I have bad news, dear readers.

This will be the last chapter.

Most of this chapter was written before I read KOTW (on August first) and after, I found I couldn't write it at all. Much of KOTW's plot (no spoilers) mirrors the planned storyline of this fic, and I knew i'd be bored to tears "rewriting" that, and felt readers would be too. I had lost almost all inspiration, except for the Skulduggery/Valkyrie fluff and my OCs, and decided I could salvage that and move those elements into a new fic anyway.

So this will be the last chapter. I'm sorry. I feel especially bad for ending it so short!

if you're desperate to know an answer (Do they get married? Is Spite Clarent a total hottie? What was up with Fire Guy anyway?) ask in the reviews and I'll reply if I can. The least I can do, haha.

Thank you for the wonderful reviews. It's been fun.

"I have no idea, okay?"

Valkyrie raised her eyes to the ceiling, trying to scoff as silently as she could while she bent back her head.

"What's she doing?" The man said gruffly, a note of panic in his voice. He twitched in his seat, trying to turn to catch a glimpse of Valkyrie. His ankles were shackled, however, which meant all he could do was disturb the chair until it nearly tipped over.

Valkyrie stuck out her tongue at him.

"None of your business," Skulduggery said smoothly, shooting Valkyrie a look over the brim of his sunglasses. She smiled, tongue caught between her teeth.

The man settled back in his seat uncertainly. She hadn't fought him- he was one of Ghastly's, most likely, but he had figured out who she was when he had waken up in the Sanctuary. Named her before Skulduggery, actually. Probably due to his insistence of wearing his brand new sunglasses.

This lovely specimen had pointed out to the detectives by his friends, citing him as the only one who would know anything about their employer.

Unfortunately, that wasn't very much.

"I don't have any clue who they were. My… group, we do freelance a lot. Set up a public email. We got a message with some pictures and money thrown into our … It sounded easy, so we went after them. I honestly don't know anything."

"It came with pictures?"

"That's the weird part. Not, photos, but like… illustrations. Not posed ones, either. Drawings of them eating or talking or whatever. It was kinda unnerving, but I just figured he was stalking them anyway. No note of their powers, though, which was something we normally ask for. I tried to look it up myself… the man can do the ninja thing, right, and his sister… she's good with guns and stuff, yeah?"

"Perfect aim, every time," Valkyrie corrected.

"That's it. So we tried to corner them before she could get any weapons from the bag check. It didn't work, obviously, and here we are." He said it childishly, with a little stomp of his feet. "That's all. I swear."

"Tell us a little about your group, then," Skulduggery said casually, walking around him.

The man groaned. "I think you know enough to get us thrown in jail for the next two hundred years, thanks."

"A freebie, then?"

"Not that I have a choice, really."

"Not at all," Skulduggery said. "But you can say yes, and it'll be almost as if you do."

The man sighed. "Just go ahead."

"Where to next, then?"

Skulduggery sat beside her in a cheap chair outside of the interview room while other Sanctuary agents finished up, doing… whatever finishing entitled. Valkyrie glanced up at the ceiling again, drawing out her response. There were no cracks on ceiling at New Haven.

"Where we always go when we're stuck and need information," She said finally, with a lick of reluctance. "She's been bothering me about bringing you back around." She turned towards him, and watched with a smirk as Skulduggery's broad shoulders slumped slightly.

"You'll survive a visit, Skulduggery." She stood in front of him, playfully bumping her knees into his.

"I know," said Skulduggery, moody already. "That doesn't mean I want to go."

"I know," she said, and leaned down, curving her fingers into his collar, pulling him slightly closer to her. "I'm sorry," she murmured into his jaw line.

"Does that mean I don't have to go?" He asked in a murmur. His head tilted, pressing her mouth into a kiss along his jaw. She laughed and pulled back.

"Lemme think," she said thoughtfully. "…No."

His shoulders slumped again.

"Come on, lazy bones." She stood up and pulled him up after her, pulling him by the hand out the Sanctuary's front doors. After Roarhaven had been destroyed as well, it was time to start from scratch… and New Haven, named after the previous sanctuary, wasn't too bad for an improvement. It almost made Valkyrie stop feeling guilty about Roarhaven. Almost.

Located in a particularly beautiful part of Ireland, New Haven was a magical community including several neighborhoods, specialty stores (including Bespoke's Tailors), two small towns, with the Sanctuary nestled safely in the center, surrounded by the rest. She and Skulduggery lived on the edge of the entire thing, close enough to stay connected, but not to the extent where they'd have to worry about mage kids asking for autographs and mage teenagers trying to steal their property as a trophy to bring back to friends. It still happened, but those were the cool kids. Those were the dedicated ones, with beat up knees and sticks in their hair and a story to tell.

Being a famous mage was difficult, but worth it, Valkyrie thought as she gave a quick wave to a group of girls who were staring in amazement at her and her partner. From the other side of the building, Amelia bustled out, one arm bandaged and looking miffed that she actually had to visit a doctor.

"What are you two up to?" She said, bounding toward their car in the parking lot like a puppy.

"Heading to a library for research on someone who could have hired these guys."

She deflated, actually drooped and hung her arms limply like a rag doll. "How dull," she exclaimed in a mock whine.

Skulduggery tilted his head at her. "You're not the one being forced to go."

Amelia straightened up. "True, Mr. Cain. I sympathize." She squinted at the two of them, as if trying to figure something out. Her glasses were missing, though, so it was entirely possible she just couldn't see them. "You guys are going to turn something boring into something interesting though, right?"

"Possibly," Skulduggery answered.

"Amelia, you really don't have to make excuses for when you're bored, you know."

"Be quiet, detective, I am entirely there for the aftermath of whatever goes down. China's, right? That'll be interesting."

Skulduggery let out a small hiss through his teeth.

"Wait," Amelia said, holding up a slim hand and looking confused. "Am I not supposed to say her name out loud, or…"

"No, he's just sulking. Head out there in your car, we'll catch up." She was nodding before Valkyrie even finished speaking, spinning around and bounding off to her car.

A moment of silence passed, and Skulduggery glanced at Valkyrie. "It is to much to hope you lied to her and we're going straight home, right?"

"That's strangely optimistic of you."

"I'm turning over a new leaf. And the leaf is 'desperation."

"We are going to China Sorrows' library, Mr. Pleasant. I'm just making sure you'll be on your best behavior.

"I only set a few books on fire, last time."

She fought off a laugh. "Stop. I'm serious, no causing trouble with her. She apologized. She even got you a replacement for the Bentley, remember?" She didn't add that he refused to take it. "I'm not asking you to forgive her, but she is my friend, and it's been several hundred years. Be civil. That's all I ask."

"I can be brave, handsome, intelligent, and occasionally nice. Civil is asking a rather lot of a man like me."

"I know," Valkyrie said. "But I believe in you." she said cheerfully. "Now, no more procrastinating. Car. Now."'

He slouched in a sulking matter for a few more seconds and then walked around the car, sliding into the driver's seat. She slid in after him, turning so he couldn't see her smile. And he thought she sulked.

The drive was a short one, (China had also relocated to be closer to New Haven) spent in silence, which was most likely Skulduggery's way of making her feel guilty about forcing him to go with her. Or he was thinking, seriously, about China. She preferred the former theory. Something unwanted and heavy settled into her stomach, but it was too late to turn around. They had arrived. Skulduggery parked, delaying the inevitable, while Valkyrie strolled to the entrance.

China Sorrows library was built like a piece of art, but it was sturdy enough for a war. It was beautiful and columned, covered in protective symbols. It, like her,seemed at first glance to be delicate enough to break. But there was something hard and frightening about the perfect angles. The spacing and supports formed a labyrinth from the parking lot, past the entrance, fencing the building in. It looked reinforced, serious, like it was daring anyone under the age of ninety to enter.

Valkyrie shook off the sudden unease and entered, nodding at the man at the front desk, and entering the main lobby. Few people knew it was a copy of the interior of China's original library. Even fewer could tell the difference. But they were there- a few extra shelves, rearranged sections, and more spaced out in generally. China's library had never been cosy, but there was something more intimate about the first, and something more safe about the second. That might have been due to the fact she been attacked about a dozen times at the original library, and only… oh, three or four times? at the replica.

She found Amelia at a table immediately, thanks to her hair. She was surrounded by a stack of books on magic theory.

"Sorry. I tried to look up modern criminals, but it was really obtuse."

"And magic theory isn't?"

"Shush, you uncultured swine. I am learning. Tell me if you need anything, though."

"Will do," Valkyrie murmured, taking in Amelia's perfect posture, the way her clothes had been straightened out, the scholarly looking glasses perched on her wide nose.

It made sense for her to be studying- Amelia was still young enough to be considered a student of magic, and an apprenticeship with China was a coveted position. The best way to get it was for China to discover you herself- added to the fact she never left her library, it made sense that someone like Amelia was making an effort to be there in China's library, looking smart.

That's the explanation Amelia gave her for visiting the library more than Valkyrie did.

China Sorrows was just a deal sweetener, Amelia assured her.

A couple men and women in black and white uniforms flocked around the woman herself, dressed in a green Chinese dress and heels. They stood in the doorway of her office, and she looked bemused as the argued animatedly amongst themselves.

"Well, the party will have to be on the first floor," started a man with a high pitched voice.

"There's more room on the second, though."

"She already said no, don't you listen to her?"

Valkyrie blinked. Grown men and women bickering like children while around China wasn't strange, but a party?

She opened her mouth to say hello, but China noticed her first. Her eyes softened, dismissing the people in uniform with a nod and a smile.

"Valkyrie, my dear. And you brought Skulduggery. It's been a while."

The elemental turned, finding Skulduggery behind her. She hadn't even heard him come in.

"That it has," Skulduggery said, voice coolly neutral.

China's rogue lipped smile faltered for the tiniest second. "A shame," she said carefully. "You're looking beautiful, Valkyrie. The style suits you."

Valkyrie chastised herself for the tiny burst of pride at the compliment. Fades, but never really goes away was a little too on point for China. "Thanks. What were they talking about, for the party?"

"Did I forget to tell you?" China asked, like all her parties didn't spread by reputation instead of invite. She pushed a strand of midnight black hair behind her ear, attempting bashfully forgetful. "My birthday is within the week. You're both invited."

Valkyrie blinked. "Your birthday is in July? I had no idea." And only weeks apart from hers! It made sense, though, that she was a Leo.

"I don't normally celebrate it, my dear. But you only turn five hundred once, I suppose."

Valkyrie rocked back on her heels. "Five hundred?"

China smile widened. "I'm flattered that you didn't have any idea, but I am starting to show it. Mages age in the mortal way slowly, but we age in our own way as well. Magic symbols fade, of course. Magical crest tattoos were all the rage a little before you were born- those are burning off, fast, now. Magic doesn't last forever, and anything left on our skin will show how old we are."

"Huh." She would have been happy to continue the conversation, but the cold silence of Skulduggery beside her reminded that she was on a mission.

"Do you know anyone who would be attempting to put a hit on Tanith and Ghastly's kids?"

"Oh my," China said without sincerity as she turned her back to them, reaching for a brand new ereader. "Are the poor dears all right?"

"Fine." Skulduggery said, with just as much emotion.

"Thank goodness." She consulted the touch screen and then put it back. "I have some criminal records in the back over there," she said, motioning towards the left, "if you'd like to check that, Skulduggery?"

He left without a word.

"Isn't that section on curses?" Valkyrie asked.

"Is it?" China said. "Silly me."

She handed Valkyrie another ereader. "If I know, it's on there. Now, sit."

With a frown, Valkyrie settled in an elegant armchair. China sat across from her.

"How are things, my dear? It's been such a long time."

Valkyrie shifted to her left, avoiding a spring. "I was attacked yesterday. Some lunatic in a cave. Same old, same old."

China smiled, an uninterested smile. "Formalities aside, we have important things to talk about… "

"I thought you'd be uninterested in my dating life after this thing with Skulduggery started," Valkyrie answered, already knowing what "important things" was a euphuism for.

"What did you think I was waiting for while you were dating Fletcher, my dear?"

Valkyrie opened her mouth. Then closed it. "You… you were pushing me towards Skulduggery?"

"Guilty as charged. Of course, it went entirely over your head, and in the end, I suspect my involvement had no effect, but…"

Valkyrie squinted. "I think I have to rethink my teenage years now."

China laughed, a lovely sound. "I think we both agree that I was helping you towards what was best for you, though?"

The detective nodded. "Feels like it."

"Glad to hear everything is going smoothly," China said, and she didn't even try to hide how pleased she sound.

"Right. Smoothly." She saw Amelia's hair out of the corner of her eye, remembered the conversation that morning. "Thank God for that."

Valkyrie found Skulduggery in the curse section with a heavy heart. She held the ereader in her hand. "This is what we need. She sent you on a wild goose chase. Sorry."

"Should I be concerned about the fact that she sent me away to talk to you?"

"You can see it that way, or you can see it as a "get out of talking to China free" card. It all depends on how you look at it."

"When the card comes from China herself, I'm not inclined to trust it."

"Fine. I'll tell you later," she said vaguely. "Let's just go." They returned to the car in the growing dusk, Valkyrie pressing her thumb into the ereader's drive.

She opened the door without looking at it, only to smack her head while trying to get in.

She heard a low chuckle and she glared at Skulduggery, rubbing the top of her head. He straightened, looking as innocent as a skeleton could, and then positioned himself in the driver's seat. Valkyrie pressed her lips together, pushed back a growl. Schadenfreude was an improvement from his steady, silent anger over China, she reckoned.

Already expecting at headache, she started up the ereader, headed towards the news, and prepared herself for some long, dry reading on the way home.

Her eyes flicked down the articles, mortal mixed with mage, page by page, as the darkening landscape of New Haven flickered by. It was dry reading, and Skulduggery had gone quiet to help her concentrate. Which was, of course, helpful, but she couldn't help but wish she was the one driving and he could go do the boring reading.

Besides a muggle report of strange activity at the airport, there was nothing. Not even on what Valkyrie called "villain's craigslist"- the site where the gang they had been found by their mysterious benefactor. It was wiped clean- she couldn't find anything later than May on their hits. Nevertheless, she pulled her phone out and copied the information.

"Nothing," she cried out in frustration. "All dead ends. None of our sources are working. On two different cases. We haven't had something go this badly since the Gargoy-"

"We do not talk about that case, Valkyrie."

"…Paris," she finished lamely. "What the hell are we going to do?"

"….Maybe we're looking in the wrong place."

Valkyrie groaned. "I've checked everywhere. Everywhere. Where else would we get info on these things?'

"In each other, perhaps. Think about it- two different situations, seemingly unrelated, wiped completely cleaned from the internet, files, and the minds of everyone we know. If we overlap them-"

"Then one of them might provide the information the other lacks. … Damn, that's actually a good idea. A really good idea. I didn't know you had it in you."

There was a comfortable silence.

"…Actually, it was Gordon's idea. I called him in the library."

Valkyrie rolled her eyes. "I knew it was too good to be true."

"I should clarify. It was 60 percent my idea, 40 percent Gordon's. You can return to praising me now."

"Oh, of course. So what now?"

"We meet Gordon, of course." There was a bit of a wince to Skulduggery's voice as he spoke- which was probably him anticipating Valkyrie throwing her head back against the seat with frustration.

"I want to sleep," Valkyrie moaned, squeezing her eyes shut. Skulduggery's hand found hers, squeezed tightly. She took comfort in it, until she felt her stomach go left as the rest of her went right.

"Both hands on the wheel," she said, as the car nearly swerved off the road.

"Sorry, dear."

"When will we get there?"

"It's 11:50… before 1 am, I think."

Valkyrie groaned. "I miss Fletcher."

Skulduggery made an offended noise. "What am I to you, then?"

"Not Fletcher," she said, shutting her eyes and forcing back a smile.

Skulduggery shook his head. "You haven't seen the boy in eighty years, and I'm still being compared to him. And coming up short. Why do I even bother?"

"Because I'm worth it," Valkyrie answered, turning her head away.

"A subject up to debate…"

Valkyrie's head turned sharply.

"…But I find I agree." He tilted his head at his partner, who scowled good naturedly and returned her head to its previous position.

"Wake me up when we arrive at Gordon's."


She fell asleep to Skulduggery humming 'Lady is a Tramp' cheerfully.