![]() Author has written 10 stories for Life, X-Men: The Movie, Labyrinth, Sherlock Holmes, Leverage, Dragon Age, Walking Dead, and Avengers. I write my stories to music. Usually I will list the songs at the beginning of the chapter. If you ever have a question about a band, or singer please ask! It is always nice to introduce others to new music. I tend to write novella length fiction and short 1k to 2k word one shots. I've been writing fan fiction since I was 14, which means it is now over twenty years. Of course back then I didn't know it was called fan fiction and so many, many people told me I was doing something wrong. Writing would get me no where. I'm bringing you fiction that makes you smile, cry, scream, call out for more and hope for more. If you feel the same then don't listen to the nay sayers. Work at your fiction until you love it. I use various mentions of popular books, series, movies, etc... If you have an issue with any of those that I use then please take it up in an email or private message. Not on the review page. That also goes for any corrections you may think I have to make. They go in an email or private message, because I would never ever do that to you. I also do NOT have to acknowledge copyrights on any author that is out of copyright. So I won't. There isn't any need. I review everything I read. You should too. I edited the picture to make my avatar. Please do not use it. I delete anon reviews that make me ask what the fuck you were thinking when you wrote it. It may make sense to you to read it and say "yeah that's what I mean!" and post it. It does NOT always come across like that when I read it. Also, if you don't know what something is, please Google first. Twitter handle: TruthChaosSandra |