broken and runs off with 5. 1, mad with jealousy, kills 5 and kidnaps 2. (Poor 2…)
Valkyrie and Tesseract are a couple. Ghastly is stalking Valkyrie (Ghaskyrie!). Tesseract is having an affair with Scapegrace and Alexander Remit tells Val. Val is heartbroken and runs off with Skulduggery (Valduggery fans everywhere celebrate!). Ghastly, mad with jealousy, kills Skulduggery (…and Valduggery fans everywhere weep) :'( and kidnaps Valkyrie.
… That may be the randomest thing I've ever written…
8. 6/2 or 6/3?
Tanith/Valkyrie or Tanith/Fletcher?
Where's the Tanith/Ghastly option?
9. Would 5/9 be a good couple?
No. Just no. Not even I ship that.
10. 7 and 1 break into your house. Do you a) hug them, b) call the police, c) phone your friend and shriek, 'I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!' d) run off with them or e) start quoting the books at them?
Tesseract and Ghastly break into my house (Guess they're sick of punching each other).
A), C), D) and E) at the same time :D
11. When 8 was a kid, what do you think he/she wanted to be?
When China was a kid, I bet she wanted to be a princess. Aww, little China would've been pretty cute :)
After she grew out of her princess faze, she probably just wanted to be the same rich collector/symbol expert that she is today. Well, was, until her library blew up.
12. 6 writes a soppy love letter to 9. 4 finds it. What does 4 do?
Tanith writes a soppy love letter to Scapegrace. Baron Vengeous finds it.
I dunno. Would he use it as blackmail material? Or would he do the same as me, and buy up all the eye bleach in the area?
13. Have you read a fic about 10 recently?
Alexander Remit?
No, actually. I should look one up :)
14. Would 9 give their life for 1?
Scapegrace is too cowardly to give his life for anyone, least of all Ghastly :( WE HATE YOU SCAPEGRACE!
15. Would 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 win a ballet competition?
Would Ghastly, Valkyrie, Fletcher, Baron Vengeous, Skulduggery, Tanith, Tesseract, China, Scapegrace or Alexander Remit win a ballet competition?
Tesseract. Hands down :)
A/N I'm so glad it's only two weeks until the holidays :) I'll definitely update then, both this and the one shots. And I'll probably sit down for an entire day trying to write for my main story, but Darquesse is just IMPOSSIBLE to write :'(
Anyway guys, PLEASE review! PLEASE!
Lots of love,
-Saph :)